Package org.mifosplatform.useradministration.domain

Examples of org.mifosplatform.useradministration.domain.AppUser


    public CommandProcessingResult applicantWithdrawsFromApplication(final Long savingsId, final JsonCommand command) {
        final AppUser currentUser = this.context.authenticatedUser();


        final SavingsAccount savingsAccount = this.savingAccountAssembler.assembleFrom(savingsId);
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            @CacheEvict(value = "officesForDropdown", key = "T(org.mifosplatform.infrastructure.core.service.ThreadLocalContextUtil).getTenant().getTenantIdentifier().concat('ofd')"),
            @CacheEvict(value = "officesById", key = "T(org.mifosplatform.infrastructure.core.service.ThreadLocalContextUtil).getTenant().getTenantIdentifier().concat(#officeId)") })
    public CommandProcessingResult updateOffice(final Long officeId, final JsonCommand command) {

        try {
            final AppUser currentUser = this.context.authenticatedUser();


            Long parentId = null;
            if (command.parameterExists("parentId")) {
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    public Page<LoanAccountData> retrieveAll(final SearchParameters searchParameters) {

        final AppUser currentUser = this.context.authenticatedUser();
        final String hierarchy = currentUser.getOffice().getHierarchy();
        final String hierarchySearchString = hierarchy + "%";

        final StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(200);
        sqlBuilder.append("select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ");
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            final String pValue = queryParams.get(key);
            //"(" + key + " : " + pValue + ")");
            sql = this.genericDataService.replace(sql, key, pValue);

        final AppUser currentUser = this.context.authenticatedUser();
        // Allows sql query to restrict data by office hierarchy if required
        sql = this.genericDataService.replace(sql, "${currentUserHierarchy}", currentUser.getOffice().getHierarchy());
        // Allows sql query to restrict data by current user Id if required
        // (typically used to return report lists containing only reports
        // permitted to be run by the user
        sql = this.genericDataService.replace(sql, "${currentUserId}", currentUser.getId().toString());

        sql = this.genericDataService.wrapSQL(sql);

        return sql;
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        throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.invalid.outputType", "No matching Output Type: " + outputType);

    private void addParametersToReport(final MasterReport report, final Map<String, String> queryParams) {

        final AppUser currentUser = this.context.authenticatedUser();

        try {

            final ReportParameterValues rptParamValues = report.getParameterValues();
            final ReportParameterDefinition paramsDefinition = report.getParameterDefinition();

             * only allow integer, long, date and string parameter types and
             * assume all mandatory - could go more detailed like Pawel did in
             * Mifos later and could match incoming and pentaho parameters
             * better... currently assuming they come in ok... and if not an
             * error
            for (final ParameterDefinitionEntry paramDefEntry : paramsDefinition.getParameterDefinitions()) {
                final String paramName = paramDefEntry.getName();
                if (!((paramName.equals("tenantUrl")) || (paramName.equals("userhierarchy") || (paramName.equals("username")) || (paramName
                        .equals("password"))))) {
          "paramName:" + paramName);
                    final String pValue = queryParams.get(paramName);
                    if (StringUtils.isBlank(pValue)) { throw new PlatformDataIntegrityException("error.msg.reporting.error",
                            "Pentaho Parameter: " + paramName + " - not Provided"); }

                    final Class<?> clazz = paramDefEntry.getValueType();
          "addParametersToReport(" + paramName + " : " + pValue + " : " + clazz.getCanonicalName() + ")");
                    if (clazz.getCanonicalName().equalsIgnoreCase("java.lang.Integer")) {
                        rptParamValues.put(paramName, Integer.parseInt(pValue));
                    } else if (clazz.getCanonicalName().equalsIgnoreCase("java.lang.Long")) {
                        rptParamValues.put(paramName, Long.parseLong(pValue));
                    } else if (clazz.getCanonicalName().equalsIgnoreCase("java.sql.Date")) {
                        rptParamValues.put(paramName, Date.valueOf(pValue));
                    } else {
                        rptParamValues.put(paramName, pValue);


            // tenant database name and current user's office hierarchy
            // passed as parameters to allow multitenant penaho reporting
            // and
            // data scoping
            final Connection connection = this.dataSource.getConnection();
            String tenantUrl;
            try {
                tenantUrl = connection.getMetaData().getURL();
            } finally {
            final String userhierarchy = currentUser.getOffice().getHierarchy();
  "db URL:" + tenantUrl + "      userhierarchy:" + userhierarchy);
            rptParamValues.put("userhierarchy", userhierarchy);

            final MifosPlatformTenant tenant = ThreadLocalContextUtil.getTenant();

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    public Page<GroupGeneralData> retrievePagedAll(final SearchParameters searchParameters, final PaginationParameters parameters) {

        this.paginationParametersDataValidator.validateParameterValues(parameters, supportedOrderByValues, "audits");
        final AppUser currentUser = this.context.authenticatedUser();
        final String hierarchy = currentUser.getOffice().getHierarchy();
        final String hierarchySearchString = hierarchy + "%";

        final StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(200);
        sqlBuilder.append("select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ");
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                new Object[] { hierarchySearchString }, this.allGroupTypesDataMapper);

    public Collection<GroupGeneralData> retrieveAll(SearchParameters searchParameters, final PaginationParameters parameters) {
        final AppUser currentUser = this.context.authenticatedUser();
        final String hierarchy = currentUser.getOffice().getHierarchy();
        final String hierarchySearchString = hierarchy + "%";

        final StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(200);
        sqlBuilder.append("select ");
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    public GroupGeneralData retrieveOne(final Long groupId) {

        try {
            final AppUser currentUser = this.context.authenticatedUser();
            final String hierarchy = currentUser.getOffice().getHierarchy();
            final String hierarchySearchString = hierarchy + "%";

            final String sql = "select " + this.allGroupTypesDataMapper.schema() + " where = ? and o.hierarchy like ?";
            return this.jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, this.allGroupTypesDataMapper, new Object[] { groupId, hierarchySearchString });
        } catch (final EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
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    private AppUserRepository userRepository;

    public AppUser getCurrentAuditor() {

        AppUser currentUser = null;
        final SecurityContext securityContext = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
        if (securityContext != null) {
            final Authentication authentication = securityContext.getAuthentication();
            if (authentication != null) {
                currentUser = (AppUser) authentication.getPrincipal();
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            if (userOffice == null) { throw new OfficeNotFoundException(officeId); }

            final String[] roles = command.arrayValueOfParameterNamed("roles");
            final Set<Role> allRoles = assembleSetOfRoles(roles);

            AppUser appUser;

            final String staffIdParamName = "staffId";
            final Long staffId = command.longValueOfParameterNamed(staffIdParamName);

            Staff linkedStaff = null;
            if (staffId != null) {
                linkedStaff = this.staffRepositoryWrapper.findByOfficeWithNotFoundDetection(staffId, userOffice.getId());

            appUser = AppUser.fromJson(userOffice, linkedStaff, allRoles, command);

            final Boolean sendPasswordToEmail = command.booleanObjectValueOfParameterNamed("sendPasswordToEmail");
            this.userDomainService.create(appUser, sendPasswordToEmail);

            return new CommandProcessingResultBuilder() //
                    .withCommandId(command.commandId()) //
                    .withEntityId(appUser.getId()) //
                    .withOfficeId(userOffice.getId()) //
        } catch (final DataIntegrityViolationException dve) {
            handleDataIntegrityIssues(command, dve);
            return CommandProcessingResult.empty();
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Related Classes of org.mifosplatform.useradministration.domain.AppUser

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