Package org.mozilla.javascript

Examples of org.mozilla.javascript.Context$WrapHandlerProxy

    protected void assertJavascript(String expectedOutput, String jsonData, String code, String testInfo) throws IOException {
        // build the code, something like
        //  data = <jsonData> ;
        //  <code>
        final String jsCode = "data=" + jsonData + ";\n" + code;
        final Context rhinoContext = Context.enter();
        final ScriptableObject scope = rhinoContext.initStandardObjects();

        // execute the script, out script variable maps to sw
        final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true);
        ScriptableObject.putProperty(scope, "out", Context.javaToJS(pw, scope));
        final int lineNumber = 1;
        final Object securityDomain = null;
        rhinoContext.evaluateString(scope, jsCode, getClass().getSimpleName(),
                lineNumber, securityDomain);

        // check script output
        final String result = sw.toString().trim();
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      String resultStr = "";
      boolean result = false;

      // now evaluate the condition using JavaScript
      Context cx = Context.enter();
      try {
          Scriptable scope = cx.initStandardObjects(null);
          Object cxResultObject =
            cx.evaluateString(scope, cond
          /*** conditionString ***/
          , "<cmd>", 1, null);
          resultStr = Context.toString(cxResultObject);

          if (resultStr.equals("false")) {
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  public String compile (String coffeeScriptSource) {
        Context context = Context.enter();
        try {
            Scriptable compileScope = context.newObject(globalScope);
            compileScope.put("coffeeScriptSource", compileScope, coffeeScriptSource);
            try {
                return (String)context.evaluateString(compileScope, String.format("CoffeeScript.compile(coffeeScriptSource, %s);", options.toJavaScript()),
                        "JCoffeeScriptCompiler", 0, null);
            } catch (JavaScriptException e) {
                throw new CoffeeScriptCompileException(e);
        } finally {
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        InputStream inputStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream("org/jcoffeescript/coffee-script.js");
        try {
            try {
                Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream, "UTF-8");
                try {
                    Context context = Context.enter();
                    context.setOptimizationLevel(-1); // Without this, Rhino hits a 64K bytecode limit and fails
                    try {
                        globalScope = context.initStandardObjects();
                        context.evaluateReader(globalScope, reader, "coffee-script.js", 0, null);
                    } finally {
                } finally {
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            this.script = script;
            this.converter = converter;

        public XLoper execute(IFunctionContext context, XLoper[] args) throws RequestException {
            Context ctx = Context.enter();
            Object[] oargs = converter.convert(args, BSFScript.createArgHints(args));
            ScriptableObject so = ctx.initStandardObjects();
            Scriptable argsObj = ctx.newArray(so, oargs);
            so.defineProperty("args", argsObj, ScriptableObject.DONTENUM);
            try {
                return converter.createFrom(script.exec(ctx, so));
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                throw new RequestException(t.getMessage());
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    public Object evaluate(String script, String filename, Map<String, Object> args)
            throws ScriptException, Throwable {
        RhinoContextFactory factory = new RhinoContextFactory(timeLimit);
        Context cx = factory.enterContext();
        ScriptableObject scriptable = new ImporterTopLevel(cx);
        Scriptable scope = cx.initStandardObjects(scriptable);

        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : args.entrySet()) {
            ScriptableObject.putProperty(scope, entry.getKey(),
                    Context.javaToJS(entry.getValue(), scope));
        try {
            return cx.evaluateString(scope, script, filename, 1, null);
        } catch (Error e) {
            throw new ScriptException(e.getMessage());
        } catch (RhinoException e) {
            if (e instanceof WrappedException) {
                Throwable cause = e.getCause();
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    public RhinoInterpreter() {
        Context.setCachingEnabled(false); // reset the cache
        Context.setCachingEnabled(true)// enable caching again

        // entering a context
        Context ctx = Context.enter();
        try {
            // init std object with an importer
            // building the importer automatically initialize the
            // context with it since Rhino1.5R3
            ImporterTopLevel importer = new ImporterTopLevel(ctx);
            globalObject = importer;
            // import Java lang package & DOM Level 2 & SVG DOM packages
            NativeJavaPackage[] p= new NativeJavaPackage[TO_BE_IMPORTED.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < TO_BE_IMPORTED.length; i++) {
                p[i] = new NativeJavaPackage(TO_BE_IMPORTED[i]);
            importer.importPackage(ctx, globalObject, p, null);
        } finally {
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     * value of the last expression evaluated in the script.
    public Object evaluate(Reader scriptreader)
        throws InterpreterException, IOException {
        Object rv = null;
        Context ctx = Context.enter();
        try {
            rv = ctx.evaluateReader(globalObject,
                                    1, null);
        } catch (JavaScriptException e) {
            // exception from JavaScript (possibly wrapping a Java Ex)
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     * value of the last expression evaluated in the script.
    public Object evaluate(String scriptstr)
        throws InterpreterException {
        Context ctx = Context.enter();
        Script script = null;
        Entry et = null;
        Iterator it = compiledScripts.iterator();
        // between nlog(n) and log(n) because it is
        // an AbstractSequentialList
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            if ((et = (Entry)( {
                // if it is not at the end, remove it because
                // it will change from place (it is faster
                // to remove it now)
                script = et.script;

        if (script == null) {
            // this script has not been compiled yet or has been fogotten
            // since the compilation:
            // compile it and store it for future use.
            try {
                script = ctx.compileReader(globalObject,
                                           new StringReader(scriptstr),
                                           1, null);
            } catch (IOException io) {
                // can't happen because we use a String...
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     * the environment of the interpreter.
     * @param name the name of the script object to create
     * @param object the Java object
    public void bindObject(String name, Object object) {
        Context ctx = Context.enter();
        try {
            Scriptable jsObject =  Context.toObject(object, globalObject);
            globalObject.put(name, globalObject, jsObject);
        } finally {
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Related Classes of org.mozilla.javascript.Context$WrapHandlerProxy

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