String path = toMergeDiff.oldPath() == null ? toMergeDiff.newPath() : toMergeDiff
if (mergeIntoDiffs.containsKey(path)) {
RevCommit ancestorCommit = command(RevObjectParse.class)
RevTree ancestorTree = command(RevObjectParse.class)
Optional<NodeRef> ancestorVersion = command(FindTreeChild.class).setChildPath(path)
ObjectId ancestorVersionId = ancestorVersion.isPresent() ? ancestorVersion.get()
.getNode().getObjectId() : ObjectId.NULL;
ObjectId theirs = toMergeDiff.getNewObject() == null ? ObjectId.NULL : toMergeDiff
DiffEntry mergeIntoDiff = mergeIntoDiffs.get(path);
ObjectId ours = mergeIntoDiff.getNewObject() == null ? ObjectId.NULL
: mergeIntoDiff.getNewObject().objectId();
if (!mergeIntoDiff.changeType().equals(toMergeDiff.changeType())) {
report.addConflict(new Conflict(path, ancestorVersionId, ours, theirs));
switch (toMergeDiff.changeType()) {
case ADDED:
if (toMergeDiff.getNewObject().equals(mergeIntoDiff.getNewObject())) {
// already added in current branch, no need to do anything
} else {
TYPE type = command(ResolveObjectType.class).setObjectId(
if (TYPE.TREE.equals(type)) {
boolean conflict = !toMergeDiff.getNewObject().getMetadataId()
if (conflict) {
// In this case, we store the metadata id, not the element id
ancestorVersionId = ancestorVersion.isPresent() ? ancestorVersion
.get().getMetadataId() : ObjectId.NULL;
ours = mergeIntoDiff.getNewObject().getMetadataId();
theirs = toMergeDiff.getNewObject().getMetadataId();
report.addConflict(new Conflict(path, ancestorVersionId, ours,
// if the metadata ids match, it means both branches have added the same
// tree, maybe with different content, but there is no need to do
// anything. The correct tree is already there and the merge can be run
// safely, so we do not add it neither as a conflicted change nor as an
// unconflicted one
} else {
report.addConflict(new Conflict(path, ancestorVersionId, ours, theirs));
// removed by both histories => no conflict and no need to do anything
TYPE type = command(ResolveObjectType.class).setObjectId(
if (TYPE.TREE.equals(type)) {
boolean conflict = !toMergeDiff.getNewObject().getMetadataId()
if (conflict) {
// In this case, we store the metadata id, not the element id
ancestorVersionId = ancestorVersion.isPresent() ? ancestorVersion.get()
.getMetadataId() : ObjectId.NULL;
ours = mergeIntoDiff.getNewObject().getMetadataId();
theirs = toMergeDiff.getNewObject().getMetadataId();
report.addConflict(new Conflict(path, ancestorVersionId, ours, theirs));
} else {
FeatureDiff toMergeFeatureDiff = command(DiffFeature.class)
FeatureDiff mergeIntoFeatureDiff = command(DiffFeature.class)
if (toMergeFeatureDiff.conflicts(mergeIntoFeatureDiff)) {
report.addConflict(new Conflict(path, ancestorVersionId, ours, theirs));
} else {
// if the feature types are different we report a conflict and do not
// try to perform automerge
if (!toMergeDiff.getNewObject().getMetadataId()
.equals(mergeIntoDiff.getNewObject().getMetadataId())) {
report.addConflict(new Conflict(path, ancestorVersionId, ours,
} else if (!toMergeFeatureDiff.equals(mergeIntoFeatureDiff)) {
Feature mergedFeature = command(MergeFeaturesOp.class)
RevFeature revFeature =;
if (revFeature.getId().equals(toMergeDiff.newObjectId())) {
// the resulting merged feature equals the feature to merge from
// the branch, which means that it exists in the repo and there
// is no need to add it
} else {
RevFeatureType featureType = command(RevObjectParse.class)
FeatureInfo merged = new FeatureInfo(mergedFeature,
featureType, path);
} else {
// If the element is a tree, not a feature, it might be a conflict even if the other
// branch has not modified it.
// If we are removing the tree, we have to make sure that there are no features
// modified in the other branch under it.
if (ChangeType.REMOVED.equals(toMergeDiff.changeType())) {
TYPE type = command(ResolveObjectType.class).setObjectId(
if (TYPE.TREE.equals(type)) {
String parentPath = toMergeDiff.oldPath();
Set<Entry<String, DiffEntry>> entries = mergeIntoDiffs.entrySet();
boolean conflict = false;
for (Entry<String, DiffEntry> entry : entries) {
if (entry.getKey().startsWith(parentPath)) {
if (!ChangeType.REMOVED.equals(entry.getValue().changeType())) {
RevCommit ancestorCommit = command(RevObjectParse.class)
RevTree ancestorTree = command(RevObjectParse.class)
Optional<NodeRef> ancestorVersion = command(FindTreeChild.class)
ObjectId ancestorVersionId = ancestorVersion.isPresent() ? ancestorVersion