catch (SQLException sqle)
throw new JPOXDataStoreException("Exception thrown obtaining schema table information from datastore", sqle);
// Retrieve column info
// Get columns for this catalog, schema
Connection conn = (Connection)mconn.getConnection();
ResultSet rs = ((RDBMSAdapter)storeMgr.getDatastoreAdapter()).getColumns(conn,
storeMgr.getCatalogName(), storeMgr.getSchemaName(), null);
while (
// Construct a fully-qualified name for the table in this row of the ResultSet
String tableIdentifierCatalogName = rs.getString(1);
String tableIdentifierSchemaName = rs.getString(2);
String tableIdentifierTableName = rs.getString(3);
if (rs.wasNull() ||
(tableIdentifierCatalogName != null && tableIdentifierCatalogName.length() < 1))
tableIdentifierCatalogName = null;
if (rs.wasNull() ||
(tableIdentifierSchemaName != null && tableIdentifierSchemaName.length() < 1))
tableIdentifierSchemaName = null;
if (rs.wasNull() ||
(tableIdentifierTableName != null && tableIdentifierTableName.length() < 1))
tableIdentifierTableName = null;
//at least the JDBC driver should return the table name
if (tableIdentifierTableName == null)
throw new JPOXDataStoreException("Invalid 'null' table name identifier returned by database. Check with your JDBC driver vendor (ref:DatabaseMetaData.getColumns).");
// TODO This should create RDBMSColumnInfo
catch (SQLException sqle)
throw new JPOXDataStoreException("Exception thrown obtaining schema column information from datastore", sqle);
schemaDataByName.put("tables", schema);