// iterate over all vehicles in all road segments, to see if the
// mouse is over a vehicle
final double simulationTime = trafficCanvas.simulationRunnable.simulationTime();
for (final RoadSegment roadSegment : roadNetwork) {
final RoadMapping roadMapping = roadSegment.roadMapping();
for (final Vehicle vehicle : roadSegment) {
// TODO quick hack here,no correction for offsets
final RoadMapping.PolygonFloat polygon = roadMapping.mapFloat(vehicle, simulationTime);
path.moveTo(polygon.xPoints[0], polygon.yPoints[0]);
path.lineTo(polygon.xPoints[1], polygon.yPoints[1]);
path.lineTo(polygon.xPoints[2], polygon.yPoints[2]);
path.lineTo(polygon.xPoints[3], polygon.yPoints[3]);