You should refer to the JEP-54 documentation.
Please note that this class is incomplete but it does provide the most commonly found information in vCards. Also remember that VCard transfer is not a standard, and the protocol may change or be replaced.
@author Kirill Maximov ( To save VCard:
VCard vCard = new VCard(); vCard.setFirstName("kir"); vCard.setLastName("max"); vCard.setEmailHome(""); vCard.setJabberId(""); vCard.setOrganization("Jetbrains, s.r.o"); vCard.setNickName("KIR");
vCard.setField("TITLE", "Mr"); vCard.setAddressFieldHome("STREET", "Some street"); vCard.setAddressFieldWork("CTRY", "US"); vCard.setPhoneWork("FAX", "3443233");;
// To load VCard:
VCard vCard = new VCard(); vCard.load(conn); // load own VCard vCard.load(conn, ""); // load someone's VCard