Package org.joni

Examples of org.joni.Regex

    private static final RegexpCache preprocessedPatternCache = new RegexpCache();

    private static Regex makeRegexp(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes, RegexpOptions options, Encoding enc) {
        try {
            int p = bytes.getBegin();
            return new Regex(bytes.getUnsafeBytes(), p, p + bytes.getRealSize(), options.toJoniOptions(), enc, Syntax.DEFAULT, runtime.getWarnings());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            raiseRegexpError19(runtime, bytes, enc, options, e.getMessage());
            return null; // not reached
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    static Regex getRegexpFromCache(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes, Encoding enc, RegexpOptions options) {
        Map<ByteList, Regex> cache = patternCache.get();
        Regex regex = cache.get(bytes);
        if (regex != null && regex.getEncoding() == enc && regex.getOptions() == options.toJoniOptions()) return regex;
        regex = makeRegexp(runtime, bytes, options, enc);
        cache.put(bytes, regex);
        return regex;
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        return regex;

    static Regex getQuotedRegexpFromCache(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes, Encoding enc, RegexpOptions options) {
        Map<ByteList, Regex> cache = quotedPatternCache.get();
        Regex regex = cache.get(bytes);
        if (regex != null && regex.getEncoding() == enc && regex.getOptions() == options.toJoniOptions()) return regex;
        ByteList quoted = quote(bytes, enc);
        regex = makeRegexp(runtime, quoted, options, enc);
        cache.put(bytes, regex);
        return regex;
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        return regex;

    static Regex getQuotedRegexpFromCache19(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes, RegexpOptions options, boolean asciiOnly) {
        Map<ByteList, Regex> cache = quotedPatternCache.get();
        Regex regex = cache.get(bytes);
        Encoding enc = asciiOnly ? USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE : bytes.getEncoding();
        if (regex != null && regex.getEncoding() == enc && regex.getOptions() == options.toJoniOptions()) return regex;
        ByteList quoted = quote19(bytes, asciiOnly);
        regex = makeRegexp(runtime, quoted, options, quoted.getEncoding());
        cache.put(bytes, regex);
        return regex;
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        return regex;

    private static Regex getPreprocessedRegexpFromCache(Ruby runtime, ByteList bytes, Encoding enc, RegexpOptions options, ErrorMode mode) {
        Map<ByteList, Regex> cache = preprocessedPatternCache.get();
        Regex regex = cache.get(bytes);
        if (regex != null && regex.getEncoding() == enc && regex.getOptions() == options.toJoniOptions()) return regex;
        ByteList preprocessed = preprocess(runtime, bytes, enc, new Encoding[]{null}, ErrorMode.RAISE);
        regex = makeRegexp(runtime, preprocessed, options, enc);
        cache.put(bytes, regex);
        return regex;
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                    continue again;

                if (bytes[p] == ':' && bytes[p + len - 1] == ')') {
                    try {
                        new Regex(bytes, ++p, p + (len -= 2), Option.DEFAULT, getEncoding(runtime, str), Syntax.DEFAULT);
                        err = false;
                    } catch (JOniException e) {
                        err = true;
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        return new RedoNode(context, translate(node.getPosition()));

    public RubyNode visitRegexpNode(org.jruby.ast.RegexpNode node) {
        Regex regex = RubyRegexp.compile(currentNode, context, node.getValue().bytes(), node.getEncoding(), node.getOptions().toOptions());

        final RubyRegexp regexp = new RubyRegexp(context.getCoreLibrary().getRegexpClass(), regex, node.getValue().toString());
        final ObjectLiteralNode literalNode = new ObjectLiteralNode(context, translate(node.getPosition()), regexp);
        return literalNode;
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    private IRubyObject scan(IRubyObject regex, boolean succptr, boolean getstr, boolean headonly) {
        Ruby runtime = getRuntime();
        if (!(regex instanceof RubyRegexp)) throw runtime.newTypeError("wrong argument type " + regex.getMetaClass() + " (expected Regexp)");
        Regex pattern = ((RubyRegexp)regex).preparePattern(str);

        int rest = str.getByteList().getRealSize() - pos;
        if (rest < 0) return getRuntime().getNil();

        ByteList value = str.getByteList();
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(value.getUnsafeBytes(), value.getBegin() + pos, value.getBegin() + value.getRealSize());

        final int ret;
        if (headonly) {
            ret = RubyRegexp.matcherMatch(runtime, matcher, value.getBegin() + pos, value.getBegin() + value.getRealSize(), Option.NONE);
        } else {
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    @JRubyMethod(name = "sub!", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF)
    public IRubyObject sub_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
        Ruby runtime = context.runtime;

        final Regex pattern, prepared;
        final RubyRegexp regexp;
        if (arg0 instanceof RubyRegexp) {
            regexp = (RubyRegexp)arg0;
            pattern = regexp.getPattern();
            prepared = regexp.preparePattern(this);
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    public IRubyObject sub_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
        Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
        IRubyObject hash = TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(arg1, runtime.getHash(), "to_hash");

        final Regex pattern, prepared;
        final RubyRegexp regexp;
        if (arg0 instanceof RubyRegexp) {
            regexp = (RubyRegexp)arg0;
            pattern = regexp.getPattern();
            prepared = regexp.preparePattern(this);
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Related Classes of org.joni.Regex

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