Package org.json_voltpatches

Examples of org.json_voltpatches.JSONObject

                                            String localVersionString,
                                            String localBuildString,
                                            Set<String> activeVersions) throws IOException, JSONException
        // read the json response from socketjoiner with version info
        JSONObject jsonVersionInfo = readJSONObjFromWire(sc, remoteAddress);

        String remoteVersionString = jsonVersionInfo.getString("versionString");
        String remoteBuildString = jsonVersionInfo.getString("buildString");
        boolean remoteAcceptsLocalVersion = jsonVersionInfo.getBoolean("versionCompatible");

        if (remoteVersionString.equals(localVersionString)) {
            if (localBuildString.equals(remoteBuildString) == false) {
                // ignore test/eclipse build string so tests still work
                if (!localBuildString.equals("VoltDB") && !remoteBuildString.equals("VoltDB")) {
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                try {
                    final long txnId = m_idManager.getNextUniqueTransactionId();

                    for (long initiatorHSId : m_hsIds) {
                        if (initiatorHSId == m_hsId) continue;
                        JSONObject jsObj = new JSONObject();
                        jsObj.put("txnId", txnId);
                        jsObj.put("initiatorHSId", m_hsId);
                        jsObj.put("joiningHSId", joiningSite);
                        jsObj.put("lastSafeTxnId", m_safetyState.getNewestSafeTxnIdForExecutorBySiteId(initiatorHSId));
                        byte payload[] = jsObj.toString(4).getBytes("UTF-8");
                        ByteBuffer metadata = ByteBuffer.allocate(1);
                        BinaryPayloadMessage bpm = new BinaryPayloadMessage(metadata.array(), payload);
                        m_mailbox.send( initiatorHSId, bpm);
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            String localVersionString = VoltDB.instance().getVersionString();
            String localBuildString = VoltDB.instance().getBuildString();

            JSONObject jsObj = new JSONObject();
            jsObj.put("type", "REQUEST_HOSTID");

            // put the version compatibility status in the json
            jsObj.put("versionString", localVersionString);

             * Advertise the port we are going to listen on based on
             * config
            jsObj.put("port", m_internalPort);

             * If config specified an internal interface use that.
             * Otherwise the leader will echo back what we connected on
            if (!m_internalInterface.isEmpty()) {
                jsObj.put("address", m_internalInterface);

            byte jsBytes[] = jsObj.toString(4).getBytes(Constants.UTF8ENCODING);
            ByteBuffer requestHostIdBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + jsBytes.length);
            while (requestHostIdBuffer.hasRemaining()) {

            // read the json response from socketjoiner with version info and validate it
            processVersionJSONResponse(socket, remoteAddress, localVersionString, localBuildString, activeVersions);

            // read the json response sent by HostMessenger with HostID
            JSONObject jsonObj = readJSONObjFromWire(socket, remoteAddress);

             * Get the generated host id, and the interface we connected on
             * that was echoed back
            m_localHostId = jsonObj.getInt("newHostId");
            m_reportedInternalInterface = jsonObj.getString("reportedAddress");

             * Loop over all the hosts and create a connection (except for the first entry, that is the leader)
             * and publish the host id that was generated. This finishes creating the mesh
            JSONArray otherHosts = jsonObj.getJSONArray("hosts");
            int hostIds[] = new int[otherHosts.length()];
            SocketChannel hostSockets[] = new SocketChannel[hostIds.length];
            InetSocketAddress listeningAddresses[] = new InetSocketAddress[hostIds.length];

            for (int ii = 0; ii < otherHosts.length(); ii++) {
                JSONObject host = otherHosts.getJSONObject(ii);
                String address = host.getString("address");
                int port = host.getInt("port");
                final int hostId = host.getInt("hostId");

      "Leader provided address " + address + ":" + port);
                InetSocketAddress hostAddr = new InetSocketAddress(address, port);
                if (ii == 0) {
                    //Leader already has a socket
                    hostIds[ii] = hostId;
                    listeningAddresses[ii] = hostAddr;
                    hostSockets[ii] = socket;

                SocketChannel hostSocket = null;
                while (hostSocket == null) {
                    try {
                        hostSocket =;
                    catch ( e) {
                        LOG.warn("Joining host failed: " + e.getMessage() + " retrying..");
                        try {
                            Thread.sleep(250); //  milliseconds
                        catch (InterruptedException ex) {
                            // don't really care.

                 * Get the clock skew value
                while (currentTimeBuf.hasRemaining()) {
                skew = System.currentTimeMillis() - currentTimeBuf.getLong();
                assert(currentTimeBuf.remaining() == 0);

                jsObj = new JSONObject();
                jsObj.put("type", "PUBLISH_HOSTID");
                jsObj.put("hostId", m_localHostId);
                jsObj.put("port", m_internalPort);
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             * Then it does a compare and set of the topology.
             * Ning: topology may not reflect the true partitions in the cluster during join. So if another node
             * is trying to rejoin, it should rely on the cartographer's view to pick the partitions to replace.
            JSONObject topo = getTopology(config.m_startAction, m_joinCoordinator);
            m_partitionsToSitesAtStartupForExportInit = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            try {
                // IV2 mailbox stuff
                ClusterConfig clusterConfig = new ClusterConfig(topo);
                m_configuredReplicationFactor = clusterConfig.getReplicationFactor();
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    // Get topology information.  If rejoining, get it directly from
    // ZK.  Otherwise, try to do the write/read race to ZK on startup.
    private JSONObject getTopology(StartAction startAction, JoinCoordinator joinCoordinator)
        JSONObject topo = null;
        if (startAction == StartAction.JOIN) {
            assert(joinCoordinator != null);
            topo = joinCoordinator.getTopology();
        else if (!startAction.doesRejoin()) {
            int sitesperhost = m_deployment.getCluster().getSitesperhost();
            int hostcount = m_deployment.getCluster().getHostcount();
            int kfactor = m_deployment.getCluster().getKfactor();
            ClusterConfig clusterConfig = new ClusterConfig(hostcount, sitesperhost, kfactor);
            if (!clusterConfig.validate()) {
                VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB(clusterConfig.getErrorMsg(), false, null);
            topo = registerClusterConfig(clusterConfig);
        else {
            Stat stat = new Stat();
            try {
                topo =
                    new JSONObject(new String(m_messenger.getZK().getData(VoltZK.topology, false, stat), "UTF-8"));
            catch (Exception e) {
                VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Unable to get topology from ZK", true, e);
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    private JSONObject registerClusterConfig(ClusterConfig config)
        // First, race to write the topology to ZK using Highlander rules
        // (In the end, there can be only one)
        JSONObject topo = null;
            topo = config.getTopology(m_messenger.getLiveHostIds());
            byte[] payload = topo.toString(4).getBytes("UTF-8");
            m_messenger.getZK().create(VoltZK.topology, payload,
        catch (KeeperException.NodeExistsException nee)
            // It's fine if we didn't win, we'll pick up the topology below
        catch (Exception e)
            VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Unable to write topology to ZK, dying",
                    true, e);

        // Then, have everyone read the topology data back from ZK
            byte[] data = m_messenger.getZK().getData(VoltZK.topology, false, null);
            topo = new JSONObject(new String(data, "UTF-8"));
        catch (Exception e)
            VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Unable to read topology from ZK, dying",
                    true, e);
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            JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(stringer.toString());
            // possibly atomic swap from null to realz
            m_localMetadata = obj.toString(4);
            hostLog.debug("System Metadata is: " + m_localMetadata);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            hostLog.warn("Failed to collect data about lcoal network interfaces", e);
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        // HACK: We're using the node_tree's hashCode() as it's name. It would be really
        //     nice if the Catalog code give us an guid without needing a name first...

        String json = null;
        try {
            JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(nodeLists.get(0).toJSONString());
            json = jobj.toString(4);
        } catch (JSONException e2) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
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        boolean found = VoltTableTestHelpers.moveToMatchingRow(procedures, "PROCEDURE_NAME", proc);
        boolean verified = false;
        if (found) {
            String remarks = procedures.getString("REMARKS");
            System.out.println("REMARKS: " + remarks);
            JSONObject jsObj = new JSONObject(remarks);
            verified = (jsObj.getBoolean(Constants.JSON_SINGLE_PARTITION));
        return verified;
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        return callProcOverJSONRaw(varString, expectedCode);

    public static Response responseFromJSON(String jsonStr) throws JSONException, IOException {
        Response response = new Response();
        JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(jsonStr);
        JSONArray resultsJson = jsonObj.getJSONArray("results");
        response.results = new VoltTable[resultsJson.length()];
        for (int i = 0; i < response.results.length; i++) {
            JSONObject tableJson = resultsJson.getJSONObject(i);
            response.results[i] =  VoltTable.fromJSONObject(tableJson);
        if (jsonObj.isNull("status") == false) {
            response.status = (byte) jsonObj.getInt("status");
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Related Classes of org.json_voltpatches.JSONObject

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