* as JSON. Need to merge our sequence numbers with existing numbers
* since multiple replicas will submit the sequence number
private static void mergeExportSequenceNumbers(JSONObject jsonObj,
Map<String, Map<Integer, Pair<Long,Long>>> exportSequenceNumbers) throws JSONException {
JSONObject tableSequenceMap;
if (jsonObj.has("exportSequenceNumbers")) {
tableSequenceMap = jsonObj.getJSONObject("exportSequenceNumbers");
} else {
tableSequenceMap = new JSONObject();
jsonObj.put("exportSequenceNumbers", tableSequenceMap);
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<Integer, Pair<Long, Long>>> tableEntry : exportSequenceNumbers.entrySet()) {
JSONObject sequenceNumbers;
final String tableName = tableEntry.getKey();
if (tableSequenceMap.has(tableName)) {
sequenceNumbers = tableSequenceMap.getJSONObject(tableName);
} else {
sequenceNumbers = new JSONObject();
tableSequenceMap.put(tableName, sequenceNumbers);
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Pair<Long, Long>> partitionEntry : tableEntry.getValue().entrySet()) {
final Integer partitionId = partitionEntry.getKey();
final String partitionIdString = partitionId.toString();
final Long ackOffset = partitionEntry.getValue().getFirst();
final Long partitionSequenceNumber = partitionEntry.getValue().getSecond();
* Check that the sequence number is the same everywhere and log if it isn't.
* Not going to crash because we are worried about poison pill transactions.
if (sequenceNumbers.has(partitionIdString)) {
JSONObject existingEntry = sequenceNumbers.getJSONObject(partitionIdString);
Long existingSequenceNumber = existingEntry.getLong("sequenceNumber");
if (!existingSequenceNumber.equals(partitionSequenceNumber)) {
SNAP_LOG.error("Found a mismatch in export sequence numbers while recording snapshot metadata " +
" for partition " + partitionId +
" the sequence number should be the same at all replicas, but one had " +
+ " and another had " + partitionSequenceNumber);
existingEntry.put(partitionIdString, Math.max(existingSequenceNumber, partitionSequenceNumber));
Long existingAckOffset = existingEntry.getLong("ackOffset");
existingEntry.put("ackOffset", Math.max(ackOffset, existingAckOffset));
} else {
JSONObject newObj = new JSONObject();
newObj.put("sequenceNumber", partitionSequenceNumber);
newObj.put("ackOffset", ackOffset);
sequenceNumbers.put(partitionIdString, newObj);