Package org.modeshape.jcr.cache

Examples of org.modeshape.jcr.cache.SessionCache$PreSave

                              boolean value ) throws LockException {
        assert lockToken != null;

        // Create a system session to remove the locks ...
        final ExecutionContext context = session.context();
        SessionCache systemSession = repository.createSystemSession(context, false);
        SystemContent system = new SystemContent(systemSession);

        // Mark the session as held/unheld ...
        if (!system.changeLockHeldBySession(lockToken, value)) {
            return false;
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                         Iterable<ModeShapeLock> locks ) {
        if (locks == null) return;

        // Create a system session to remove the locks ...
        final ExecutionContext context = session.context();
        SessionCache systemSession = repository.createSystemSession(context, false);
        SystemContent system = new SystemContent(systemSession);

        // And create a separate session cache to change the locked nodes ...
        SessionCache lockingSession = session.spawnSessionCache(false);

        // Remove the locks ...
        for (ModeShapeLock lock : locks) {
            NodeKey lockedNodeKey = lock.getLockedNodeKey();
            if (session.cache().getNode(lockedNodeKey) == null) {
                // the node on which the lock was placed, has been removed
            MutableCachedNode lockedNode = lockingSession.mutable(lockedNodeKey);
            lockedNode.removeProperty(lockingSession, JcrLexicon.LOCK_IS_DEEP);
            lockedNode.removeProperty(lockingSession, JcrLexicon.LOCK_OWNER);

        // Now save the two sessions ..., null);
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    protected boolean refreshFromSystem() {
        Lock lock = this.namespacesLock.writeLock();
        try {
            // Re-read and re-register all of the namespaces ...
            SessionCache systemCache = repository.createSystemSession(context, false);
            SystemContent system = new SystemContent(systemCache);
            Collection<Namespace> namespaces = system.readAllNamespaces();
            if (namespaces.isEmpty()) return false;
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        return true;

    private final SystemContent systemContent( boolean readOnly ) {
        SessionCache systemCache = repository.createSystemSession(context, readOnly);
        return new SystemContent(systemCache);
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        if (!this.session.repository().lockingUsed()) {
            //if locking hasn't been used at all, there's nothing to check
            return null;
        SessionCache sessionCache = session.cache();
        NodeCache cache = sessionCache;
        NodeKey nodeKey = node.key();
        NodeKey key = nodeKey;
        while (key != null) {
            ModeShapeLock lock = lockManager.findLockFor(key);
            if (lock != null && (lock.isDeep() || nodeKey.equals(lock.getLockedNodeKey()))) {
                // There is a lock that applies to 'node', either because the lock is actually on 'node' or because
                // an ancestor node is locked with a deep lock...
                return lock;
            // Otherwise, get the parent, but use the cache directly ...
            CachedNode cachedNode = cache.getNode(key);
            if (cachedNode == null) {
                // The node has been removed, so get the node from the workspace cache ...
                if (sessionCache == cache) {
                    cache = sessionCache.getWorkspace();
                    cachedNode = cache.getNode(key);
                if (cachedNode == null) break;
            key = cachedNode.getParentKey(cache);
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    JcrVersionHistoryNode getVersionHistory( AbstractJcrNode node ) throws RepositoryException {

        // Try to look up the version history by its key ...
        NodeKey historyKey = readableSystem.versionHistoryNodeKeyFor(node.key());
        SessionCache cache = session.cache();
        CachedNode historyNode = cache.getNode(historyKey);
        if (historyNode != null) {
            return (JcrVersionHistoryNode)session.node(historyNode, Type.VERSION_HISTORY);
        // Per Section 15.1:
        // "Under both simple and full versioning, on persist of a new versionable node N that neither corresponds
        // nor shares with an existing node:
        // - The jcr:isCheckedOut property of N is set to true and
        // - A new VersionHistory (H) is created for N. H contains one Version, the root version (V0)
        // (see § Root Version)."
        // This means that the version history should not be created until save is performed. This makes sense,
        // because otherwise the version history would be persisted for a newly-created node, even though that node
        // is not yet persisted. Tests with the reference implementation (see sandbox) verified this behavior.
        // If the node is new, then we'll throw an exception
        if (node.isNew()) {
            String msg = JcrI18n.noVersionHistoryForTransientVersionableNodes.text(node.location());
            throw new InvalidItemStateException(msg);

        // Get the cached node and see if the 'mix:versionable' mixin was added transiently ...
        CachedNode cachedNode = node.node();
        if (cachedNode instanceof MutableCachedNode) {
            // There are at least some changes. See if the node is newly versionable ...
            MutableCachedNode mutable = (MutableCachedNode)cachedNode;
            NodeTypes nodeTypeCapabilities = repository().nodeTypeManager().getNodeTypes();
            Name primaryType = mutable.getPrimaryType(cache);
            Set<Name> mixinTypes = mutable.getAddedMixins(cache);
            if (nodeTypeCapabilities.isVersionable(primaryType, mixinTypes)) {
                // We don't create the verison history until the versionable state is persisted ...
                String msg = JcrI18n.versionHistoryForNewlyVersionableNodesNotAvailableUntilSave.text(node.location());
                throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException(msg);

        // Otherwise the node IS versionable and we need to initialize the version history ...
        initializeVersionHistoryFor(node, historyKey, cache);
        // Look up the history node again, using this session ...
        historyNode = cache.getNode(historyKey);
        return (JcrVersionHistoryNode)session.node(historyNode, Type.VERSION_HISTORY);
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        if (!isCheckedOut.getBoolean()) {
            return node.getBaseVersion();

        // Collect some of the information about the node that we'll need ...
        SessionCache cache = cache();
        NodeKey versionedKey = node.key();
        Path versionHistoryPath = versionHistoryPathFor(versionedKey);
        CachedNode cachedNode = node.node();
        DateTime now = session().dateFactory().create();

        // Create the system content that we'll use to update the system branch ...
        SessionCache systemSession = session.createSystemCache(false);
        SystemContent systemContent = new SystemContent(systemSession);

        MutableCachedNode version = null;
        try {
            // Create a new version in the history for this node; this initializes the version history if it is missing ...
            List<Property> versionableProps = new ArrayList<Property>();
            addVersionedPropertiesFor(node, false, versionableProps);

            AtomicReference<MutableCachedNode> frozen = new AtomicReference<MutableCachedNode>();
            version = systemContent.recordNewVersion(cachedNode, cache, versionHistoryPath, null, versionableProps, now, frozen);
            NodeKey historyKey = version.getParentKey(systemSession);

            // Update the node's 'mix:versionable' properties, using a new session ...
            SessionCache versionSession = session.spawnSessionCache(false);
            MutableCachedNode versionableNode = versionSession.mutable(versionedKey);
            PropertyFactory props = propertyFactory();
            ReferenceFactory refFactory = session.referenceFactory();
            Reference historyRef = refFactory.create(historyKey, true);
            Reference baseVersionRef = refFactory.create(version.getKey(), true);
            versionableNode.setProperty(versionSession, props.create(JcrLexicon.VERSION_HISTORY, historyRef));
            versionableNode.setProperty(versionSession, props.create(JcrLexicon.BASE_VERSION, baseVersionRef));
            versionableNode.setProperty(versionSession, props.create(JcrLexicon.IS_CHECKED_OUT, Boolean.FALSE));
            // The 'jcr:predecessors' set to an empty array, per Section 15.2 in JSR-283
            versionableNode.setProperty(versionSession, props.create(JcrLexicon.PREDECESSORS, new Object[] {}));

            // Now process the children of the versionable node, and add them under the frozen node ...
            MutableCachedNode frozenNode = frozen.get();
            for (ChildReference childRef : cachedNode.getChildReferences(versionSession)) {
                AbstractJcrNode child = session.node(childRef.getKey(), null, versionedKey);
                versionNodeAt(child, frozenNode, false, versionSession, systemSession);

            // Now save all of the changes ...
  , null);
        } finally {
            // TODO: Versioning: may want to catch this block and retry, if the new version name couldn't be created

        return (JcrVersionNode)session.node(version, Type.VERSION);
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        if (node.getProperty(JcrLexicon.IS_CHECKED_OUT).getBoolean()) {

        // Create a session that we'll used to change the node ...
        SessionCache versionSession = session.spawnSessionCache(false);
        MutableCachedNode versionable = versionSession.mutable(node.key());
        NodeKey baseVersionKey = node.getBaseVersion().key();
        PropertyFactory props = propertyFactory();
        Reference baseVersionRef = session.referenceFactory().create(baseVersionKey, true);
        versionable.setProperty(versionSession, props.create(JcrLexicon.PREDECESSORS, new Object[] {baseVersionRef}));
        versionable.setProperty(versionSession, props.create(JcrLexicon.IS_CHECKED_OUT, Boolean.TRUE));;
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    public void beforeEach() throws Exception {
        config = new RepositoryConfiguration("repoName");
        repository = new JcrRepository(config);
        SessionCache systemCache = repository.createSystemSession(repository.runningState().context(), false);
        system = new SystemContent(systemCache);
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    public void shouldReturnTransientKeysAtOrBelowNodeWithRemovedChild() {
        NodeKey rootKey = session1.getRootKey();
        MutableCachedNode root = session1.mutable(rootKey);

        SessionCache sessionCache = session();
        NodeKey childKey = newKey("x-childA");
        MutableCachedNode child = root.createChild(sessionCache, childKey, name("childA"), property("p1", "value A"));
        assertEquals(new HashSet<NodeKey>(Arrays.asList(rootKey, childKey)), session1.getChangedNodeKeysAtOrBelow(root));
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Related Classes of org.modeshape.jcr.cache.SessionCache$PreSave

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