KieProject kProject = kieContainer.getKieProject();
String kSessionName = entry.getValue();
KieSessionModel kSessionModel = null;
if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( kSessionName )) {
kSessionModel = ( entry.getType() == KieSession.class ) ? kProject.getDefaultKieSession() : kProject.getDefaultStatelessKieSession();
} else {
kSessionModel = kProject.getKieSessionModel( kSessionName );
if ( kSessionModel == null ) {
log.error( "Annotation @KSession({}) found, but no KieSessioneModel exist.\nEither the required kproject.xml does not exist, was corrupted, or mising the KieBase entry",
kSessionName );
if ( !kSessionModel.getScope().trim().equals( entry.getScope().getClass().getName() ) ) {
try {
if ( kSessionModel.getScope().indexOf( '.' ) >= 0 ) {
entry.setScope( (Class< ? extends Annotation>) Class.forName( kSessionModel.getScope() ) );
} else {
entry.setScope( (Class< ? extends Annotation>) Class.forName( "javax.enterprise.context." + kSessionModel.getScope() ) );
} catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {
log.error( "KieBaseModule {} overrides default annotation, but it was not able to find it {}\n{}",
new String[]{kSessionName, kSessionModel.getScope(), e.getMessage()} );
if ( KieSessionType.STATELESS.equals( kSessionModel.getType() ) ) {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
InternalKieModule kModule = kProject.getKieModuleForKBase( ((KieSessionModelImpl) kSessionModel).getKieBaseModel().getName() );
log.debug( "Added Bean for Stateless @KSession({}) from: {}",
kModule );