AxisProperties.setProperty("axis.doAutoTypes", String.valueOf(connector.isDoAutoTypes()));
String style = (String) endpoint.getProperties().get(AxisConnector.STYLE);
String use = (String) endpoint.getProperties().get(AxisConnector.USE);
String doc = (String) endpoint.getProperties().get("documentation");
EndpointURI uri = endpoint.getEndpointURI();
String serviceName = flowConstruct.getName();
SOAPService existing = this.connector.getAxis().getService(serviceName);
if (existing != null)
soapService = existing;
logger.debug("Using existing service for " + serviceName);
// Check if the style is message. If so, we need to create
// a message oriented provider
if (style != null && style.equalsIgnoreCase("message"))
logger.debug("Creating Message Provider");
soapService = new SOAPService(new MuleMsgProvider(connector));
// } else if (style != null && style.equalsIgnoreCase("document")) {
// logger.debug("Creating Doc Provider");
// service = new SOAPService(new MuleDocLitProvider(connector));
logger.debug("Creating RPC Provider");
soapService = new SOAPService(new MuleRPCProvider(connector));
String servicePath = uri.getPath();
soapService.setOption(serviceName, this);
soapService.setOption(AxisConnector.SERVICE_PROPERTY_SERVCE_PATH, servicePath);
soapService.setOption(AxisConnector.SERVICE_PROPERTY_COMPONENT_NAME, serviceName);
// Add any custom options from the Descriptor config
Map options = (Map) endpoint.getProperties().get(AXIS_OPTIONS);
// IF wsdl service name is not set, default to service name
if (options == null)
options = new HashMap(2);
if (options.get("wsdlServiceElement") == null)
options.put("wsdlServiceElement", serviceName);
Map.Entry entry;
for (Iterator iterator = options.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
entry = (Map.Entry);
soapService.setOption(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue());
logger.debug("Adding Axis option: " + entry);
// set method names
Class[] interfaces = AxisServiceProxy.getInterfacesForComponent(service);
if (interfaces.length == 0)
throw new InitialisationException(
AxisMessages.objectMustImplementAnInterface(serviceName), service);
// You must supply a class name if you want to restrict methods
// or specify the 'allowedMethods' property in the axisOptions property
String methodNames = "*";
Map methods = (Map) endpoint.getProperties().get(AxisConnector.SOAP_METHODS);
if (methods != null)
Iterator i = methods.keySet().iterator();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(64);
while (i.hasNext())
String name = (String);
Object m = methods.get(name);
SoapMethod method;
if (m instanceof List)
method = new SoapMethod(name, (List) m);
method = new SoapMethod(name, (String) m);
List namedParameters = method.getNamedParameters();
ParameterDesc[] parameters = new ParameterDesc[namedParameters.size()];
for (int j = 0; j < namedParameters.size(); j++)
NamedParameter parameter = (NamedParameter) namedParameters.get(j);
byte mode = ParameterDesc.INOUT;
if (parameter.getMode().equals(ParameterMode.IN))
mode = ParameterDesc.IN;
else if (parameter.getMode().equals(ParameterMode.OUT))
mode = ParameterDesc.OUT;
parameters[j] = new ParameterDesc(parameter.getName(), mode, parameter.getType());
new OperationDesc(method.getName().getLocalPart(), parameters, method.getReturnType()));
buf.append(method.getName().getLocalPart() + ",");
methodNames = buf.toString();
methodNames = methodNames.substring(0, methodNames.length() - 1);
String[] methodNamesArray = AxisServiceProxy.getMethodNames(interfaces);
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(64);
for (int i = 0; i < methodNamesArray.length; i++)
methodNames = buf.toString();
methodNames = methodNames.substring(0, methodNames.length() - 1);
String className = interfaces[0].getName();
// The namespace of the service.
// Todo use the service qname in Mule 2.0
String namespace = (String) endpoint.getProperties().get(SERVICE_NAMESPACE);
if (namespace == null)
namespace = Namespaces.makeNamespace(className);
// WSDL override
String wsdlFile = (String) endpoint.getProperties().get("wsdlFile");
if (wsdlFile != null)
* Now we set up the various options for the SOAPService. We set:
* RPCProvider.OPTION_WSDL_SERVICEPORT In essense, this is our service name
* RPCProvider.OPTION_CLASSNAME This tells the serverProvider (whether it be
* an AvalonProvider or just JavaProvider) what class to load via
* "makeNewServiceObject". RPCProvider.OPTION_SCOPE How long the object
* loaded via "makeNewServiceObject" will persist - either request, session,
* or application. We use the default for now.
* RPCProvider.OPTION_WSDL_TARGETNAMESPACE A namespace created from the
* package name of the service. RPCProvider.OPTION_ALLOWEDMETHODS What
* methods the service can execute on our class. We don't set:
setOptionIfNotset(soapService, JavaProvider.OPTION_WSDL_SERVICEPORT, serviceName);
setOptionIfNotset(soapService, JavaProvider.OPTION_CLASSNAME, className);
setOptionIfNotset(soapService, JavaProvider.OPTION_SCOPE, "Request");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(namespace))
setOptionIfNotset(soapService, JavaProvider.OPTION_WSDL_TARGETNAMESPACE, namespace);
// Set the allowed methods, allow all if there are none specified.
if (methodNames == null)
setOptionIfNotset(soapService, JavaProvider.OPTION_ALLOWEDMETHODS, "*");
setOptionIfNotset(soapService, JavaProvider.OPTION_ALLOWEDMETHODS, methodNames);
// Note that Axis has specific rules to how these two variables are
// combined. This is handled for us
// Set style: RPC/wrapped/Doc/Message
if (style != null)
Style s = Style.getStyle(style);
if (s == null)
throw new CreateException(
CoreMessages.valueIsInvalidFor(style, AxisConnector.STYLE), this);
// Set use: Endcoded/Literal
if (use != null)
Use u = Use.getUse(use);
if (u == null)
throw new CreateException(CoreMessages.valueIsInvalidFor(use, AxisConnector.USE),
// Tell Axis to try and be intelligent about serialization.
// TypeMappingRegistryImpl registry = (TypeMappingRegistryImpl)
// service.getTypeMappingRegistry();
// TypeMappingImpl tm = (TypeMappingImpl) registry.();
// Handle complex bean type automatically
// registry.setDoAutoTypes( true );
// Axis 1.2 fix to handle autotypes properly
// AxisProperties.setProperty("axis.doAutoTypes",
// String.valueOf(connector.isDoAutoTypes()));
// TODO Load any explicitly defined bean types
// List types = (List) descriptor.getProperties().get(BEAN_TYPES);
// connector.registerTypes(registry, types);
// Add initialisation callback for the Axis service
Component component = service.getComponent();
if (component instanceof JavaComponent)
((AbstractJavaComponent) component).getObjectFactory().addObjectInitialisationCallback(
new AxisInitialisationCallback(soapService));
if (uri.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase("servlet"))
String endpointUrl = uri.getAddress() + "/" + serviceName;
endpointUrl = endpointUrl.replaceFirst("servlet:", "http:");
soapService.getServiceDescription().setEndpointURL(uri.getAddress() + "/" + serviceName);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(namespace))