IRubyObject tz = h.op_aref(runtime.getCurrentContext(), tzVar);
if (tz == null || ! (tz instanceof RubyString)) {
return DateTimeZone.getDefault();
} else {
String zone = tz.toString();
DateTimeZone cachedZone = runtime.getLocalTimezoneCache().get(zone);
if (cachedZone != null) return cachedZone;
String originalZone = zone;
// Value of "TZ" property is of a bit different format,
// which confuses the Java's TimeZone.getTimeZone(id) method,
// and so, we need to convert it.
Matcher tzMatcher = TZ_PATTERN.matcher(zone);
if (tzMatcher.matches()) {
String sign =;
String hours =;
String minutes =;
// GMT+00:00 --> Etc/GMT, see "MRI behavior"
// comment below.
if (("00".equals(hours) || "0".equals(hours))
&& (minutes == null || ":00".equals(minutes) || ":0".equals(minutes))) {
zone = "Etc/GMT";
} else {
// Invert the sign, since TZ format and Java format
// use opposite signs, sigh... Also, Java API requires
// the sign to be always present, be it "+" or "-".
sign = ("-".equals(sign)? "+" : "-");
// Always use "GMT" since that's required by Java API.
zone = "GMT" + sign + hours;
if (minutes != null) {
zone += minutes;
// MRI behavior: With TZ equal to "GMT" or "UTC",
// is *NOT* considered as a proper GMT/UTC time:
// ENV['TZ']="GMT"
// ==> false
// ENV['TZ']="UTC"
// ==> false
// Hence, we need to adjust for that.
if ("GMT".equalsIgnoreCase(zone) || "UTC".equalsIgnoreCase(zone)) {
zone = "Etc/" + zone;
DateTimeZone dtz = DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(zone));
runtime.getLocalTimezoneCache().put(originalZone, dtz);
return dtz;