
Examples of

        // Traverse the instructions in this basic block in reverse order!
        // Mark as dead all instructions whose results are not used!
        List<Instr> instrs = _bb.getInstrs();
        ListIterator<Instr> it = instrs.listIterator(instrs.size());
        while (it.hasPrevious()) {
            Instr i = it.previous();
//            System.out.println("DEAD?? " + i);
            Variable v = i.getResult();
            if (v != null) {
                DataFlowVar dv = lvp.getDFVar(v);
                    // If 'v' is not live at the instruction site, and it has no side effects, mark it dead!
                if ((_tmp.get(dv._id) == false) && !i.hasSideEffects()) {
//                    System.out.println("YES!");
                else if (_tmp.get(dv._id) == false) {
//                    System.out.println("NO!  has side effects! Op is: " + i.operation);
                else {
//                    System.out.println("NO! LIVE result:" + v);
            else {
//                System.out.println("IGNORING! No result!");

            if (i instanceof CallInstr) {
                CallInstr c = (CallInstr) i;
                if (c.isLVADataflowBarrier()) {
                    // Mark all variables live if 'c' is a dataflow barrier!
                    for (int j = 0; j < _setSize; j++)
                else {
                    Operand o = c.getClosureArg();
                    if ((o != null) && (o instanceof MetaObject)) {
                        // 2. Run LVA on the closure
                        IRClosure cl = (IRClosure)((MetaObject)o).scope;
                        CFG x = cl.getCFG();
                        LiveVariablesProblem xlvp = (LiveVariablesProblem)x.getDataFlowSolution(lvp.getName());
                        // 3. Collect variables live on entry and merge that info into the current problem.
                        for (Variable y: xlvp.getVarsLiveOnEntry()) {
                            DataFlowVar dv = lvp.getDFVar(y);
                            // This can be null for vars used, but not defined!  Yes, the source program is buggy ..
                            if (dv != null)

            // Do not mark this instruction's operands live if the instruction itself is dead!
            if (!i.isDead()) {
               for (Variable x: i.getUsedVariables()) {
                   DataFlowVar dv = lvp.getDFVar(x);
                   if (dv != null)
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        while (instrs.hasNext()) {
            Instr i =;
            if (i.operation == Operation.BINDING_LOAD) continue;

            if (i instanceof CallInstr) {
                CallInstr call = (CallInstr) i;
                Operand o = call.getClosureArg();
                if ((o != null) && (o instanceof MetaObject)) {
                    CFG cl_cfg = ((IRClosure) ((MetaObject) o).scope).getCFG();
                    BindingStorePlacementProblem cl_bsp = (BindingStorePlacementProblem) cl_cfg.getDataFlowSolution(bsp.getName());

                    // Add a binding allocation instruction, if necessary
                    if (!bindingAllocated) {
                        instrs.add(new AllocateBindingInstr(s));
                        bindingAllocated = true;

                    // If the call is an eval, or if the callee can capture this method's binding,
                    // we have to spill all variables.
                    boolean spillAllVars = call.canBeEval() || call.canCaptureCallersBinding();

                    // Unless we have to spill everything, spill only those dirty variables that are:
                    // - used in the closure (FIXME: Strictly only those vars that are live at the call site -- but we dont have this info!)
                    Set<Variable> newDirtyVars = new HashSet<Variable>(dirtyVars);
                    for (Variable v : dirtyVars) {
                        if (spillAllVars || cl_bsp.scopeUsesVariable(v)) {
                            // FIXME: This may not need check for local variable if it is guaranteed to only be local variables.
                            instrs.add(new StoreToBindingInstr(s, v.getName(), v));
                        } // These variables will be spilt inside the closure -- so they will no longer be dirty after the call site!
                        else if (cl_bsp.scopeDefinesVariable(v)) {
                    dirtyVars = newDirtyVars;

                    // add stores in the closure
                    ((BindingStorePlacementProblem) cl_cfg.getDataFlowSolution(bsp.getName())).addStoreAndBindingAllocInstructions();
                } // Call has no closure && it requires stores
                else if (call.requiresBinding()) {
                    if (!bindingAllocated) {
                        instrs.add(new AllocateBindingInstr(s));
                        bindingAllocated = true;
                    for (Variable v : dirtyVars) {
                        instrs.add(new StoreToBindingInstr(s, v.getName(), v));
            } else if ((i instanceof ClosureReturnInstr) || (i instanceof BREAK_Instr)) {
                // At closure return and break instructions (both of which are exits from the closure),
                // we need a binding store on exit only for vars that are both:
                //   (a) dirty,
                //   (b) live on exit from the closure
                //       condition reqd. because the variable could be dirty but not used outside.
                //         Ex: s=0; a.each { |i| j = i+1; sum += j; }; puts sum
                //       i,j are dirty inside the block, but not used outside
                // If this also happens to be exit BB, we would have intersected already earlier -- so no need to do it again!
                if (!amExitBB) {
                    LiveVariablesProblem lvp = (LiveVariablesProblem)cfg.getDataFlowSolution(DataFlowConstants.LVP_NAME);
                    java.util.Collection<Variable> liveVars = lvp.getVarsLiveOnEntry();
                    System.out.println("\n[@Closure Instr<" + i + ">] For CFG " + cfg + ":");
                    System.out.println("\t--> Dirty vars here   : " + java.util.Arrays.toString(dirtyVars.toArray()));
                    System.out.println("\t--> Vars live on entry: " + (liveVars == null ? "NONE" : java.util.Arrays.toString(liveVars.toArray())));
                    liveVars = lvp.getVarsLiveOnExit();
                    System.out.println("\t--> Vars live on exit : " + (liveVars == null ? "NONE" : java.util.Arrays.toString(liveVars.toArray())));
                    LiveVariablesProblem lvp = (LiveVariablesProblem)cfg.getDataFlowSolution(DataFlowConstants.LVP_NAME);
                    java.util.Collection<Variable> liveVars = lvp.getVarsLiveOnExit();
                    if (liveVars != null)
                        dirtyVars.retainAll(liveVars); // Intersection with variables live on exit from the scope

                for (Variable v : dirtyVars) {
                    instrs.add(new StoreToBindingInstr(s, v.getName(), v));

                // Nothing is dirty anymore -- everything that needs spilling has been spilt

            Variable v = i.getResult();
            if ((v != null) && (v instanceof LocalVariable)) dirtyVars.add(v);

        // If this is the exit BB, add binding stores for all vars that are still dirty
        if (amExitBB) {
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        // Traverse the instructions in this basic block in reverse order!
        List<Instr> instrs = _bb.getInstrs();
        ListIterator<Instr> it = instrs.listIterator(instrs.size());
        while (it.hasPrevious()) {
            Instr i = it.previous();
//            System.out.println("TF: Processing: " + i);

            // v is defined => It is no longer live before 'i'
            Variable v = i.getResult();
            if (v != null) {
                DataFlowVar dv = lvp.getDFVar(v);
//                System.out.println("cleared live flag for: " + v);

            // Check if 'i' is a call and uses a closure!
            // If so, we need to process the closure for live variable info.
            if (i instanceof CallInstr) {
                CallInstr c = (CallInstr) i;
                // SSS FIXME: This relies on the local opt. pass having run already
                // so that the built closure from the previous instr. is propagated to the call site here.
                // Formalize this dependency somewhere?
                Operand o = c.getClosureArg();
//                   System.out.println("Processing closure: " + o + "-------");
                if ((o != null) && (o instanceof MetaObject)) {
                    IRClosure cl = (IRClosure)((MetaObject)o).scope;
                    if (c.isLVADataflowBarrier()) {
                        processClosure(cl, lvp.getAllVars());

                        // Mark all variables live if 'c' is a dataflow barrier!
//                        System.out.println(".. call is a data flow barrier ..");
                        for (int j = 0; j < _setSize; j++)
                    else {
                        // Propagate current LVA state through the closure
                        // SSS FIXME: Think through this .. Is there any way out of having
                        // to recompute the entire lva for the closure each time through?

                        // 1. Collect variables live at this point.
                        List<Variable> liveVars = new ArrayList<Variable>();
                        for (int j = 0; j < _tmp.size(); j++) {
                            if (_tmp.get(j) == true) {
//                                System.out.println(lvp.getVariable(j) + " is live on exit of closure!");
//                        System.out.println(" .. collected live on exit ..");

                        // 2. Run LVA on the closure
                        LiveVariablesProblem xlvp = processClosure(cl, liveVars);

//                        System.out.println("------- done with closure" + o);

                        // 3. Collect variables live on entry of the closure and merge that info into the current problem.
                        for (Variable y: xlvp.getVarsLiveOnEntry()) {
                            DataFlowVar dv = lvp.getDFVar(y);
                            // This can be null for vars used, but not defined!  Yes, the source program is buggy ..
                            if (dv != null) {
//                                System.out.println(y + " is live on entry of the closure!");
                else if (c.isLVADataflowBarrier()) {
                    // Mark all variables live if 'c' is a dataflow barrier!
//                    System.out.println(".. call is a data flow barrier ..");
                    for (int j = 0; j < _setSize; j++)

            // Now, for all variables used by 'i' mark them live before 'i'
            for (Variable x: i.getUsedVariables()) {
                DataFlowVar dv = lvp.getDFVar(x);
                // This can be null for vars used, but not defined!  Yes, the source program is buggy ..
                if (dv != null) {
//                    System.out.println("set live flag for: " + x);
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        Set<Variable> reqdLoads = new HashSet<Variable>(_inReqdLoads);

        List<Instr> instrs = _bb.getInstrs();
        ListIterator<Instr> it = instrs.listIterator(instrs.size());
        while (it.hasPrevious()) {
            Instr i = it.previous();

            if (i.operation == Operation.BINDING_STORE) continue;

            // Right away, clear the variable defined by this instruction -- it doesn't have to be loaded!
            Variable r = i.getResult();

            if (r != null) reqdLoads.remove(r);

            // Process calls specially -- these are the sites of binding loads!
            if (i instanceof CallInstr) {
                CallInstr call = (CallInstr) i;
                Operand o = call.getClosureArg();
                if ((o != null) && (o instanceof MetaObject)) {
                    IRClosure cl = (IRClosure) ((MetaObject) o).scope;
                    CFG cl_cfg = cl.getCFG();
                    BindingLoadPlacementProblem cl_blp = new BindingLoadPlacementProblem();
                    cl_cfg.setDataFlowSolution(cl_blp.getName(), cl_blp);
                    if (call.requiresBinding()) {

                    // Variables defined in the closure do not need to be loaded anymore at
                    // program points before the call.
                    Set<Variable> newReqdLoads = new HashSet<Variable>(reqdLoads);
                    for (Variable v : reqdLoads) {
                        if (cl_blp.scopeDefinesVariable(v)) newReqdLoads.remove(v);
                    reqdLoads = newReqdLoads;
                // In this case, we are going to blindly load everything -- so, at the call site, pending loads dont carry over!
                else if (call.requiresBinding()) {

            // The variables used as arguments will need to be loaded
            for (Variable x : i.getUsedVariables()) {
                if (x instanceof LocalVariable)
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        IRExecutionScope s = blp.getCFG().getScope();
        List<Instr> instrs = _bb.getInstrs();
        ListIterator<Instr> it = instrs.listIterator(instrs.size());
        Set<Variable> reqdLoads = new HashSet<Variable>(_inReqdLoads);
        while (it.hasPrevious()) {
            Instr i = it.previous();

            if (i.operation == Operation.BINDING_STORE) continue;

            // Right away, clear the variable defined by this instruction -- it doesn't have to be loaded!
            Variable r = i.getResult();

            if (r != null) reqdLoads.remove(r);

            if (i instanceof CallInstr) {
                CallInstr call = (CallInstr) i;
                Operand o = call.getClosureArg();
                if ((o != null) && (o instanceof MetaObject)) {
                    CFG cl_cfg = ((IRClosure) ((MetaObject) o).scope).getCFG();
                    BindingLoadPlacementProblem cl_blp = (BindingLoadPlacementProblem) cl_cfg.getDataFlowSolution(blp.getName());

                    // Only those variables that are defined in the closure, and are in the required loads set
                    // will need to be loaded from the binding after the call!
                    Set<Variable> newReqdLoads = new HashSet<Variable>(reqdLoads);
                    for (Variable v : reqdLoads) {
                        if (cl_blp.scopeDefinesVariable(v)) {
                            it.add(new LoadFromBindingInstr(v, s, v.getName()));
                    reqdLoads = newReqdLoads;

                    // add loads in the closure
                    ((BindingLoadPlacementProblem) cl_cfg.getDataFlowSolution(blp.getName())).addLoads();
                } else if (call.requiresBinding()) {
                    for (Variable v : reqdLoads) {
                        it.add(new LoadFromBindingInstr(v, s, v.getName()));

            // The variables used as arguments will need to be loaded
            for (Variable x : i.getUsedVariables()) {
                if (x instanceof LocalVariable)
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            IRubyObject self = (IRubyObject) interp.getSelf();
            Instr[] instrs = cfg.prepareForInterpretation();
            int n   = instrs.length;
            int ipc = 0;
            Instr lastInstr = null;
            while (ipc < n) {
                lastInstr = instrs[ipc];
                if (debug) System.out.println("EXEC'ing: " + lastInstr);
                try {
                    Label jumpTarget = lastInstr.interpret(interp, self);
                    ipc = (jumpTarget == null) ? ipc + 1 : jumpTarget.getTargetPC();
                // SSS FIXME: This only catches Ruby exceptions
                // What about Java exceptions?
                catch (org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException re) {
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        // to preserve expected code execution order
        Operand       receiver     = build(receiverNode, s);
        List<Operand> args         = setupCallArgs(callArgsNode, s);
        Operand       block        = setupCallClosure(callNode.getIterNode(), s);
        Variable      callResult   = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        Instr      callInstr    = new CallInstr(callResult, new MethAddr(callNode.getName()), receiver, args.toArray(new Operand[args.size()]), block);
        return callResult;
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        } else if (iVisited instanceof Colon2MethodNode) {
            Colon2MethodNode c2mNode = (Colon2MethodNode)iVisited;
            List<Operand> args       = setupCallArgs(null, s);
            Operand       block      = setupCallClosure(null, s);
            Variable      callResult = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
            Instr      callInstr  = new CallInstr(callResult, new MethAddr(c2mNode.getName()),
                    null, args.toArray(new Operand[args.size()]), block);
            return callResult;
        else { throw new NotCompilableException("Not compilable: " + iVisited); }
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                Variable tmpVar = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new JRubyImplCallInstr(tmpVar, new MethAddr("getMetaClass"), getSelf(s), NO_ARGS));
                Label undefLabel = s.getNewLabel();
                Label defLabel   = s.getNewLabel();
                StringLiteral mName = new StringLiteral(((FCallNode)node).getName());
                Instr callInstr  = new JRubyImplCallInstr(tmpVar, new MethAddr("isMethodBound"), tmpVar, new Operand[]{mName, BooleanLiteral.FALSE});
                s.addInstr(new BEQInstr(tmpVar, BooleanLiteral.FALSE, undefLabel));
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(tmpVar, buildGetArgumentDefinition(((FCallNode) node).getArgsNode(), s, "method")));
                s.addInstr(new JumpInstr(defLabel));
                s.addInstr(new LABEL_Instr(undefLabel));
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    public Operand buildFCall(FCallNode fcallNode, IRScope s) {
        Node          callArgsNode = fcallNode.getArgsNode();
        List<Operand> args         = setupCallArgs(callArgsNode, s);
        Operand       block        = setupCallClosure(fcallNode.getIterNode(), s);
        Variable      callResult   = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        Instr         callInstr    = new CallInstr(callResult, new MethAddr(fcallNode.getName()), getSelf(s), args.toArray(new Operand[args.size()]), block);
        return callResult;
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