em.persist( myEntityOnlyFields );
log.info( "---> get bean jpaSingleSessionCommandService" );
KieSession service = (KieSession) ctx.getBean( "jpaSingleSessionCommandService" );
int sessionId = service.getId();
log.info( "---> created SingleSessionCommandService id: " + sessionId );
log.info( "### Starting process ###" );
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameters.put( "x",
"SomeString" );
parameters.put( "y",
myEntity );
parameters.put( "m",
myEntityMethods );
parameters.put( "f",
myEntityOnlyFields );
parameters.put( "z",
myVariableSerializable );
WorkflowProcessInstance processInstance = (WorkflowProcessInstance) service.startProcess( "com.sample.ruleflow",
parameters );
log.info( "Started process instance {}",
processInstance.getId() );
TestWorkItemHandler handler = TestWorkItemHandler.getInstance();
WorkItem workItem = handler.getWorkItem();
assertNotNull( workItem );
EntityManagerFactory emf = (EntityManagerFactory) ctx.getBean( "myEmf" );
// List< ? > result = emf.createEntityManager().createQuery( "select i from VariableInstanceInfo i" ).getResultList();
// assertEquals( 5,
// result.size() );
log.info( "### Retrieving process instance ###" );
Environment env = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newEnvironment();
env.set( EnvironmentName.ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY,
emf );
env.set( EnvironmentName.TRANSACTION_MANAGER,
ctx.getBean( "txManager" ) );
new ObjectMarshallingStrategy[]{
// new JPAPlaceholderResolverStrategy(env),
new SerializablePlaceholderResolverStrategy( ClassObjectMarshallingStrategyAcceptor.DEFAULT )
} );
KieStoreServices kstore = (KieStoreServices) ctx.getBean( "kstore1" );
KieBase kbase1 = (KieBase) ctx.getBean( "kbase1" );
service = kstore.loadKieSession( sessionId,
env );
processInstance = (WorkflowProcessInstance) service.getProcessInstance( processInstance.getId() );
assertNotNull( processInstance );
assertNotNull( processInstance );
assertEquals( "SomeString",
processInstance.getVariable( "x" ) );
assertEquals( "This is a test Entity with annotation in fields",
((MyEntity) processInstance.getVariable( "y" )).getTest() );
assertEquals( "This is a test Entity with annotations in methods",
((MyEntityMethods) processInstance.getVariable( "m" )).getTest() );
assertEquals( "This is a test Entity with annotations in fields and without accesors methods",
((MyEntityOnlyFields) processInstance.getVariable( "f" )).test );
assertEquals( "This is a test SerializableObject",
((MyVariableSerializable) processInstance.getVariable( "z" )).getText() );
assertNull( processInstance.getVariable( "a" ) );
assertNull( processInstance.getVariable( "b" ) );
assertNull( processInstance.getVariable( "c" ) );
// log.info("### Completing first work item ###");
// ksession.getWorkItemManager().completeWorkItem( workItem.getId(), null );
// workItem = handler.getWorkItem();