public static String getRelativeLinkTo(Item p) {
Map<Object,String> ancestors = new HashMap<Object,String>();
View view=null;
StaplerRequest request = Stapler.getCurrentRequest();
for( Ancestor a : request.getAncestors() ) {
if(a.getObject() instanceof View)
view = (View) a.getObject();
String path = ancestors.get(p);
if(path!=null) return path;
Item i=p;
String url = "";
while(true) {
ItemGroup ig = i.getParent();
url = i.getShortUrl()+url;
if(ig==Hudson.getInstance()) {
assert i instanceof TopLevelItem;
if(view!=null && view.contains((TopLevelItem)i)) {
// if p and the current page belongs to the same view, then return a relative path
return ancestors.get(view)+'/'+url;
} else {
// otherwise return a path from the root Hudson
return request.getContextPath()+'/'+p.getUrl();
path = ancestors.get(ig);
if(path!=null) return path+'/'+url;