value = ((ResultSet) rs).getFloat(param);
if( column == null || column.getColumnMetaData() == null || !column.getColumnMetaData().isAllowsNull() )
if (((ResultSet) rs).wasNull())
throw new NullValueException(LOCALISER.msg("055003",column));
catch (SQLException e)
//when value is real in database, cause cause a parse error when calling getFloat
//JDBC error:Value can not be converted to requested type.
value = Float.parseFloat(((ResultSet) rs).getString(param));
if( column == null || column.getColumnMetaData() == null || !column.getColumnMetaData().isAllowsNull() )
if (((ResultSet) rs).wasNull())
throw new NullValueException(LOCALISER.msg("055003",column));
catch (SQLException e1)