// the native code
final VmType<?> declClass = fieldRef.getResolvedVmField()
if (!declClass.isAlwaysInitialized()) {
final Label curInstrLabel = getCurInstrLabel();
// Allocate a register to hold the class
final GPR classReg = (GPR) L1AHelper.requestRegister(eContext, JvmType.REFERENCE, false);
// Load classRef into the register
// Load the class from the statics table
if (os.isCode32()) {
helper.writeGetStaticsEntry(new Label(curInstrLabel + "$$ic"),
classReg, declClass);
} else {
helper.writeGetStaticsEntry64(new Label(curInstrLabel + "$$ic"),
(GPR64) classReg, (VmSharedStaticsEntry) declClass);
// Write class initialization code
helper.writeClassInitialize(curInstrLabel, classReg, classReg, declClass);