Package org.jquantlib.pricingengines

Examples of org.jquantlib.pricingengines.BlackCalculator$Calculator$CashOrNothingPayoffVisitor

      {IsLocalProxyFactoryInterceptor.singleton, new NotToBeInvokedInterceptor()};
      PojiProxy handler = new PojiProxy(KEY, null, interceptors);
      Class<?>[] interfaces = new Class<?>[]
      // create the proxy
      Calculator calculator = (Calculator) Proxy.newProxyInstance(interfaces[0].getClassLoader(), interfaces, handler);
      // register with dispatcher too, since the IsLocalProxyFactoryInterceptor
      // looks for the key in the dispatcher
      Dispatcher.singleton.registerTarget(KEY, new CalculatorImpl());

         int result = calculator.add(1, 2);"Successfully invoked method. Result = " + result);
         Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect result from calculator", result, 3);
      catch (IllegalInvocationException iie)
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        /*@DiscountFactor*/ final double dividendDiscount = Math.exp(-dividendYield*t_q);
        /*@Real*/ final double spot = process.stateVariable().currentLink().value();
        QL.require(spot > 0.0, "negative or null underlying given"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
        /*@Real*/ final double forward = spot * dividendDiscount / riskFreeDiscount;

        final BlackCalculator black = new BlackCalculator(payoff, forward, Math.sqrt(variance/3.0),riskFreeDiscount);
        r.value = black.value(); =;
        greeks.gamma = black.gamma(spot);
        greeks.dividendRho = black.dividendRho(t_q)/2.0;

        /*@Time*/ final double t_r = rfdc.yearFraction(process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().referenceDate(),
        greeks.rho = black.rho(t_r) + 0.5 * black.dividendRho(t_q);

        /*@Time*/ final double t_v = voldc.yearFraction(
        greeks.vega = black.vega(t_v)/Math.sqrt(3.0) +

        try {
            greeks.theta = black.theta(spot, t_v);
        } catch (final ArithmeticException e) {
            greeks.theta = Constants.NULL_REAL;
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        /*@Real*/ final double forwardPrice = Math.exp(muG + variance / 2.0);

        /*@DiscountFactor*/ final double riskFreeDiscount = process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().

        final BlackCalculator black = new BlackCalculator(payoff, forwardPrice, Math.sqrt(variance), riskFreeDiscount);

        r.value = black.value(); = futureWeight**forwardPrice/s;
        greeks.gamma = forwardPrice*futureWeight/(s*s)*(black.gamma(forwardPrice)*futureWeight*forwardPrice
                - pastWeight* );

        /*@Real*/ double Nx_1, nx_1;
        final CumulativeNormalDistribution CND = new CumulativeNormalDistribution();
        final NormalDistribution ND = new NormalDistribution();

        if (sigG > Constants.QL_EPSILON) {
            /*@Real*/ final double x_1  = (muG-Math.log(payoff.strike())+variance)/sigG;
            Nx_1 = CND.op(x_1);
            nx_1 = ND.op(x_1);
        } else {
            Nx_1 = (muG > Math.log(payoff.strike()) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
            nx_1 = 0.0;
        greeks.vega = forwardPrice * riskFreeDiscount * ( (dmuG_dsig + sigG * dsigG_dsig)*Nx_1 + nx_1*dsigG_dsig );

        if (payoff.optionType() == Option.Type.Put) {
            greeks.vega -= riskFreeDiscount * forwardPrice * (dmuG_dsig + sigG * dsigG_dsig);

        /*@Time*/ final double tRho = rfdc.yearFraction(process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
        greeks.rho = black.rho(tRho)*timeSum/(N*tRho) - (tRho-timeSum/N) * r.value;

        /*@Time*/ final double tDiv = divdc.yearFraction(

        greeks.dividendRho = black.dividendRho(tDiv)*timeSum/(N*tDiv);
        moreGreeks.strikeSensitivity = black.strikeSensitivity();
        greeks.theta = greeks.blackScholesTheta(process, r.value,, greeks.gamma);
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        final double /*@DiscountFactor*/ dividendDiscount = process.dividendYield().currentLink().discount(ex.lastDate());
        final double /*@DiscountFactor*/ riskFreeDiscount = process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().discount(ex.lastDate());
        final double /*@Real*/ spot = process.stateVariable().currentLink().value();
        QL.require(spot > 0.0, "negative or null underlying given"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
        final double /*@Real*/ forwardPrice = spot * dividendDiscount / riskFreeDiscount;
        final BlackCalculator black = new BlackCalculator(payoff, forwardPrice, Math.sqrt(variance), riskFreeDiscount);

        if (dividendDiscount>=1.0 && payoff.optionType()==Option.Type.Call) {
            // early exercise never optimal
            r.value                     = black.value();
            moreGreeks.deltaForward = black.deltaForward();
            moreGreeks.elasticity   = black.elasticity(spot);
            greeks.gamma            = black.gamma(spot);

            final DayCounter rfdc  = process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().dayCounter();
            final DayCounter divdc = process.dividendYield().currentLink().dayCounter();
            final DayCounter voldc = process.blackVolatility().currentLink().dayCounter();

            double /*@Time*/ t = rfdc.yearFraction(process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
            greeks.rho = black.rho(t);

            t = divdc.yearFraction(process.dividendYield().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
            greeks.dividendRho = black.dividendRho(t);

            t = voldc.yearFraction(process.blackVolatility().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
            greeks.vega        = black.vega(t);
            greeks.theta       = black.theta(spot, t);

            moreGreeks.thetaPerDay        = black.thetaPerDay(spot, t);
            moreGreeks.strikeSensitivity  = black.strikeSensitivity();
            moreGreeks.itmCashProbability = black.itmCashProbability();
        } else {
            // early exercise can be optimal
            final CumulativeNormalDistribution cumNormalDist = new CumulativeNormalDistribution();
            final double /*@Real*/ tolerance = 1e-6;
            final double /*@Real*/ Sk = criticalPrice(payoff, riskFreeDiscount, dividendDiscount, variance, tolerance);
            final double /*@Real*/ forwardSk = Sk * dividendDiscount / riskFreeDiscount;
            final double /*@Real*/ d1 = (Math.log(forwardSk/payoff.strike()) + 0.5*variance)/Math.sqrt(variance);
            final double /*@Real*/ n = 2.0*Math.log(dividendDiscount/riskFreeDiscount)/variance;
            final double /*@Real*/ K = -2.0*Math.log(riskFreeDiscount)/(variance*(1.0-riskFreeDiscount));
            double /*@Real*/ Q, a;
            switch (payoff.optionType()) {
            case Call:
                Q = (-(n-1.0) + Math.sqrt(((n-1.0)*(n-1.0))+4.0*K))/2.0;
                a =  (Sk/Q) * (1.0 - dividendDiscount * cumNormalDist.op(d1));
                if (spot<Sk)
                    r.value = black.value() + a * Math.pow((spot/Sk), Q);
                    r.value = spot - payoff.strike();
            case Put:
                Q = (-(n-1.0) - Math.sqrt(((n-1.0)*(n-1.0))+4.0*K))/2.0;
                a = -(Sk/Q) * (1.0 - dividendDiscount * cumNormalDist.op(-d1));
                if (spot>Sk)
                    r.value = black.value() + a * Math.pow((spot/Sk), Q);
                    r.value = payoff.strike() - spot;
                throw new LibraryException(UNKNOWN_OPTION_TYPE); // QA:[RG]::verified
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        final double /* @DiscountFactor */dividendDiscount = process.dividendYield().currentLink().discount(ex.lastDate());
        final double /* @DiscountFactor */riskFreeDiscount = process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().discount(ex.lastDate());
        final double /* @Real */spot = process.stateVariable().currentLink().value();
        QL.require(spot > 0.0, "negative or null underlying given"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
        final double /* @Real */forwardPrice = spot * dividendDiscount / riskFreeDiscount;
        final BlackCalculator black = new BlackCalculator(payoff, forwardPrice, Math.sqrt(variance), riskFreeDiscount);

        if (dividendDiscount>=1.0 && payoff.optionType()==Option.Type.Call) {
            // early exercise never optimal
            r.value           = black.value();
            moreGreeks.deltaForward = black.deltaForward();
            moreGreeks.elasticity   = black.elasticity(spot);
            greeks.gamma            = black.gamma(spot);

            final DayCounter rfdc  = process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().dayCounter();
            final DayCounter divdc = process.dividendYield().currentLink().dayCounter();
            final DayCounter voldc = process.blackVolatility().currentLink().dayCounter();
            double /*@Time*/ t = rfdc.yearFraction(process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
            greeks.rho = black.rho(t);

            t = divdc.yearFraction(process.dividendYield().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
            greeks.dividendRho = black.dividendRho(t);

            t = voldc.yearFraction(process.blackVolatility().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
            greeks.vega            = black.vega(t);
            greeks.theta           = black.theta(spot, t);
            moreGreeks.thetaPerDay = black.thetaPerDay(spot, t);

            moreGreeks.strikeSensitivity  = black.strikeSensitivity();
            moreGreeks.itmCashProbability = black.itmCashProbability();
        } else {
            // early exercise can be optimal
            final CumulativeNormalDistribution cumNormalDist = new CumulativeNormalDistribution();
            final NormalDistribution normalDist = new NormalDistribution();

            final double /*@Real*/ tolerance = 1e-6;
            final double /*@Real*/ Sk = BaroneAdesiWhaleyApproximationEngine.criticalPrice(payoff, riskFreeDiscount, dividendDiscount, variance, tolerance);

            final double /*@Real*/ forwardSk = Sk * dividendDiscount / riskFreeDiscount;

            final double /*@Real*/ alpha = -2.0*Math.log(riskFreeDiscount)/(variance);
            final double /*@Real*/ beta = 2.0*Math.log(dividendDiscount/riskFreeDiscount)/
            final double /*@Real*/ h = 1 - riskFreeDiscount;
            double /*@Real*/ phi;

            switch (payoff.optionType()) {
            case Call:
                phi = 1;
            case Put:
                phi = -1;
                throw new LibraryException(UNKNOWN_OPTION_TYPE); // QA:[RG]::verified

            // TODO: study how zero interest rate could be handled
            QL.ensure(h != 0.0 , DIVIDING_BY_ZERO_INTEREST_RATE); // QA:[RG]::verified

            final double /* @Real */temp_root = Math.sqrt((beta - 1) * (beta - 1) + (4 * alpha) / h);
            final double /* @Real */lambda = (-(beta - 1) + phi * temp_root) / 2;
            final double /* @Real */lambda_prime = -phi * alpha / (h * h * temp_root);

            final double /* @Real */black_Sk = BlackFormula.blackFormula(payoff.optionType(), payoff.strike(), forwardSk, Math.sqrt(variance)) * riskFreeDiscount;
            final double /* @Real */hA = phi * (Sk - payoff.strike()) - black_Sk;

            final double /* @Real */d1_Sk = (Math.log(forwardSk / payoff.strike()) + 0.5 * variance) / Math.sqrt(variance);
            final double /* @Real */d2_Sk = d1_Sk - Math.sqrt(variance);
            final double /* @Real */part1 = forwardSk * normalDist.op(d1_Sk) / (alpha * Math.sqrt(variance));
            final double /* @Real */part2 = -phi * forwardSk * cumNormalDist.op(phi * d1_Sk) * Math.log(dividendDiscount) / Math.log(riskFreeDiscount);
            final double /* @Real */part3 = +phi * payoff.strike() * cumNormalDist.op(phi * d2_Sk);
            final double /* @Real */V_E_h = part1 + part2 + part3;

            final double /* @Real */b = (1 - h) * alpha * lambda_prime / (2 * (2 * lambda + beta - 1));
            final double /* @Real */c = -((1 - h) * alpha / (2 * lambda + beta - 1)) * (V_E_h / (hA) + 1 / h + lambda_prime / (2 * lambda + beta - 1));
            final double /* @Real */temp_spot_ratio = Math.log(spot / Sk);
            final double /* @Real */chi = temp_spot_ratio * (b * temp_spot_ratio + c);

            if (phi * (Sk - spot) > 0) {
                r.value = black.value() + hA * Math.pow((spot / Sk), lambda) / (1 - chi);
            } else {
                r.value = phi * (spot - payoff.strike());

            final double /* @Real */temp_chi_prime = (2 * b / spot) * Math.log(spot / Sk);
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        if (dividendDiscount>=1.0) {
            // early exercise is never optimal - use Black formula
            final double /*@Real*/ forwardPrice = spot * dividendDiscount / riskFreeDiscount;
            final BlackCalculator black = new BlackCalculator(payoff, forwardPrice, Math.sqrt(variance), riskFreeDiscount);

            r.value           = black.value();
            moreGreeks.deltaForward = black.deltaForward();
            moreGreeks.elasticity   = black.elasticity(spot);
            greeks.gamma            = black.gamma(spot);

            final DayCounter rfdc  = process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().dayCounter();
            final DayCounter divdc = process.dividendYield().currentLink().dayCounter();
            final DayCounter voldc = process.blackVolatility().currentLink().dayCounter();

            double /* @Time */t = rfdc.yearFraction(process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
            greeks.rho = black.rho(t);

            t = divdc.yearFraction(process.dividendYield().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
            greeks.dividendRho = black.dividendRho(t);

            t = voldc.yearFraction(process.blackVolatility().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
            greeks.vega            = black.vega(t);
            greeks.theta           = black.theta(spot, t);
            moreGreeks.thetaPerDay = black.thetaPerDay(spot, t);

            moreGreeks.strikeSensitivity  = black.strikeSensitivity();
            moreGreeks.itmCashProbability = black.itmCashProbability();
        } else {
            // early exercise can be optimal - use approximation
            r.value = americanCallApproximation(spot,
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        final /*@DiscountFactor*/ double dividendDiscount = process.dividendYield().currentLink().discount(a.exercise.lastDate());
        final /*@DiscountFactor*/ double riskFreeDiscount = process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().discount(a.exercise.lastDate());
        final double forwardPrice = spot * dividendDiscount / riskFreeDiscount;

        final double variance = process.blackVolatility().currentLink().blackVariance(a.exercise.lastDate(), payoff.strike());
        final BlackCalculator black = new BlackCalculator(payoff, forwardPrice, Math.sqrt(variance), riskFreeDiscount);

        r.value = black.value(); =;
        greeks.gamma = black.gamma(spot);

        final DayCounter rfdc  = process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().dayCounter();
        final DayCounter voldc = process.blackVolatility().currentLink().dayCounter();
        /*@Time*/ double t = voldc.yearFraction(process.blackVolatility().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
        greeks.vega = black.vega(t);

        double delta_theta = 0.0, delta_rho = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < a.cashFlow.size(); i++) {
            final CashFlow cashflow = a.cashFlow.get(i);
            final Date d =;
            if ( {
                delta_theta -= cashflow.amount()
                * process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().zeroRate(d, rfdc, Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.Annual).rate()
                * process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().discount(d);
                delta_rho += cashflow.amount() * process.time(d) * process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().discount(t);
        t = process.time(a.exercise.lastDate());
        try {
            greeks.theta = black.theta(spot, t) + delta_theta *;
        } catch (final ArithmeticException e) {
            greeks.theta = Constants.NULL_REAL;

        greeks.rho = black.rho(t) + delta_rho *;
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        final double dividendDiscount = process.dividendYield().currentLink().discount(exerciseDate);
        final double riskFreeDiscount = process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().discount(exerciseDate);
        final double spot = process.stateVariable().currentLink().value();
        final double forwardPrice = spot * dividendDiscount / riskFreeDiscount;

        final BlackCalculator black = new BlackCalculator(striked_payoff, forwardPrice, Math.sqrt(variance), riskFreeDiscount);

        r.value = prices.valueAtCenter() - controlPrices.valueAtCenter() + black.value(); = prices.firstDerivativeAtCenter() - controlPrices.firstDerivativeAtCenter() +;
        greeks.gamma = prices.secondDerivativeAtCenter() - controlPrices.secondDerivativeAtCenter() + black.gamma(spot);
        r.additionalResults().put("priceCurve", prices);
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        if (dividendDiscount>=1.0) {
            // early exercise is never optimal - use Black formula
            final double /*@Real*/ forwardPrice = spot * dividendDiscount / riskFreeDiscount;
            final BlackCalculator black = new BlackCalculator(payoff, forwardPrice, Math.sqrt(variance), riskFreeDiscount);

            r.value           = black.value();
            moreGreeks.deltaForward = black.deltaForward();
            moreGreeks.elasticity   = black.elasticity(spot);
            greeks.gamma            = black.gamma(spot);

            final DayCounter rfdc  = process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().dayCounter();
            final DayCounter divdc = process.dividendYield().currentLink().dayCounter();
            final DayCounter voldc = process.blackVolatility().currentLink().dayCounter();

            double /* @Time */t = rfdc.yearFraction(process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
            greeks.rho = black.rho(t);

            t = divdc.yearFraction(process.dividendYield().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
            greeks.dividendRho = black.dividendRho(t);

            t = voldc.yearFraction(process.blackVolatility().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
            greeks.vega            = black.vega(t);
            greeks.theta           = black.theta(spot, t);
            moreGreeks.thetaPerDay = black.thetaPerDay(spot, t);

            moreGreeks.strikeSensitivity  = black.strikeSensitivity();
            moreGreeks.itmCashProbability = black.itmCashProbability();
        } else {
            // early exercise can be optimal - use approximation
            r.value = americanCallApproximation(spot,
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        final double /* @DiscountFactor */dividendDiscount = process.dividendYield().currentLink().discount(ex.lastDate());
        final double /* @DiscountFactor */riskFreeDiscount = process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().discount(ex.lastDate());
        final double /* @Real */spot = process.stateVariable().currentLink().value();
        QL.require(spot > 0.0, "negative or null underlying given"); // TODO: message
        final double /* @Real */forwardPrice = spot * dividendDiscount / riskFreeDiscount;
        final BlackCalculator black = new BlackCalculator(payoff, forwardPrice, Math.sqrt(variance), riskFreeDiscount);

        if (dividendDiscount>=1.0 && payoff.optionType()==Option.Type.Call) {
            // early exercise never optimal
            r.value           = black.value();
            moreGreeks.deltaForward = black.deltaForward();
            moreGreeks.elasticity   = black.elasticity(spot);
            greeks.gamma            = black.gamma(spot);

            final DayCounter rfdc  = process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().dayCounter();
            final DayCounter divdc = process.dividendYield().currentLink().dayCounter();
            final DayCounter voldc = process.blackVolatility().currentLink().dayCounter();
            double /*@Time*/ t = rfdc.yearFraction(process.riskFreeRate().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
            greeks.rho = black.rho(t);

            t = divdc.yearFraction(process.dividendYield().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
            greeks.dividendRho = black.dividendRho(t);

            t = voldc.yearFraction(process.blackVolatility().currentLink().referenceDate(), a.exercise.lastDate());
            greeks.vega            = black.vega(t);
            greeks.theta           = black.theta(spot, t);
            moreGreeks.thetaPerDay = black.thetaPerDay(spot, t);

            moreGreeks.strikeSensitivity  = black.strikeSensitivity();
            moreGreeks.itmCashProbability = black.itmCashProbability();
        } else {
            // early exercise can be optimal
            final CumulativeNormalDistribution cumNormalDist = new CumulativeNormalDistribution();
            final NormalDistribution normalDist = new NormalDistribution();

            final double /*@Real*/ tolerance = 1e-6;
            final double /*@Real*/ Sk = BaroneAdesiWhaleyApproximationEngine.criticalPrice(payoff, riskFreeDiscount, dividendDiscount, variance, tolerance);

            final double /*@Real*/ forwardSk = Sk * dividendDiscount / riskFreeDiscount;

            final double /*@Real*/ alpha = -2.0*Math.log(riskFreeDiscount)/(variance);
            final double /*@Real*/ beta = 2.0*Math.log(dividendDiscount/riskFreeDiscount)/
            final double /*@Real*/ h = 1 - riskFreeDiscount;
            double /*@Real*/ phi;

            switch (payoff.optionType()) {
            case Call:
                phi = 1;
            case Put:
                phi = -1;
                throw new LibraryException(UNKNOWN_OPTION_TYPE); // QA:[RG]::verified

            // TODO: study how zero interest rate could be handled
            QL.ensure(h != 0.0 , DIVIDING_BY_ZERO_INTEREST_RATE); // QA:[RG]::verified

            final double /* @Real */temp_root = Math.sqrt((beta - 1) * (beta - 1) + (4 * alpha) / h);
            final double /* @Real */lambda = (-(beta - 1) + phi * temp_root) / 2;
            final double /* @Real */lambda_prime = -phi * alpha / (h * h * temp_root);

            final double /* @Real */black_Sk = BlackFormula.blackFormula(payoff.optionType(), payoff.strike(), forwardSk, Math.sqrt(variance)) * riskFreeDiscount;
            final double /* @Real */hA = phi * (Sk - payoff.strike()) - black_Sk;

            final double /* @Real */d1_Sk = (Math.log(forwardSk / payoff.strike()) + 0.5 * variance) / Math.sqrt(variance);
            final double /* @Real */d2_Sk = d1_Sk - Math.sqrt(variance);
            final double /* @Real */part1 = forwardSk * normalDist.op(d1_Sk) / (alpha * Math.sqrt(variance));
            final double /* @Real */part2 = -phi * forwardSk * cumNormalDist.op(phi * d1_Sk) * Math.log(dividendDiscount) / Math.log(riskFreeDiscount);
            final double /* @Real */part3 = +phi * payoff.strike() * cumNormalDist.op(phi * d2_Sk);
            final double /* @Real */V_E_h = part1 + part2 + part3;

            final double /* @Real */b = (1 - h) * alpha * lambda_prime / (2 * (2 * lambda + beta - 1));
            final double /* @Real */c = -((1 - h) * alpha / (2 * lambda + beta - 1)) * (V_E_h / (hA) + 1 / h + lambda_prime / (2 * lambda + beta - 1));
            final double /* @Real */temp_spot_ratio = Math.log(spot / Sk);
            final double /* @Real */chi = temp_spot_ratio * (b * temp_spot_ratio + c);

            if (phi * (Sk - spot) > 0) {
                r.value = black.value() + hA * Math.pow((spot / Sk), lambda) / (1 - chi);
            } else {
                r.value = phi * (spot - payoff.strike());

            final double /* @Real */temp_chi_prime = (2 * b / spot) * Math.log(spot / Sk);
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Related Classes of org.jquantlib.pricingengines.BlackCalculator$Calculator$CashOrNothingPayoffVisitor

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