Package org.modeshape.jcr.cache

Examples of org.modeshape.jcr.cache.CachedNode$Properties

        throws NoSuchWorkspaceException, AccessDeniedException, ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        assert key != null;

        try {
            NodeCache cache = repository.repositoryCache().getWorkspaceCache(workspaceName);
            CachedNode node = cache.getNode(key);
            if (node == null) {
                throw new ItemNotFoundException(JcrI18n.itemNotFoundWithUuid.text(key.toString(), workspaceName));
            if (relativePath != null) {
                for (Segment segment : relativePath) {
                    ChildReference child = node.getChildReferences(cache).getChild(segment);
                    if (child == null) {
                        Path path = pathFactory().create(node.getPath(cache), segment);
                        throw new ItemNotFoundException(JcrI18n.itemNotFoundAtPath.text(path.getString(namespaces()),
                    CachedNode childNode = cache.getNode(child);
                    if (childNode == null) {
                        Path path = pathFactory().create(node.getPath(cache), segment);
                        throw new ItemNotFoundException(JcrI18n.itemNotFoundAtPath.text(path.getString(namespaces()),
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     * @return the cached node
     * @throws InvalidItemStateException if the node has been removed in this session's transient state
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException if the node does not exist
    protected final CachedNode node() throws ItemNotFoundException, InvalidItemStateException {
        CachedNode node = sessionCache().getNode(key);
        if (node == null) {
            if (sessionCache().isDestroyed(key)) {
                throw new InvalidItemStateException("The node with key " + key + " has been removed in this session.");
            throw new ItemNotFoundException("The node with key " + key + " no longer exists.");
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    final AbstractJcrProperty getProperty( Name propertyName ) throws RepositoryException {
        AbstractJcrProperty prop = jcrProperties.get(propertyName);
        if (prop == null) {
            // See if there's a property on the node ...
            CachedNode node = node();
            SessionCache cache = sessionCache();
            org.modeshape.jcr.value.Property p = node.getProperty(propertyName, cache);
            if (p != null) {
                Name primaryType = node.getPrimaryType(cache);
                Set<Name> mixinTypes = node.getMixinTypes(cache);
                prop = createJcrProperty(p, primaryType, mixinTypes);
                if (prop != null) {
                    AbstractJcrProperty newJcrProperty = jcrProperties.putIfAbsent(propertyName, prop);
                    if (newJcrProperty != null) {
                        // Some other thread snuck in and created it, so use that one ...
                        prop = newJcrProperty;
        } else {
            // Make sure the property hasn't been removed by another session ...
            CachedNode node = node();
            SessionCache cache = sessionCache();
            if (!node.hasProperty(propertyName, cache)) {
                prop = null;
        return prop;
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        String loc = location();
        if (defn != null) {
            I18n msg = JcrI18n.propertyNoLongerSatisfiesConstraints;
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg.text(pName, loc, defn.getName(), defn.getDeclaringNodeType().getName()));
        CachedNode node = sessionCache().getNode(key);
        String ptype = readable(node.getPrimaryType(sessionCache()));
        String mixins = readable(node.getMixinTypes(sessionCache()));
        String pstr = property.getString(session.namespaces());
        throw new ConstraintViolationException(JcrI18n.propertyNoLongerHasValidDefinition.text(pstr, loc, ptype, mixins));
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    boolean isReferenceable() throws RepositoryException {
        SessionCache cache = sessionCache();
        NodeTypes nodeTypes = session().nodeTypes();
        try {
            CachedNode node = node();
            return nodeTypes.isReferenceable(node.getPrimaryType(cache), node.getMixinTypes(cache));
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
            // The node has been removed, so do nothing
        return false;
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        // Find the best child node definition to use for this new child ...
        NodeTypes nodeTypes = session.nodeTypes();

        // Determine the node type based upon this node's type information ...
        SessionCache cache = sessionCache();
        CachedNode node = node();

        // validate there is an appropriate child node definition
        JcrNodeDefinition childDefn = validateChildNodeDefinition(childName, childPrimaryNodeTypeName, !aclScope);
        if (childPrimaryNodeTypeName == null) {
            childPrimaryNodeTypeName = childDefn.getDefaultPrimaryType().getInternalName();

        // See if this node is checked in. If so, then we can only create children if the child
        // node definition has an OPV of 'ignore'. See Section 15.2.2 of the JSR-283 spec for details ...
        if (!skipVersioningValidation && !isCheckedOut() && childDefn.getOnParentVersion() != OnParentVersionAction.IGNORE) {
            // The OPV is not 'ignore', so we can't create the new node ...
            Path parentPath = path();
            String parentPathStr = readable(parentPath);
            int numExistingSns = node.getChildReferences(cache).getChildCount(childName);
            int sns = numExistingSns + 1;
            String segment = readable(session.pathFactory().createSegment(childName, sns));
            String opv = OnParentVersionAction.nameFromValue(childDefn.getOnParentVersion());
            I18n msg = JcrI18n.cannotCreateChildOnCheckedInNodeSinceOpvOfChildDefinitionIsNotIgnore;
            throw new VersionException(msg.text(segment, readable(parentPathStr), childDefn.getName(), opv));
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                                                   boolean skipProtected )
        throws ItemNotFoundException, InvalidItemStateException, ItemExistsException, ConstraintViolationException,
        NoSuchNodeTypeException {

        final SessionCache cache = sessionCache();
        final CachedNode node = node();
        Name primaryTypeName = node.getPrimaryType(cache);
        Set<Name> mixins = node.getMixinTypes(cache);
        NodeTypes nodeTypes = session().nodeTypes();
        final SiblingCounter siblingCounter = SiblingCounter.create(node, cache);

        if (childPrimaryNodeTypeName != null) {
            if (INTERNAL_NODE_TYPE_NAMES.contains(childPrimaryNodeTypeName)) {
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    public final boolean isNodeType( Name nodeTypeName ) throws RepositoryException {
        SessionCache cache = sessionCache();
        NodeTypes nodeTypes = session().nodeTypes();
        try {
            CachedNode node = node();
            // Check the primary type ...
            Name primaryTypeName = node.getPrimaryType(cache);
            if (nodeTypes.isTypeOrSubtype(primaryTypeName, nodeTypeName)) return true;
            // Check the mixins ...
            Set<Name> mixinTypes = node.getMixinTypes(cache);
            if (nodeTypes.isTypeOrSubtype(mixinTypes, nodeTypeName)) return true;
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
            // The node has been removed, so do nothing
        return false;
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            throw new ConstraintViolationException(JcrI18n.primaryTypeCannotBeAbstract.text(newPrimaryType));

        // Make sure that all existing properties will have a valid property definition with the new primary type ...
        SessionCache cache = sessionCache();
        CachedNode node = node();
        Name oldPrimaryType = node.getPrimaryType(cache);
        Set<Name> mixinTypeNames = node.getMixinTypes(cache);
        Iterator<Property> iter = node.getProperties(cache);
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Property prop =;
            try {
                createJcrProperty(prop, newPrimaryTypeName, mixinTypeNames);
            } catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
                // Change the message ...
                String propName = readable(prop.getName());
                I18n msg = JcrI18n.unableToChangePrimaryTypeDueToPropertyDefinition;
                throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg.text(location(), oldPrimaryType, newPrimaryTypeName, propName), e);

        // Check that this would not violate the parent's child node type definitions ...
        Name nodeName = node.getName(cache);
        CachedNode parent = getParent().node();
        Name primaryType = parent.getPrimaryType(cache);
        Set<Name> mixins = parent.getMixinTypes(cache);
        // The node is already a child, so create a counter that returns the count as if it were not a child ...
        SiblingCounter siblingCounter = SiblingCounter.alter(SiblingCounter.create(parent, cache), -1);
        boolean skipProtected = true;
        NodeDefinitionSet childDefns = nodeTypes.findChildNodeDefinitions(primaryType, mixins);
        JcrNodeDefinition childDefn = childDefns.findBestDefinitionForChild(nodeName, newPrimaryTypeName, skipProtected,
        if (childDefn == null) {
            String ptype = readable(primaryType);
            String mtypes = readable(parent.getMixinTypes(cache));
            I18n msg = JcrI18n.unableToChangePrimaryTypeDueToParentsChildDefinition;
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg.text(location(), oldPrimaryType, newPrimaryTypeName, ptype, mtypes));
        setNodeDefinitionId(childDefn.getId(), nodeTypes.getVersion());
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        // Get the information from the node ...
        SessionCache cache = sessionCache();
        CachedNode cachedNode = node();
        Name primaryTypeName = cachedNode.getPrimaryType(cache);

        // Build up the list of new mixin types ...
        Set<Name> newMixinNames = new HashSet<Name>(cachedNode.getMixinTypes(cache));
        if (!newMixinNames.remove(removedMixinName)) {
            // Nothing to remove ...
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Related Classes of org.modeshape.jcr.cache.CachedNode$Properties

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