in = container.openInputStream();
try {
KXmlParser parser = null;
Document doc = null;
Element root;
Element kid;
try {
parser = new KXmlParser();
parser.setInput(new AlbiteStreamReader(
in, Encodings.DEFAULT));
doc = new Document();
parser = null;
root = doc.getRootElement();
Element rfile = root
.getElement(KXmlParser.NO_NAMESPACE, "rootfiles")
.getElement(KXmlParser.NO_NAMESPACE, "rootfile");
opfFileName = rfile.getAttributeValue(
KXmlParser.NO_NAMESPACE, "full-path");
if (opfFileName == null) {
throw new BookException("Missing opf file");
opfFilePath = RandomReadingFile.getPathFromURL(opfFileName);
} catch (XmlPullParserException xppe) {
parser = null;
doc = null;
throw new BookException(
"container.xml is invalid");
} finally {
* now the opf file
ArchiveEntry opfFile = bookArchive.getEntry(opfFileName);
if (opfFile == null) {
throw new BookException("Missing opf");
in = opfFile.openInputStream();
try {
KXmlParser parser = null;
Document doc = null;
Element root;
Element kid;
try {
parser = new KXmlParser();
try {
} catch (XmlPullParserException e) {}
parser.setInput(new AlbiteStreamReader(
in, Encodings.DEFAULT));
doc = new Document();
parser = null;
root = doc.getRootElement();
try {
* try to get the metadata
// meta = new Hashtable(10);
Element metadata = getElement(root, "metadata");
Element dcmetadata = getElement(metadata, "dc-metadata");
if (dcmetadata != null) {
metadata = dcmetadata;
if (metadata != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < metadata.getChildCount(); i++) {
if (metadata.getType(i) != Node.ELEMENT) {
kid = metadata.getElement(i);
if (kid.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("title")) {
title = text(kid);
if (kid.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("creator")) {
author = text(kid);
if (kid.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("language")) {
language = text(kid);
* squash it to a 2-letter tag
if (language.length() > 2) {
language = language.substring(0, 2);
* set currentLanguage to the default value
* afterward (in loadUserFile) it will
* be overwritten
currentLanguage = language;
// if (kid.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("meta")) {
// String metaname = kid.getAttributeValue(parser.NO_NAMESPACE, "name");
// String metavalue = kid.getAttributeValue(parser.NO_NAMESPACE, "content");
// if (metaname != null && metavalue != null
// && !metaname.startsWith("calibre")) {
// /*
// * Ignore Calibre-specific tags,
// * as they are not informative for the
// * reader, but only for Calibre
// */
// meta.put(metaname, metavalue);
// }
// continue;
// }
// /*
// * It's a metadata then
// */
// {
// String metaname = kid.getName();
// String metavalue = text(kid);
// if (metaname != null && metavalue != null
// && !metaname.startsWith("calibre")) {
// meta.put(metaname, metavalue);
// }
// }
} catch (Exception e) {
* If there is a problem with the metadata,
* it's not worth bothering
Hashtable manifest = new Hashtable(200);
try {
* Parse the manifest list
Element manifestEl = getElement(root, "manifest");
if (manifestEl == null) {
throw new BookException("No manifest tag in OPF");
for (int i = 0; i < manifestEl.getChildCount(); i++) {
if (manifestEl.getType(i) != Node.ELEMENT) {
kid = manifestEl.getElement(i);
if (kid.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("item")) {
String id = kid.getAttributeValue(
KXmlParser.NO_NAMESPACE, "id");
String href = kid.getAttributeValue(
KXmlParser.NO_NAMESPACE, "href");
if (id != null && href != null) {
* Item is OK
manifest.put(id, href);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BookException("couldn't parse manifest");
try {
* Parse the spine and create the chapters
Vector chaps = new Vector(40);
Element spine = getElement(root, "spine");
if (spine == null) {
throw new BookException("No spine tag in OPF");
for (int i = 0; i < spine.getChildCount(); i++) {
if (spine.getType(i) != Node.ELEMENT) {
kid = spine.getElement(i);
if (kid.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("itemref")) {
String idref = kid.getAttributeValue(
KXmlParser.NO_NAMESPACE, "idref");
if (idref != null) {