Package org.jostraca.util

Examples of org.jostraca.util.RecordingUserMessageHandler

    PropertySet tmps       = template.getMergedPropertySet();

    boolean     successful = false;
    PrintStream sysOut     = null;
    PrintStream sysErr     = null;
    RecordingUserMessageHandler rumh = new RecordingUserMessageHandler();

    try {
      String   cw   = makeCodeWriter( tmps );
      String   cwo  = makeCodeWriterOptions( tmps, template );
      String[] args = ArgUtil.splitQuoted( cwo );

      String jcwp = getCodeWriterPath( tmps );
      jcwp = TextUtil.replace( jcwp, ".java", ".class" );
      File jcwpf = new File( jcwp );
      String cwp = jcwpf.getAbsolutePath();

      mUserMessageHandler.debug( UserText.get(UserText.TXT_generating), "class-file:"+cwp+Standard.SPACE+cwo );

      // NOTE: has to be _generate to prevent exit
      Class  cwClass        = ClassUtil.makeClassFromFile( cwp );
      Object cwInstance     = cwClass.newInstance();
      Method generateMethod = cwClass.getMethod( "_generate", new Class[] { (new String[] {}).getClass(), Boolean.TYPE } );

      // DO NOT use CommandLineUserMessageHandler here - causes infinite recursion
      MessageHandlerOutputStream  out  = new MessageHandlerOutputStream( UserMessageHandler.INFO,  rumh );
      MessageHandlerOutputStream  err  = new MessageHandlerOutputStream( UserMessageHandler.ERROR, rumh );

      // space out dots to avoid accidental replace on System DOT out search
      sysOut = System . out;
      sysErr = System . err;
      // set context if not null
      Object context = template.getContext();
      if( null != context ) {
        Method setContextMethod = cwClass.getMethod( "_setContext", new Class[] { Object.class } );
        setContextMethod.invoke( cwInstance, new Object[] { context } );

      boolean throwWriterExceptions = tmps.isYes( Property.main_CodeWriter_throwExceptions );

      // DO NOT put System.out in MessageHandler as this will case infinite loop
      System.setOut( new PrintStream( out ) );
      System.setErr( new PrintStream( err ) );

      Object result = generateMethod.invoke( cwInstance, new Object[] { args, new Boolean(throwWriterExceptions) } );
      WayPointRecorder.add( BasicWayPoint.ExecutingCodeWriter.make( template.getCodeWriterPath().getAbsolutePath() ) );

      if( result instanceof Integer ) {
        successful = ( 0 == ((Integer)result).intValue() );
      else {
        successful = true;

      template.setResult( result );

    catch( InvocationTargetException ite ) {
      if( null != sysOut ) {
        System.setOut( sysOut );
      if( null != sysErr ) {
        System.setErr( sysErr );
      Throwable cause = ite.getCause();
      if( null == cause ) {
        throw new ProcessException( ite );
      else {
        throw new ProcessException( cause );

    // FIX: need a util to handle general exceptions and just rethrow StandardExceptions
    catch( StandardException se ) {
      if( null != sysOut ) {
        System.setOut( sysOut );
      if( null != sysErr ) {
        System.setErr( sysErr );
      throw se;
    catch( Exception e ) {
      if( null != sysOut ) {
        System.setOut( sysOut );
      if( null != sysErr ) {
        System.setErr( sysErr );
      throw new ProcessException( e );
    finally {
      if( null != sysOut ) {
        System.setOut( sysOut );
      if( null != sysErr ) {
        System.setErr( sysErr );

      String out = rumh.toString( UserMessageHandler.INFO, false );

      if( !TextUtil.isEmptyOrNull( out ) ) {
        // REVIEW: need to do this a better way so that it is automatic
        parseOutResult( out, template ); out );

      String err = rumh.toString( UserMessageHandler.ERROR, false );
      if( !TextUtil.isEmptyOrNull( err ) ) {
        mUserMessageHandler.error( err );
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    PropertySet tmps       = template.getMergedPropertySet();

    boolean     successful = false;
    PrintStream sysOut     = null;
    PrintStream sysErr     = null;
    RecordingUserMessageHandler rumh = new RecordingUserMessageHandler();
    PrintStream outps = null;
    PrintStream errps = null;
    try {
      String   cw   = tmps.get( Property.main_CodeWriter );
      String   cwo  = makeCodeWriterOptions( tmps, template );
      String[] args = ArgUtil.splitQuoted( cwo );
      String   cwp  = getCodeWriterPath( tmps );

      ClassLoader parent = getClass().getClassLoader();
      GroovyClassLoader loader = new GroovyClassLoader(parent);
      Class groovyClass = loader.parseClass( new File( cwp ) );
      GroovyObject gtm = (GroovyObject) groovyClass.newInstance();

      // DO NOT use CommandLineUserMessageHandler here - causes infinite recursion
      MessageHandlerOutputStream  out  = new MessageHandlerOutputStream( UserMessageHandler.INFO,  rumh );
      MessageHandlerOutputStream  err  = new MessageHandlerOutputStream( UserMessageHandler.ERROR, rumh );

      // space out dots to avoid accidental replace on System DOT out search
      sysOut = System . out;
      sysErr = System . err;
      // set context if not null
      Object context = template.getContext();
      if( null != context ) {
        gtm.invokeMethod("setContext", new Object[]{context});

      outps = new PrintStream( out );
      errps = new PrintStream( err );

      System.setOut( outps );
      System.setErr( errps );

      Object result = gtm.invokeMethod("_generate", new Object[]{args,true});
      WayPointRecorder.add( BasicWayPoint.ExecutingCodeWriter.make( template.getCodeWriterPath().getAbsolutePath() ) );

      if( result instanceof Integer ) {
        successful = ( 0 == ((Integer)result).intValue() );
      else {
        successful = true;

      template.setResult( result );

    // FIX: need a util to handle general exceptions and just rethrow StandardExceptions
    catch( StandardException se ) {
      throw se;
    catch( Exception e ) {
      throw new ProcessException( e );
    finally {
      if( null != sysOut ) {
        System.setOut( sysOut );
      if( null != sysErr ) {
        System.setErr( sysErr );

      if( null != outps ) {
      if( null != errps ) {

      String out = rumh.toString( UserMessageHandler.INFO, false );
      if( !TextUtil.isEmptyOrNull( out ) ) {
        // REVIEW: need to do this a better way so that it is automatic
        parseOutResult( out, template ); out );

      String err = rumh.toString( UserMessageHandler.ERROR, false );
      if( !TextUtil.isEmptyOrNull( err ) ) { err );

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    PropertySet tmps       = template.getMergedPropertySet();

    boolean                     successful = false;
    PrintStream                 sysOut     = null;
    PrintStream                 sysErr     = null;
    RecordingUserMessageHandler rumh       = new RecordingUserMessageHandler();
    Object                      result     = null;

    try {
      String   cwo  = makeCodeWriterOptions( tmps, template );
      String[] args = ArgUtil.splitQuoted( cwo );

      // DO NOT use CommandLineUserMessageHandler here - causes infinite recursion
      MessageHandlerOutputStream  out  = new MessageHandlerOutputStream( UserMessageHandler.INFO,  rumh );
      MessageHandlerOutputStream  err  = new MessageHandlerOutputStream( UserMessageHandler.ERROR, rumh );

      // space out dots to avoid accidental replace on System DOT out search
      sysOut = System . out;
      sysErr = System . err;
      // set context if not null
      Object context = template.getContext();

      boolean throwWriterExceptions = tmps.isYes( Property.main_CodeWriter_throwExceptions );

      String script = template.getCodeWriterSource();
      Context cx = Context.enter();

      // DO NOT put System.out in MessageHandler as this will cause infinite loop
      System.setOut( new PrintStream( out ) );
      System.setErr( new PrintStream( err ) );

      Scriptable scope = cx.initStandardObjects();
      cx.evaluateString(scope, script, "CodeWriter Line Number: ", 1, null);     

      Object codewriterObj = scope.get( "codewriter", scope );
      if( null == codewriterObj || !(codewriterObj instanceof Scriptable) ) {
        throw new RuntimeException( "no codewriter in script" );
      Scriptable codewriter = (Scriptable) codewriterObj;

      Object _setContextObj = codewriter.get( "_setContext", codewriter );
      if( null == _setContextObj || !(_setContextObj instanceof Function) ) {
        throw new RuntimeException( "no codewriter._setContext in script" );

      Function _setContext = (Function) _setContextObj;,scope,codewriter,new Object[]{context});

      Object _generateObj = codewriter.get( "_generate", codewriter );
      if( null == _generateObj || !(_generateObj instanceof Function) ) {
        throw new RuntimeException( "no codewriter._generate in script" );

      Function _generate = (Function) _generateObj;
      result =,scope,codewriter,new Object[]{args,new Boolean(throwWriterExceptions)});

      template.setResult( result );

    catch( StandardException se ) {
      if( null != sysOut ) {
        System.setOut( sysOut );
      if( null != sysErr ) {
        System.setErr( sysErr );
      throw se;
    catch( Exception e ) {
      if( null != sysOut ) {
        System.setOut( sysOut );
      if( null != sysErr ) {
        System.setErr( sysErr );
      throw new ProcessException( e );
    finally {
      if( null != sysOut ) {
        System.setOut( sysOut );
      if( null != sysErr ) {
        System.setErr( sysErr );


      String out = rumh.toString( UserMessageHandler.INFO, false );
      if( !TextUtil.isEmptyOrNull( out ) ) {
        parseOutResult( out, template ); out );

      String err = rumh.toString( UserMessageHandler.ERROR, false );
      if( !TextUtil.isEmptyOrNull( err ) ) {
        mUserMessageHandler.error( err );
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    Generator   g  = new Generator();
    PropertySet ps = Jostraca.parseCommandLine( "-Bcg -Dfoo=bar", new ArrayList(), new ArrayList() );
    g.setCmdPropertySet( ps );
    Template tm = g.generate( new File( "src/org/jostraca/test/cmdargs.jtm" ) );

    RecordingUserMessageHandler rumh = (RecordingUserMessageHandler) g.getUserMessageHandler();
    assertTrue( null != rumh );
    //System.out.println( rumh );
    assertEquals( 7, ((Vector)rumh.get( UserMessageHandler.DEBUG )).size() );
    assertEquals( 2, ((Vector)rumh.get( UserMessageHandler.INFO  )).size() );
    assertEquals( 0, ((Vector)rumh.get( UserMessageHandler.WARN  )).size() );
    assertEquals( 0, ((Vector)rumh.get( UserMessageHandler.ERROR )).size() );
    assertEquals( 0, ((Vector)rumh.get( UserMessageHandler.FATAL )).size() );

    cmdargs_txt = new File( "cmdargs.txt" );
    assertTrue( cmdargs_txt.exists() );

    assertEquals( "cmdargs: cmdargs, foo: bar", FileUtil.readFile( cmdargs_txt ).trim() );
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Related Classes of org.jostraca.util.RecordingUserMessageHandler

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