Package org.kie.api.marshalling

Examples of org.kie.api.marshalling.ObjectMarshallingStrategy

            activationsCount =;

        int strategyIndex =;
        Object object = null;
        ObjectMarshallingStrategy strategy = null;
        // This is the old way of de/serializing strategy objects
        if (strategyIndex >= 0) {
            strategy = context.resolverStrategyFactory.getStrategy( strategyIndex );
        // This is the new way
        else if (strategyIndex == -2) {
            String strategyClassName =;
            if (!StringUtils.isEmpty( strategyClassName )) {
                strategy = context.resolverStrategyFactory.getStrategyObject( strategyClassName );
                if (strategy == null) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException( "No strategy of type " + strategyClassName + " available." );

        // If either way retrieves a strategy, use it
        if (strategy != null) {
            object = );

        SessionEntryPoint entryPoint = null;
        if (context.readBoolean()) {
            String entryPointId = context.readUTF();
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            for (int i = 0; i < nbVariables; i++) {
                String name = stream.readUTF();
                try {
                    int index = stream.readInt();
                    ObjectMarshallingStrategy strategy = null;
                    // Old way of retrieving strategy objects
                    if (index >= 0) {
                        strategy = context.resolverStrategyFactory.getStrategy( index );
                        if (strategy == null) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException( "No strategy of with index " + index + " available." );
                    // New way
                    else if (index == -2) {
                        String strategyClassName = stream.readUTF();
                        strategy = context.resolverStrategyFactory.getStrategyObject( strategyClassName );
                        if (strategy == null) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException( "No strategy of type " + strategyClassName + " available." );

                    Object value = stream );
                    workItem.setParameter( name,
                                           value );
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                                        "Could not reload variable " + name );
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        // Old versions wrote -1 and tested >= 0 to see if there was a strategy available
        // Now, we write -2 to indicate that we write the strategy class name to the stream
        if ( object != null ) {
            ObjectMarshallingStrategy strategy = objectMarshallingStrategyStore.getStrategyObject( object );

            String strategyClassName = strategy.getClass().getName();

            strategy.write( stream,
                            object );
        } else {
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        for ( String key : parameters.keySet() ) {
            Object object = parameters.get( key );
            if ( object != null ) {
                stream.writeUTF( key );
                ObjectMarshallingStrategy strategy = context.objectMarshallingStrategyStore.getStrategyObject( object );
                String strategyClassName = strategy.getClass().getName();
                stream.writeInt(-2); // backwards compatibility
                if ( strategy.accept( object ) ) {
                    strategy.write( stream,
                                    object );

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    public static InternalFactHandle readFactHandle(MarshallerReaderContext context,
                                                    SessionEntryPoint entryPoint,
                                                    FactHandle _handle) throws IOException,
                                                                       ClassNotFoundException {
        Object object = null;
        ObjectMarshallingStrategy strategy = null;
        if ( _handle.hasStrategyIndex() ) {
            strategy = context.usedStrategies.get( _handle.getStrategyIndex() );
            object = strategy.unmarshal( context.strategyContexts.get( strategy ),
                                         (context.ruleBase == null) ? null : context.ruleBase.getRootClassLoader() );
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                                                                                      PersisterHelper.createActivationKey( _activation.getPackageName(),
                                                                                                                           _activation.getTuple() ) ).getObject();

            Object object = null;
            ObjectMarshallingStrategy strategy = null;
            if ( _logicalDependency.hasObjectStrategyIndex() ) {
                strategy = context.usedStrategies.get( _logicalDependency.getObjectStrategyIndex() );
                object = strategy.unmarshal( context.strategyContexts.get( strategy ),
                                             (context.ruleBase == null) ? null : context.ruleBase.getRootClassLoader() );

            Object value = null;
            if ( _logicalDependency.hasValueStrategyIndex() ) {
                strategy = context.usedStrategies.get( _logicalDependency.getValueStrategyIndex() );
                value = strategy.unmarshal( context.strategyContexts.get( strategy ),
                                            (context.ruleBase == null) ? null : context.ruleBase.getRootClassLoader() );
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                    .setTuple( PersisterHelper.createTuple( activation.getTuple() ) )
            _logicalDependency.setActivation( _activation );
            if ( belief.getObject() != null ) {
                ObjectMarshallingStrategy strategy = objectMarshallingStrategyStore.getStrategyObject( belief.getObject() );

                Integer index = context.getStrategyIndex( strategy );
                _logicalDependency.setObjectStrategyIndex( index.intValue() );
                _logicalDependency.setObject( ByteString.copyFrom( strategy.marshal( context.strategyContext.get( strategy ),
                                                                          belief.getObject() ) ) );
            if ( belief.getValue() != null ) {
                ObjectMarshallingStrategy strategy = objectMarshallingStrategyStore.getStrategyObject( belief.getValue() );

                Integer index = context.getStrategyIndex( strategy );
                _logicalDependency.setValueStrategyIndex( index.intValue() );
                _logicalDependency.setValue( ByteString.copyFrom( strategy.marshal( context.strategyContext.get( strategy ),
                                                                          belief.getValue() ) ) );
            _beliefSet.addLogicalDependency( );
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        Object object = handle.getObject();

        if ( object != null ) {
            ObjectMarshallingStrategy strategy = objectMarshallingStrategyStore.getStrategyObject( object );

            Integer index = context.getStrategyIndex( strategy );
            _handle.setStrategyIndex( index.intValue() );
            _handle.setObject( ByteString.copyFrom( strategy.marshal( context.strategyContext.get( strategy ),
                                                                      object ) ) );

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            activationsCount =;

        int strategyIndex =;
        Object object = null;
        ObjectMarshallingStrategy strategy = null;
        // This is the old way of de/serializing strategy objects
        if (strategyIndex >= 0) {
            strategy = context.resolverStrategyFactory.getStrategy( strategyIndex );
        // This is the new way
        else if (strategyIndex == -2) {
            String strategyClassName =;
            if (!StringUtils.isEmpty( strategyClassName )) {
                strategy = context.resolverStrategyFactory.getStrategyObject( strategyClassName );
                if (strategy == null) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException( "No strategy of type " + strategyClassName + " available." );

        // If either way retrieves a strategy, use it
        if (strategy != null) {
            object = );

        SessionEntryPoint entryPoint = null;
        if (context.readBoolean()) {
            String entryPointId = context.readUTF();
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            for (int i = 0; i < nbVariables; i++) {
                String name = stream.readUTF();
                try {
                    int index = stream.readInt();
                    ObjectMarshallingStrategy strategy = null;
                    // Old way of retrieving strategy objects
                    if (index >= 0) {
                        strategy = context.resolverStrategyFactory.getStrategy( index );
                        if (strategy == null) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException( "No strategy of with index " + index + " available." );
                    // New way
                    else if (index == -2) {
                        String strategyClassName = stream.readUTF();
                        strategy = context.resolverStrategyFactory.getStrategyObject( strategyClassName );
                        if (strategy == null) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException( "No strategy of type " + strategyClassName + " available." );

                    Object value = stream );
                    workItem.setParameter( name,
                                           value );
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                                        "Could not reload variable " + name );
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Related Classes of org.kie.api.marshalling.ObjectMarshallingStrategy

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