
Examples of

    public Object interpret(ThreadContext context, DynamicScope currDynScope, IRubyObject self, Object[] temp, Block block) {
        IRubyObject value = (IRubyObject) getObject().retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp);
        String name = getName().string;
        RubyString definedType = RuntimeHelpers.getDefinedConstantOrBoundMethod(value, name);
        return definedType == null ? context.nil : new StringLiteral(definedType.getByteList()).retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp);
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    protected Variable buildDefinitionCheck(IRScope s, ResultInstr definedInstr, String definedReturnValue) {
        Label undefLabel = s.getNewLabel();
        s.addInstr((Instr) definedInstr);
        s.addInstr(BEQInstr.create(definedInstr.getResult(), manager.getFalse(), undefLabel));
        return buildDefnCheckIfThenPaths(s, undefLabel, new StringLiteral(definedReturnValue));       
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        s.addInstr(BEQInstr.create(definedInstr.getResult(), manager.getFalse(), undefLabel));
        return buildDefnCheckIfThenPaths(s, undefLabel, new StringLiteral(definedReturnValue));       

    public Operand buildGetArgumentDefinition(final Node node, IRScope s, String type) {
        if (node == null) return new StringLiteral(type);

        Operand rv = new StringLiteral(type);
        boolean failPathReqd = false;
        Label failLabel = s.getNewLabel();
        if (node instanceof ArrayNode) {
            for (int i = 0; i < ((ArrayNode) node).size(); i++) {
                Node iterNode = ((ArrayNode) node).get(i);
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            case OPASGNNODE:
            case OPASGNANDNODE:
            case OPASGNORNODE:
            case OPELEMENTASGNNODE:
            case INSTASGNNODE: // simple assignment cases
                return new StringLiteral("assignment");
            case DVARNODE: 
                return new StringLiteral("local-variable(in-block)");
            case FALSENODE:
                return new StringLiteral("false");
            case TRUENODE:
                return new StringLiteral("true");
            case LOCALVARNODE:
                return new StringLiteral("local-variable");
            case MATCH2NODE:
            case MATCH3NODE:
                return new StringLiteral("method");
            case NILNODE:
                return new StringLiteral("nil");
            case SELFNODE:
                return new StringLiteral("self");
            case CONSTNODE: {
                Label defLabel = s.getNewLabel();
                Label doneLabel = s.getNewLabel();
                Variable tmpVar  = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                String constName = ((ConstNode) node).getName();
                s.addInstr(new LexicalSearchConstInstr(tmpVar, startingSearchScope(s), constName));
                s.addInstr(BNEInstr.create(tmpVar, UndefinedValue.UNDEFINED, defLabel));
                s.addInstr(new InheritanceSearchConstInstr(tmpVar, findContainerModule(s), constName, false)); // SSS FIXME: should this be the current-module var or something else?
                s.addInstr(BNEInstr.create(tmpVar, UndefinedValue.UNDEFINED, defLabel));
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(tmpVar, manager.getNil()));
                s.addInstr(new JumpInstr(doneLabel));
                s.addInstr(new LabelInstr(defLabel));
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(tmpVar, new StringLiteral("constant")));
                s.addInstr(new LabelInstr(doneLabel));
                return tmpVar;
            case GLOBALVARNODE:
                return buildDefinitionCheck(s, new GlobalIsDefinedInstr(s.getNewTemporaryVariable(), new StringLiteral(((GlobalVarNode) node).getName())), "global-variable");
            case INSTVARNODE:
                return buildDefinitionCheck(s, new HasInstanceVarInstr(s.getNewTemporaryVariable(), getSelf(s), new StringLiteral(((InstVarNode) node).getName())), "instance-variable");
            case YIELDNODE:
                return buildDefinitionCheck(s, new BlockGivenInstr(s.getNewTemporaryVariable()), "yield");
            case BACKREFNODE:
                return buildDefinitionCheck(s, new BackrefIsMatchDataInstr(s.getNewTemporaryVariable()), "$" + ((BackRefNode) node).getType());
            case NTHREFNODE: {
            // SSS FIXME: Is there a reason to do this all with low-level IR?
            // Can't this all be folded into a Java method that would be part
            // of the runtime library, which then can be used by buildDefinitionCheck method above?
            // This runtime library would be used both by the interpreter & the compiled code!

                /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 * We have to generate IR for this:
                 *    v = backref; (!(v instanceof RubyMatchData) || ? nil : "$#{n}"
                 * which happens to be identical to: (where nthRef implicitly fetches backref again!)
                 *    v = backref; (!(v instanceof RubyMatchData) || nthRef(n).nil?) ? nil : "$#{n}"
                 * I am using the second form since it let us encode it in fewer IR instructions.
                 * But, note that this second form is not as clean as the first one plus it fetches backref twice!
                 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                int n = ((NthRefNode) node).getMatchNumber();
                Label undefLabel = s.getNewLabel();
                Variable tmpVar = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new BackrefIsMatchDataInstr(tmpVar));
                s.addInstr(BEQInstr.create(tmpVar, manager.getFalse(), undefLabel));
                // SSS FIXME:
                // - Can/should I use BEQInstr(new NthRef(n), manager.getNil(), undefLabel)? instead of .nil? & compare with flag?
                // - Or, even create a new IsNilInstr and NotNilInstr to represent optimized scenarios where
                //   the nil? method is not monkey-patched?
                // This matters because if String.nil? is monkey-patched, the two sequences can behave differently.
                s.addInstr(CallInstr.create(tmpVar, new MethAddr("nil?"), new NthRef(n), NO_ARGS, null));
                s.addInstr(BEQInstr.create(tmpVar, manager.getTrue(), undefLabel));
                return buildDefnCheckIfThenPaths(s, undefLabel, new StringLiteral("$" + n));
            case COLON3NODE:
            case COLON2NODE: {
            // SSS FIXME: Is there a reason to do this all with low-level IR?
            // Can't this all be folded into a Java method that would be part
            // of the runtime library, which then can be used by buildDefinitionCheck method above?
            // This runtime library would be used both by the interpreter & the compiled code!

                final Colon3Node iVisited = (Colon3Node) node;
                final String name = iVisited.getName();

                // store previous exception for restoration if we rescue something
                Variable errInfo = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new GetErrorInfoInstr(errInfo));

                CodeBlock protectedCode = new CodeBlock() {
                    public Operand run(Object[] args) {
                        IRScope s    = (IRScope)args[0];
                        Node    n    = (Node)args[1];
                        String  name = (String)args[2];
                        Operand v    = (n instanceof Colon2Node) ? build(((Colon2Node)n).getLeftNode(), s) : new ObjectClass();

                        Variable tmpVar = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                        s.addInstr(new GetDefinedConstantOrMethodInstr(tmpVar, v, new StringLiteral(name)));
                        return tmpVar;

                // rescue block
                CodeBlock rescueBlock = new CodeBlock() {
                    public Operand run(Object[] args) {
                        // Nothing to do -- ignore the exception, and restore stashed error info!
                        IRScope  m  = (IRScope)args[0];
                        m.addInstr(new RestoreErrorInfoInstr((Operand) args[1]));
                        return manager.getNil();

                // Try verifying definition, and if we get an JumpException exception, process it with the rescue block above
                return protectCodeWithRescue(s, protectedCode, new Object[]{s, iVisited, name}, rescueBlock, new Object[] {s, errInfo});
            case FCALLNODE: {
                /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
                 * Generate IR for:
                 *    r = self/receiver
                 *    mc = r.metaclass
                 *    return mc.methodBound(meth) ? buildGetArgumentDefn(..) : false
                 * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
                Label undefLabel = s.getNewLabel();
                Variable tmpVar = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                StringLiteral mName = new StringLiteral(((FCallNode)node).getName());
                s.addInstr(new IsMethodBoundInstr(tmpVar, getSelf(s), mName));
                s.addInstr(BEQInstr.create(tmpVar, manager.getFalse(), undefLabel));
                Operand argsCheckDefn = buildGetArgumentDefinition(((FCallNode) node).getArgsNode(), s, "method");
                return buildDefnCheckIfThenPaths(s, undefLabel, argsCheckDefn);
            case VCALLNODE:
                return buildDefinitionCheck(s, new IsMethodBoundInstr(s.getNewTemporaryVariable(), getSelf(s), new StringLiteral(((VCallNode) node).getName())), "method");
            case CALLNODE: {
            // SSS FIXME: Is there a reason to do this all with low-level IR?
            // Can't this all be folded into a Java method that would be part
            // of the runtime library?

                Label    undefLabel = s.getNewLabel();
                CallNode iVisited = (CallNode) node;
                Operand  receiverDefn = buildGetDefinition(iVisited.getReceiverNode(), s);
                s.addInstr(BEQInstr.create(receiverDefn, manager.getNil(), undefLabel));

                // protected main block
                CodeBlock protectedCode = new CodeBlock() {
                    public Operand run(Object[] args) {
                        IRScope  s          = (IRScope)args[0];
                        CallNode iVisited   = (CallNode)args[1];
                        String   methodName = iVisited.getName();
                        Variable tmpVar     = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                        Operand  receiver   = build(iVisited.getReceiverNode(), s);
                        s.addInstr(new MethodDefinedInstr(tmpVar, receiver, new StringLiteral(methodName)));
                        return buildDefnCheckIfThenPaths(s, (Label)args[2], tmpVar);

                // rescue block
                CodeBlock rescueBlock = new CodeBlock() {
                    public Operand run(Object[] args) { return manager.getNil(); } // Nothing to do if we got an exception

                // Try verifying definition, and if we get an exception, throw it out, and return nil
                return protectCodeWithRescue(s, protectedCode, new Object[]{s, iVisited, undefLabel}, rescueBlock, null);
            case CLASSVARNODE: {
            // SSS FIXME: Is there a reason to do this all with low-level IR?
            // Can't this all be folded into a Java method that would be part
            // of the runtime library, which would be used both by the interpreter & the compiled code!

                /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 * Generate IR for this ruby pseudo-code:
                 *   cm = tc.getCurrentScope.getStaticScope.getModule || self.metaclass
                 *   cm.isClassVarDefined ? "class variable" : nil
                 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
                ClassVarNode iVisited = (ClassVarNode) node;
                Operand cm = classVarDefinitionContainer(s);
                return buildDefinitionCheck(s, new ClassVarIsDefinedInstr(s.getNewTemporaryVariable(), cm, new StringLiteral(iVisited.getName())), "class variable");
            case ATTRASSIGNNODE: {
                Label  undefLabel = s.getNewLabel();
                AttrAssignNode iVisited = (AttrAssignNode) node;
                Operand receiverDefn = buildGetDefinition(iVisited.getReceiverNode(), s);
                s.addInstr(BEQInstr.create(receiverDefn, manager.getNil(), undefLabel));

                // protected main block
                CodeBlock protectedCode = new CodeBlock() {
                    public Operand run(Object[] args) {
                        /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                         * This basically combines checks from CALLNODE and FCALLNODE
                         * Generate IR for this sequence
                         *    1. r  = receiver
                         *    2. mc = r.metaClass
                         *    3. v  = mc.getVisibility(methodName)
                         *    4. f  = !v || v.isPrivate? || (v.isProtected? && receiver/self?.kindof(mc.getRealClass))
                         *    5. return !f && mc.methodBound(attrmethod) ? buildGetArgumentDefn(..) : false
                         * Hide the complexity of instrs 2-4 into a verifyMethodIsPublicAccessible call
                         * which can executely entirely in Java-land.  No reason to expose the guts in IR.
                         * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
                        IRScope s = (IRScope)args[0];
                        AttrAssignNode iVisited = (AttrAssignNode)args[1];
                        Label undefLabel = (Label)args[2];
                        StringLiteral attrMethodName = new StringLiteral(iVisited.getName());
                        Variable tmpVar     = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                        Operand  receiver   = build(iVisited.getReceiverNode(), s);
                        s.addInstr(new MethodIsPublicInstr(tmpVar, receiver, attrMethodName));
                        s.addInstr(BEQInstr.create(tmpVar, manager.getFalse(), undefLabel));
                        s.addInstr(new IsMethodBoundInstr(tmpVar, getSelf(s), attrMethodName));
                        s.addInstr(BEQInstr.create(tmpVar, manager.getFalse(), undefLabel));
                        Operand argsCheckDefn = buildGetArgumentDefinition(((AttrAssignNode) node).getArgsNode(), s, "assignment");
                        return buildDefnCheckIfThenPaths(s, undefLabel, argsCheckDefn);

                // rescue block
                CodeBlock rescueBlock = new CodeBlock() {
                    public Operand run(Object[] args) { return manager.getNil(); } // Nothing to do if we got an exception

                // Try verifying definition, and if we get an JumpException exception, process it with the rescue block above
                return protectCodeWithRescue(s, protectedCode, new Object[]{s, iVisited, undefLabel}, rescueBlock, null);
            case ZSUPERNODE:
                return buildDefinitionCheck(s, new SuperMethodBoundInstr(s.getNewTemporaryVariable(), getSelf(s)), "super");
            case SUPERNODE: {
                Label undefLabel = s.getNewLabel();
                Variable tmpVar  = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new SuperMethodBoundInstr(tmpVar, getSelf(s)));
                s.addInstr(BEQInstr.create(tmpVar, manager.getFalse(), undefLabel));
                Operand superDefnVal = buildGetArgumentDefinition(((SuperNode) node).getArgsNode(), s, "super");
                return buildDefnCheckIfThenPaths(s, undefLabel, superDefnVal);
            default: {
                // protected code
                CodeBlock protectedCode = new CodeBlock() {
                    public Operand run(Object[] args) {
                        build((Node)args[0], (IRScope)args[1]);
                        // always an expression as long as we get through here without an exception!
                        return new StringLiteral("expression");
                // rescue block
                CodeBlock rescueBlock = new CodeBlock() {
                    public Operand run(Object[] args) { return manager.getNil(); } // Nothing to do if we got an exception
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        return method;

    public Operand buildDefn(MethodDefNode node, IRScope s) { // Instance method
        IRMethod method = defineNewMethod(node, s, true);
        s.addInstr(new DefineInstanceMethodInstr(new StringLiteral("--unused--"), method));
        return manager.getNil();
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        return new WrappedIRClosure(closure);

    public Operand buildLiteral(LiteralNode literalNode, IRScope s) {
        return copyAndReturnValue(s, new StringLiteral(literalNode.getName()));
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        return manager.getNil();

    public Operand buildRegexp(RegexpNode reNode, IRScope s) {
        return copyAndReturnValue(s, new Regexp(new StringLiteral(reNode.getValue()), reNode.getOptions()));
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        // Verify with Tom / Charlie
        return new Splat(build(splatNode.getValue(), s));

    public Operand buildStr(StrNode strNode, IRScope s) {
        return copyAndReturnValue(s, new StringLiteral(strNode.getValue()));
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        return buildConditionalLoop(s, untilNode.getConditionNode(), untilNode.getBodyNode(), false, untilNode.evaluateAtStart());

    public Operand buildVAlias(Node node, IRScope s) {
        VAliasNode valiasNode = (VAliasNode) node;
        s.addInstr(new GVarAliasInstr(new StringLiteral(valiasNode.getNewName()), new StringLiteral(valiasNode.getOldName())));
        return manager.getNil();
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    public Operand buildWhile(final WhileNode whileNode, IRScope s) {
        return buildConditionalLoop(s, whileNode.getConditionNode(), whileNode.getBodyNode(), true, whileNode.evaluateAtStart());

    public Operand buildXStr(XStrNode node, IRScope s) {
        return copyAndReturnValue(s, new BacktickString(new StringLiteral(node.getValue())));
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