//fail(context, "No configuration found for " + targetName);
fail(context, localStrings.getLocalString("admin.set.configuration.notfound", "No configuration found for {0}", targetName));
return false;
// need to find the right parent.
Dom parentNode = null;
for (Map.Entry<Dom, String> node : matchingNodes.entrySet()) {
if (node.getValue().equals(pattern)) {
parentNode = node.getKey();
if (parentNode == null) {
//fail(context, "No configuration found for " + targetName);
fail(context, localStrings.getLocalString("admin.set.configuration.notfound", "No configuration found for {0}", targetName));
return false;
if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
// setting to the empty string means to remove the property, so don't create it
success(context, targetName, value);
return true;
// create and set the property
Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<String, String>();
attributes.put("value", value);
attributes.put("name", attrName);
try {
if ( ! (parentNode instanceof ConfigBean)) {
final ClassCastException cce = new ClassCastException(parentNode.getClass().getName());
fail(context, localStrings.getLocalString("admin.set.attribute.change.failure",
"Could not change the attributes: {0}",
cce.getMessage(), cce));
return false;
ConfigSupport.createAndSet((ConfigBean) parentNode, Property.class, attributes);
success(context, targetName, value);
if (targetService.isThisDAS() && !replicateSetCommand(context, targetName, value))
return false;
return true;
} catch (TransactionFailure transactionFailure) {
//fail(context, "Could not change the attributes: " +
// transactionFailure.getMessage(), transactionFailure);
fail(context, localStrings.getLocalString("admin.set.attribute.change.failure", "Could not change the attributes: {0}",
transactionFailure.getMessage()), transactionFailure);
return false;
Map<ConfigBean, Map<String, String>> changes = new HashMap<ConfigBean, Map<String, String>>();
boolean setElementSuccess = false;
boolean delPropertySuccess = false;
boolean delProperty = false;
Map<String, String> attrChanges = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (isProperty) {
attrName = "value";
if ((value == null) || (value.length() == 0)) {
delProperty = true;
attrChanges.put(attrName, value);
List<Map.Entry> mNodes = new ArrayList(matchingNodes.entrySet());
if (applyOverrideRules) {
mNodes = applyOverrideRules(mNodes);
for (Map.Entry<Dom, String> node : mNodes) {
final Dom targetNode = node.getKey();
for (String name : targetNode.model.getAttributeNames()) {
String finalDottedName = node.getValue() + "." + name;
if (matches(finalDottedName, pattern)) {
if (attrName.equals(name) ||
attrName.replace('_', '-').equals(name.replace('_', '-'))) {
if (isDeprecatedAttr(targetNode, name)) {
warning(context, localStrings.getLocalString("admin.set.deprecated",
"Warning: The attribute {0} is deprecated.", finalDottedName));
if (!isProperty) {
targetName = prefix + finalDottedName;
if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
attrChanges.put(name, value);
} else {
attrChanges.put(name, null);
} else {
targetName = prefix + node.getValue();
if (delProperty) {
// delete property element
String str = node.getValue();
if (trueLastIndexOf(str, '.') != -1) {
str = str.substring(trueLastIndexOf(str, '.') + 1);
try {
if (str != null) {
ConfigSupport.deleteChild((ConfigBean) targetNode.parent(), (ConfigBean) targetNode);
delPropertySuccess = true;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ie) {
fail(context, localStrings.getLocalString("admin.set.delete.property.failure", "Could not delete the property: {0}",
ie.getMessage()), ie);