Package org.modeshape.jcr.spi.federation

Examples of org.modeshape.jcr.spi.federation.DocumentReader

        String id = documentChanges.getDocumentId();
        if (!documentsById.containsKey(id)) {
        Document existingDocument = documentsById.get(id);
        DocumentReader existingDocumentReader = readDocument(existingDocument);

        DocumentWriter updatedDocumentWriter = newDocument(id);
        updateProperties(existingDocumentReader, updatedDocumentWriter, documentChanges);
        updateMixins(existingDocumentReader, updatedDocumentWriter, documentChanges);
        updateChildren(existingDocumentReader, updatedDocumentWriter, documentChanges);
        updateParents(existingDocumentReader, updatedDocumentWriter, documentChanges);
        if (!existingDocumentReader.isQueryable()) {

        persistDocument(id, updatedDocumentWriter.document());
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    private void updateProperties( DocumentReader existingDocumentReader,
                                   DocumentWriter updatedDocumentWriter,
                                   DocumentChanges documentChanges ) {
        DocumentChanges.PropertyChanges propertyChanges = documentChanges.getPropertyChanges();
        Map<Name, Property> properties = existingDocumentReader.getProperties();
        DocumentReader updatedDocumentReader = readDocument(documentChanges.getDocument());

        // additions
        for (Name changedPropertyName : propertyChanges.getAdded()) {
            properties.put(changedPropertyName, updatedDocumentReader.getProperty(changedPropertyName));

        // changes
        for (Name changedPropertyName : propertyChanges.getChanged()) {
            properties.put(changedPropertyName, updatedDocumentReader.getProperty(changedPropertyName));

        // removals
        for (Name removedPropertyName : propertyChanges.getRemoved()) {
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    public Document getChildren( PageKey pageKey ) {
        String parentId = pageKey.getParentId();
        Document doc = documentsById.get(parentId);
        assert doc != null;
        DocumentReader reader = readDocument(doc);
        List<? extends Document> children = reader.getChildren();

        int blockSize = (int)pageKey.getBlockSize();
        int offset = pageKey.getOffsetInt();

        DocumentWriter writer = newDocument(parentId).setChildren(children.subList(offset, offset + blockSize));
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    public void storeDocument( Document document ) {
        // Create a new directory or file described by the document ...
        DocumentReader reader = readDocument(document);
        String id = reader.getDocumentId();
        File file = fileFor(id);
        checkFileNotExcluded(id, file);
        File parent = file.getParentFile();
        if (!parent.exists()) {
        if (!parent.canWrite()) {
            String parentPath = parent.getAbsolutePath();
            String msg = JcrI18n.fileConnectorCannotWriteToDirectory.text(getSourceName(), getClass(), parentPath);
            throw new DocumentStoreException(id, msg);
        String primaryType = reader.getPrimaryTypeName();
        Map<Name, Property> properties = reader.getProperties();
        ExtraProperties extraProperties = extraPropertiesFor(id, false);
        extraProperties.addAll(properties).except(JCR_PRIMARY_TYPE, JCR_CREATED, JCR_LAST_MODIFIED, JCR_DATA);
        try {
            if (NT_FILE.equals(primaryType)) {
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    public void updateDocument( DocumentChanges documentChanges ) {
        String id = documentChanges.getDocumentId();

        Document document = documentChanges.getDocument();
        DocumentReader reader = readDocument(document);

        File file = fileFor(id);
        String idOrig = id;

        // if we're dealing with the root of the connector, we can't process any moves/removes because that would go "outside" the
        // connector scope
        if (!isRoot(id)) {
            String newParentId = reader.getParentIds().get(0);
            File parent = file.getParentFile();
            String oldParentId = idFor(parent);
            if (!oldParentId.equals(newParentId)) {
                // The node has a new parent (via the 'update' method), meaning it was moved ...
                File newParent = fileFor(newParentId);
                File newFile = new File(newParent, file.getName());
                if (!newParent.exists()) {
                    parent.mkdirs(); // in case they were removed since we created them ...
                if (!newParent.canWrite()) {
                    String parentPath = newParent.getAbsolutePath();
                    String msg = JcrI18n.fileConnectorCannotWriteToDirectory.text(getSourceName(), getClass(), parentPath);
                    throw new DocumentStoreException(id, msg);
                if (!file.renameTo(newFile)) {
                    getLogger().debug("Cannot move {0} to {1}", file.getAbsolutePath(), newFile.getAbsolutePath());
                } else {
                    id = idFor(newFile);
                    // Make sure any existing extra properties are also kept up-to-date
                    // Note that if the children ar folders, we don't need to walk them recursively because the node id will
                    // reflect the new folder structure of the rename
                    moveExtraProperties(idOrig, id);
            } else {
                // It is the same parent as before ...
                if (!parent.exists()) {
                    parent.mkdirs(); // in case they were removed since we created them ...
                if (!parent.canWrite()) {
                    String parentPath = parent.getAbsolutePath();
                    String msg = JcrI18n.fileConnectorCannotWriteToDirectory.text(getSourceName(), getClass(), parentPath);
                    throw new DocumentStoreException(id, msg);

        // children renames have to be processed in the parent
        DocumentChanges.ChildrenChanges childrenChanges = documentChanges.getChildrenChanges();
        Map<String, Name> renamedChildren = childrenChanges.getRenamed();
        for (String renamedChildId : renamedChildren.keySet()) {
            File child = fileFor(renamedChildId);
            Name newName = renamedChildren.get(renamedChildId);
            String newNameStr = getContext().getValueFactories().getStringFactory().create(newName);
            File renamedChild = new File(file, newNameStr);
            if (!child.renameTo(renamedChild)) {
                getLogger().debug("Cannot rename {0} to {1}", child, renamedChild);
            } else {
                // Make sure any existing extra properties are also kept up-to-date
                // Note that if the children ar folders, we don't need to walk them recursively because the node id will reflect
                // the new folder structure of the rename
                moveExtraProperties(idFor(child), idFor(renamedChild));

        String primaryType = reader.getPrimaryTypeName();
        Map<Name, Property> properties = reader.getProperties();
        id = idOrig;
        ExtraProperties extraProperties = extraPropertiesFor(id, true);
        extraProperties.addAll(properties).except(JCR_PRIMARY_TYPE, JCR_CREATED, JCR_LAST_MODIFIED, JCR_DATA);
        try {
            if (NT_FILE.equals(primaryType)) {
            } else if (NT_FOLDER.equals(primaryType)) {
            } else if (isContentNode(id)) {
                Property content = reader.getProperty(JCR_DATA);
                BinaryValue binary = factories().getBinaryFactory().create(content.getFirstValue());
                OutputStream ostream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
                IoUtil.write(binary.getStream(), ostream);
                if (!NT_RESOURCE.equals(primaryType)) {
                    // This is the "jcr:content" child, but the primary type is non-standard so record it as an extra property
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Related Classes of org.modeshape.jcr.spi.federation.DocumentReader

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