final String tableName = update.getName();
// Throws a KijiTableNotFoundException if there is no table.
final KijiURI tableURI = KijiURI.newBuilder(mURI).withTableName(tableName).build();
LOG.debug("Applying layout update {} on table {}", update, tableURI);
KijiTableLayout newLayout = null;
if (dryRun) {
// Process column ids and perform validation, but don't actually update the meta table.
final List<KijiTableLayout> layouts = metaTable.getTableLayoutVersions(tableName, 1);
final KijiTableLayout currentLayout = layouts.isEmpty() ? null : layouts.get(0);
newLayout = KijiTableLayout.createUpdatedLayout(update, currentLayout);
} else {
// Actually set it.
if (mSystemVersion.compareTo(Versions.SYSTEM_2_0) >= 0) {
try {
// Use ZooKeeper to inform all watchers that a new table layout is available.
final HBaseTableLayoutUpdater updater =
new HBaseTableLayoutUpdater(this, tableURI, update);
try {
newLayout = updater.getNewLayout();
} finally {
} catch (KeeperException ke) {
throw new IOException(ke);
} else {
// System versions before system-2.0 do not enforce table layout update consistency or
// validation.
newLayout = metaTable.updateTableLayout(tableName, update);
if (dryRun) {
printStream.println("This table layout is valid.");
LOG.debug("Computing new HBase schema");
final HTableSchemaTranslator translator = new HTableSchemaTranslator();
final HTableDescriptor newTableDescriptor =
translator.toHTableDescriptor(tableURI.getInstance(), newLayout);
LOG.debug("Reading existing HBase schema");
final KijiManagedHBaseTableName hbaseTableName =
KijiManagedHBaseTableName.getKijiTableName(mURI.getInstance(), tableName);
HTableDescriptor currentTableDescriptor = null;