// ignore a REMOVE and an ADD of the same value
final UnprocessedChangeEvents unp = ConfigSupport.sortAndDispatch(events, new Changed() {
public <T extends ConfigBeanProxy> NotProcessed changed(TYPE type, Class<T> tc, T t) {
NotProcessed result = null;
if (tc == Profiler.class) {
result = new NotProcessed("Creation or changes to a profiler require restart");
else if (tc == Property.class && t.getParent().getClass() == JavaConfig.class) {
result = new NotProcessed("Addition of properties to JavaConfig requires restart");
else if (tc == JavaConfig.class && t instanceof JavaConfig) {
final JavaConfig njc = (JavaConfig) t;
logFine(type, njc);
// we must *always* check the jvm options, no way to know except by comparing,
// plus we should send an appropriate message back for each removed/added item
final List<String> curProps = new ArrayList<String>( njc.getJvmOptions() );
final boolean jvmOptionsWereChanged = ! oldProps.equals(curProps);
final List<String> reasons = handle(oldProps, curProps);
oldProps = curProps;
// something in the JavaConfig itself changed
// to do this well, we ought to keep a list of attributes, so we can make a good message
// saying exactly which attribute what changed
final Map<String,String> curAttrs = collectAttrs(njc);
reasons.addAll( handleAttrs( oldAttrs, curAttrs ) );
oldAttrs = curAttrs;
result = reasons.isEmpty() ? null : new NotProcessed( CombinedJavaConfigSystemPropertyListener.toString(reasons) );
else if (tc == SystemProperty.class && t instanceof SystemProperty) {
final SystemProperty sp = (SystemProperty) t;
// check to see if this system property is for this instance
ConfigBeanProxy proxy = sp.getParent();
ConfigView p = ConfigSupport.getImpl(proxy);
if (p == ConfigSupport.getImpl(server) ||
p == ConfigSupport.getImpl(config) ||
(cluster != null && p == ConfigSupport.getImpl(cluster)) ||
p == ConfigSupport.getImpl(domain)) {
// check to see if this system property is referenced by any of the options
String pname = sp.getName();
if (referencesProperty(pname, oldProps) ||
referencesProperty(pname, oldAttrs.values())) {
result = new NotProcessed("The system-property, " + pname + ", that is referenced by the Java configuration, was modified");
if (type == TYPE.ADD || type == TYPE.CHANGE) { //create-system-properties
if (proxy instanceof Domain) {
return addToDomain(sp);