Package org.modeshape.jcr.value

Examples of org.modeshape.jcr.value.NameFactory

        // Otherwise this is a new node, so we should get the 'jcr:mixinTypes' property ...
        Property prop = changedProperties.get(JcrLexicon.MIXIN_TYPES);
        if (prop == null || prop.size() == 0) {
            return Collections.emptySet();
        final NameFactory nameFactory = session(cache).nameFactory();
        Set<Name> names = new HashSet<Name>();
        for (Object value : prop) {
            Name name = nameFactory.create(value);
        return names;
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            aclNode = this.createChild(cache, null, ModeShapeLexicon.ACCESS_LIST_NODE_NAME, primaryType);
            permissionsReferences = ImmutableChildReferences.EmptyChildReferences.INSTANCE;

        //go through the new map of permissions and update/create the internal nodes
        NameFactory nameFactory = cache.getContext().getValueFactories().getNameFactory();

        for (String principal : privilegesByPrincipalName.keySet()) {
            Name principalName = nameFactory.create(principal);
            ChildReference permissionRef = permissionsReferences.getChild(principalName);
            if (permissionRef == null) {
                //this is a new principal
                org.modeshape.jcr.value.Property primaryType = propertyFactory.create(
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            } else {
            // Validate the source name and set the available columns ...
            NameFactory nameFactory = context.getExecutionContext().getValueFactories().getNameFactory();
            // Always use the qualified form when searching for tables
            Table table = context.getSchemata().getTable(;
            if (table != null) {
                if (table instanceof View) context.getHints().hasView = true;
                if (usedSelectors.put(selector.aliasOrName(), table) != null) {
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        if (constraint instanceof PropertyExistence) {
            PropertyExistence propertyExistance = (PropertyExistence)constraint;
            NameFactory names = context.getExecutionContext().getValueFactories().getNameFactory();
            final Name propertyName = names.create(propertyExistance.getPropertyName());
            final String selectorName = propertyExistance.selectorName().name();
            final int index = columns.getSelectorIndex(selectorName);
            final NodeCache cache = context.getNodeCache(sources.getWorkspaceName());
            assert index >= 0;
            return new RowFilter() {
                public boolean isCurrentRowValid( Batch batch ) {
                    CachedNode node = batch.getNode(index);
                    return node != null && node.hasProperty(propertyName, cache);

                public String toString() {
                    return "(filter " + Visitors.readable(constraint) + ")";
        if (constraint instanceof Between) {
            Between between = (Between)constraint;
            final StaticOperand lower = between.getLowerBound();
            final StaticOperand upper = between.getUpperBound();
            final boolean includeLower = between.isLowerBoundIncluded();
            final boolean includeUpper = between.isUpperBoundIncluded();
            DynamicOperand dynamicOperand = between.getOperand();
            final TypeFactory<?> defaultType = determineType(dynamicOperand, context, columns);
            final ExtractFromRow operation = createExtractFromRow(dynamicOperand, context, columns, sources, defaultType, true,

            // Determine the literal value in the static operand ...
            return new RowFilterSupplier() {
                protected RowFilter createFilter() {
                    // Evaluate the operand, which may have variables ...
                    final Object lowerLiteralValue = literalValue(lower, context, defaultType);
                    final Object upperLiteralValue = literalValue(upper, context, defaultType);
                    // Create the correct operation ...
                    final TypeFactory<?> expectedType = operation.getType();
                    final Object lowerValue = expectedType.create(lowerLiteralValue);
                    final Object upperValue = expectedType.create(upperLiteralValue);
                    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
                    final Comparator<Object> comparator = (Comparator<Object>)expectedType.getComparator();
                    if (includeLower) {
                        if (includeUpper) {
                            return new DynamicOperandFilter(operation) {
                                protected boolean evaluate( Object leftHandValue ) {
                                    if (leftHandValue == null) return false; // null values never match
                                    return, lowerValue) >= 0
                                           &&, upperValue) <= 0;

                                public String toString() {
                                    return "(filter " + Visitors.readable(constraint) + ")";
                        // Don't include upper ...
                        return new DynamicOperandFilter(operation) {
                            protected boolean evaluate( Object leftHandValue ) {
                                if (leftHandValue == null) return false; // null values never match
                                return, lowerValue) >= 0
                                       &&, upperValue) < 0;

                            public String toString() {
                                return "(filter " + Visitors.readable(constraint) + ")";
                    assert !includeLower;
                    // Don't include lower
                    if (includeUpper) {
                        return new DynamicOperandFilter(operation) {
                            protected boolean evaluate( Object leftHandValue ) {
                                if (leftHandValue == null) return false; // null values never match
                                return, lowerValue) > 0
                                       &&, upperValue) <= 0;

                            public String toString() {
                                return "(filter " + Visitors.readable(constraint) + ")";
                    // Don't include upper or lower ...
                    return new DynamicOperandFilter(operation) {
                        protected boolean evaluate( Object leftHandValue ) {
                            if (leftHandValue == null) return false; // null values never match
                            return, lowerValue) > 0
                                   &&, upperValue) < 0;

                        public String toString() {
                            return "(filter " + Visitors.readable(constraint) + ")";
        if (constraint instanceof Comparison) {
            Comparison comparison = (Comparison)constraint;

            // Create the correct dynamic operation ...
            final DynamicOperand dynamicOperand = comparison.getOperand1();
            final Operator operator = comparison.operator();
            final StaticOperand staticOperand = comparison.getOperand2();
            final TypeFactory<?> actualType = determineType(dynamicOperand, context, columns);
            TypeFactory<?> expectedType = null;
            ExtractFromRow op = null;
            if (operator == Operator.LIKE) {
                expectedType = context.getTypeSystem().getStringFactory();
                op = createExtractFromRow(dynamicOperand, context, columns, sources, expectedType, true, true);
                if (op.getType() != expectedType) {
                    // Need to convert the extracted value(s) to strings because this is a LIKE operation ...
                    op = RowExtractors.convert(op, expectedType);
            } else {
                expectedType = actualType;
                op = createExtractFromRow(dynamicOperand, context, columns, sources, expectedType, true, false);
            final TypeFactory<?> defaultType = expectedType;
            final ExtractFromRow operation = op;
            // Determine the literal value in the static operand ...
            return new RowFilterSupplier() {
                protected RowFilter createFilter() {
                    // Evaluate the operand, which may have variables ...
                    final Object literalValue = literalValue(staticOperand, context, defaultType);
                    // Create the correct operation ...
                    final TypeFactory<?> expectedType = operation.getType();
                    final Object rhs = expectedType.create(literalValue);
                    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
                    final Comparator<Object> comparator = (Comparator<Object>)expectedType.getComparator();
                    switch (operator) {
                        case EQUAL_TO:
                            return new DynamicOperandFilter(operation) {
                                protected boolean evaluate( Object leftHandValue ) {
                                    if (leftHandValue == null) return false; // null values never match
                                    return, rhs) == 0;

                                public String toString() {
                                    return "(filter " + Visitors.readable(constraint) + ")";
                        case NOT_EQUAL_TO:
                            return new DynamicOperandFilter(operation) {
                                protected boolean evaluate( Object leftHandValue ) {
                                    if (leftHandValue == null) return false; // null values never match
                                    return, rhs) != 0;

                                public String toString() {
                                    return "(filter " + Visitors.readable(constraint) + ")";
                        case GREATER_THAN:
                            return new DynamicOperandFilter(operation) {
                                protected boolean evaluate( Object leftHandValue ) {
                                    if (leftHandValue == null) return false; // null values never match
                                    return, rhs) > 0;

                                public String toString() {
                                    return "(filter " + Visitors.readable(constraint) + ")";
                        case GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO:
                            return new DynamicOperandFilter(operation) {
                                protected boolean evaluate( Object leftHandValue ) {
                                    if (leftHandValue == null) return false; // null values never match
                                    return, rhs) >= 0;

                                public String toString() {
                                    return "(filter " + Visitors.readable(constraint) + ")";
                        case LESS_THAN:
                            return new DynamicOperandFilter(operation) {
                                protected boolean evaluate( Object leftHandValue ) {
                                    if (leftHandValue == null) return false; // null values never match
                                    return, rhs) < 0;

                                public String toString() {
                                    return "(filter " + Visitors.readable(constraint) + ")";
                        case LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO:
                            return new DynamicOperandFilter(operation) {
                                protected boolean evaluate( Object leftHandValue ) {
                                    if (leftHandValue == null) return false; // null values never match
                                    return, rhs) <= 0;

                                public String toString() {
                                    return "(filter " + Visitors.readable(constraint) + ")";
                        case LIKE:
                            // Convert the LIKE expression to a regular expression
                            final TypeSystem types = context.getTypeSystem();
                            String expression = types.asString(rhs).trim();
                            if ("%".equals(expression)) {
                                // We'll accept any non-null value ...
                                return new DynamicOperandFilter(operation) {
                                    protected boolean evaluate( Object leftHandValue ) {
                                        return leftHandValue != null;

                                    public String toString() {
                                        return "(filter " + Visitors.readable(constraint) + ")";
                            if (Path.class.isAssignableFrom(actualType.getType())) {
                                // This LIKE is dealing with paths and SNS wildcards, so we have to extract path values that
                                // have SNS indexes in all segments ...
                                final PathFactory paths = context.getExecutionContext().getValueFactories().getPathFactory();
                                expression = QueryUtil.addSnsIndexesToLikeExpression(expression);
                                String regex = QueryUtil.toRegularExpression(expression);
                                final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
                                return new DynamicOperandFilter(operation) {
                                    protected boolean evaluate( Object leftHandValue ) {
                                        if (leftHandValue == null) return false; // null values never match
                                        // Get the value as a path and construct a string representation with SNS indexes
                                        // in the correct spot ...
                                        Path path = paths.create(leftHandValue);
                                        String strValue = null;
                                        if (path.isRoot()) {
                                            strValue = "/";
                                        } else {
                                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                                            for (Path.Segment segment : path) {
                                            strValue = sb.toString();
                                        return pattern.matcher(strValue).matches();

                                    public String toString() {
                                        return "(filter " + Visitors.readable(constraint) + ")";
                            String regex = QueryUtil.toRegularExpression(expression);
                            final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
                            return new DynamicOperandFilter(operation) {
                                protected boolean evaluate( Object leftHandValue ) {
                                    if (leftHandValue == null) return false; // null values never match
                                    String value = types.asString(leftHandValue);
                                    return pattern.matcher(value).matches();

                                public String toString() {
                                    return "(filter " + Visitors.readable(constraint) + ")";
                    assert false : "Should not get here";
                    return null;
        if (constraint instanceof SetCriteria) {
            final SetCriteria setCriteria = (SetCriteria)constraint;
            DynamicOperand operand = setCriteria.getOperand();
            final TypeFactory<?> defaultType = determineType(operand, context, columns);
            // If the set criteria contains a bind variable, then the operand filter should lazily evaluate the bind variable ...
            final ExtractFromRow operation = createExtractFromRow(operand, context, columns, sources, defaultType, true, false);
            final boolean trace = LOGGER.isTraceEnabled() && !defaultType.getTypeName().equals("NAME");
            return new RowFilterSupplier() {

                protected RowFilter createFilter() {
                    final Set<?> values = ScanningQueryEngine.literalValues(setCriteria, context, defaultType);
                    return new DynamicOperandFilter(operation) {
                        protected boolean evaluate( Object leftHandValue ) {
                            if (leftHandValue instanceof Object[]) {
                                for (Object leftValue : (Object[])leftHandValue) {
                                    if (values.contains(leftValue)) {
                                        if (trace) LOGGER.trace("Found '{0}' in values: {1}", leftHandValue, values);
                                        return true;
                                if (trace) LOGGER.trace("Failed to find '{0}' in values: {1}", leftHandValue, values);
                                return false;

                            if (values.contains(leftHandValue)) {
                                if (trace) {
                                    LOGGER.trace("Found '{0}' in values: {1}", leftHandValue, values);
                                return true;
                            if (trace) {
                                LOGGER.trace("Failed to find '{0}' in values: {1}", leftHandValue, values);
                            return false;

                        public String toString() {
                            return "(filter " + Visitors.readable(constraint) + ")";
        if (constraint instanceof FullTextSearch) {
            final TypeFactory<String> strings = context.getTypeSystem().getStringFactory();
            final StaticOperand ftsExpression = ((FullTextSearch)constraint).getFullTextSearchExpression();
            final FullTextSearch fts;
            if (ftsExpression instanceof BindVariableName) {
                Object searchExpression = literalValue(ftsExpression, context, strings);
                if (searchExpression != null) {
                    fts = ((FullTextSearch)constraint).withFullTextExpression(searchExpression.toString());
                } else {
                    fts = (FullTextSearch)constraint;
            } else {
                fts = (FullTextSearch)constraint;

            final NodeCache cache = context.getNodeCache(sources.getWorkspaceName());
            final BinaryStore binaries = context.getExecutionContext().getBinaryStore();
            String selectorName = fts.getSelectorName();
            String propertyName = fts.getPropertyName();
            final int index = columns.getSelectorIndex(selectorName);
            ExtractFromRow fullTextExtractor = null;
            if (propertyName != null) {
                // This is to search just the designated property of the node (name, all property values) ...
                final ExtractFromRow propertyValueExtractor = createExtractFromRow(selectorName, propertyName, context, columns,
                                                                                   sources, strings, true);
                fullTextExtractor = new ExtractFromRow() {
                    public TypeFactory<?> getType() {
                        return strings;

                    public Object getValueInRow( RowAccessor row ) {
                        Object result = propertyValueExtractor.getValueInRow(row);
                        if (result == null) return null;
                        StringBuilder fullTextString = new StringBuilder();
                        RowExtractors.extractFullTextFrom(result, strings, binaries, fullTextString);
                        return fullTextString.toString();
            } else {
                // This is to search all aspects of the node (name, all property values) ...
                fullTextExtractor = RowExtractors.extractFullText(index, cache, context.getTypeSystem(), binaries);
            // Return a filter that processes all of the text ...
            final ExtractFromRow extractor = fullTextExtractor;
            return new DynamicOperandFilter(extractor) {
                protected boolean evaluate( Object leftHandValue ) {
                     * The term will match the extracted value "as-is" via regex, without any stemming or punctuation removal.
                     * This means that the matching is done in a much more strict way than what Lucene did in 3.x If we were to
                     * implement stemming or hyphen removal, we would need to do it *both* in the row extractor
                     * (RowExtractors.extractFullText) and in the term where the regex is built
                    return fts.getTerm().matches(leftHandValue.toString());
        if (constraint instanceof Relike) {
            Relike relike = (Relike)constraint;
            StaticOperand staticOperand = relike.getOperand1();
            Object literalValue = literalValue(staticOperand, context, context.getTypeSystem().getStringFactory());
            if (literalValue == null) {
                return NodeSequence.NO_PASS_ROW_FILTER;
            final String literalStr = literalValue.toString();
            PropertyValue propertyValue = relike.getOperand2();
            NameFactory names = context.getExecutionContext().getValueFactories().getNameFactory();
            final Name propertyName = names.create(propertyValue.getPropertyName());
            final String selectorName = propertyValue.getSelectorName();
            final int index = columns.getSelectorIndex(selectorName);
            final NodeCache cache = context.getNodeCache(sources.getWorkspaceName());
            return new RowFilter() {
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                // Now process all of the indexes ...
                NameFactory names = context.getValueFactories().getNameFactory();
                Set<Name> nodeTypeNames = new HashSet<>();
                for (IndexDefinition defn : defns) {
                    indexByName.put(defn.getName(), defn);
                    // Determine all of the node types that are subtypes of any columns
                    Name nodeTypeName = names.create(defn.getNodeTypeName());
                    // Now find out all of the node types that are or subtype the named node types ...
                    for (String typeAndSubtype : subtypesByName.get(nodeTypeName)) {
                        Map<String, Collection<IndexDefinition>> byProvider = indexesByProviderByNodeTypeName.get(typeAndSubtype);
                        if (byProvider == null) {
                            byProvider = new HashMap<>();
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    public Set<Name> getMixinTypes( NodeCache cache ) {
        Property prop = getProperty(JcrLexicon.MIXIN_TYPES, cache);
        if (prop == null || prop.size() == 0) return Collections.emptySet();

        final NameFactory nameFactory = workspaceCache(cache).nameFactory();
        if (prop.size() == 1) {
            Name name = nameFactory.create(prop.getFirstValue());
            return Collections.singleton(name);
        Set<Name> names = new HashSet<Name>();
        for (Object value : prop) {
            Name name = nameFactory.create(value);
        return names;
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Related Classes of org.modeshape.jcr.value.NameFactory

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