The Target interface is central to the probe design task performed by ProbeMaker. Each target for which a probe is to be designed is described by an object of a class implementing this interface.
The Target class controls the probe design by defining two template sequences of class for TSSTemplate for the construction of the two (five- and three-prime) TargetSpecificSequences to be put into the Probe.
In addition to the methods defined by the ChangeableNucleotideSequence interface, a Target should contain methods for getting and setting the TargetGroup that the target belongs to. Furthermore, the methods getTemplateForFivePrime and getTemplateForThreePrime define the TSSTemplates.
Before probe design starts, all Targets are validated by calling their isValidTarget method, which may return OK or INVALID. A response other than OK will abort the probe design.
A target is also a plug-in extension, which requires it to define the following methods:
public static SequenceBuilder getSequenceBuilder()
public static String getBriefDescription()
public static String getLongDescription()