Envelope treeBounds = null;
if (!metadataId.isNull()) {// only include bounds for trees with a default feature type
treeBounds = SpatialOps.boundsOf(childTree);
String childName = childPath;
Node treeNode = Node.create(childName, treeId, metadataId, TYPE.TREE, treeBounds);
RevTree newAncestor = ancestor.build();
return newAncestor.getId();
final String parentPath = NodeRef.parentPath(childPath);
Optional<NodeRef> parentRef = getTreeChild(ancestor, parentPath);
RevTreeBuilder parentBuilder;
ObjectId parentMetadataId = ObjectId.NULL;
if (parentRef.isPresent()) {
ObjectId parentId = parentRef.get().objectId();
parentMetadataId = parentRef.get().getMetadataId();
parentBuilder = getTree(parentId, targetDatabase).builder(targetDatabase);
} else {
parentBuilder = RevTree.EMPTY.builder(targetDatabase);
String childName = NodeRef.nodeFromPath(childPath);
Envelope treeBounds = null;
if (!metadataId.isNull()) {// only include bounds for trees with a default feature type
treeBounds = SpatialOps.boundsOf(childTree);
Node treeNode = Node.create(childName, treeId, metadataId, TYPE.TREE, treeBounds);
RevTree parent = parentBuilder.build();
return writeBack(ancestor, ancestorPath, parent, parentPath, targetDatabase,