+ "</mule:header>"
+ "</soapenv:Header>"
+ "<soapenv:Body><echo soapenv:encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\"><value0 xsi:type=\"soapenc:string\" xmlns:soapenc=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\">Test Message</value0></echo></soapenv:Body>"
+ "</soapenv:Envelope>", muleContext);
MuleMessage reply = client.send("http://localhost:" + getPorts().get(0) + "/services/component", soapRequest, properties);
// Put this in so that no spurious exceptions are thrown
// TODO research and see why sometimes we get 404 or Connection refused
// errors without this line. Note that the test completes even when the
// exceptions are thrown.
assertEquals(EXPECTED_RESPONSE, reply.getPayloadAsString());