Package org.jivesoftware.openfire

Examples of org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer$ShutdownThread

        // Give access to the owner of the roster :)
        if (nodeOwner.toBareJID().equals(owner.toBareJID())) {
            return true;
        // Get the roster of the node owner
        XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
        // Check that the node owner is a local user
        if (server.isLocal(nodeOwner)) {
            try {
                Roster roster = server.getRosterManager().getRoster(nodeOwner.getNode());
                RosterItem item = roster.getRosterItem(owner);
                // Check that the subscriber is subscribe to the node owner's presence
                boolean isSubscribed = item != null && (
                        RosterItem.SUB_BOTH == item.getSubStatus() ||
                                RosterItem.SUB_FROM == item.getSubStatus());
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        // Give access to the owner of the roster :)
        if (nodeOwner.toBareJID().equals(owner.toBareJID())) {
            return true;
        // Get the roster of the node owner
        XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
        // Check that the node owner is a local user
        if (server.isLocal(nodeOwner)) {
            try {
                Roster roster = server.getRosterManager().getRoster(nodeOwner.getNode());
                RosterItem item = roster.getRosterItem(owner);
                // Check that the subscriber is subscribe to the node owner's presence
                return item != null && (RosterItem.SUB_BOTH == item.getSubStatus() ||
                        RosterItem.SUB_FROM == item.getSubStatus());
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            // Create a new conversation if necessary.
            if (conversation == null) {
                Collection<JID> participants = new ArrayList<JID>(2);
                XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
                // Check to see if this is an external conversation; i.e. one of the participants
                // is on a different server. We can use XOR since we know that both JID's can't
                // be external.
                boolean external = isExternal(server, sender) ^ isExternal(server, receiver);
                // Make sure that the user joined the conversation before a message was received
                Date start = new Date(date.getTime() - 1);
                conversation = new Conversation(this, participants, external, start);
                conversations.put(conversationKey, conversation);
                // Notify listeners of the newly created conversation.
                for (ConversationListener listener : conversationListeners) {
            // Check to see if the current conversation exceeds either the max idle time
            // or max conversation time.
            else if ((date.getTime() - conversation.getLastActivity().getTime() > idleTime) ||
                    (date.getTime() - conversation.getStartDate().getTime() > maxTime)) {
                removeConversation(conversationKey, conversation, conversation.getLastActivity());

                Collection<JID> participants = new ArrayList<JID>(2);
                XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
                // Check to see if this is an external conversation; i.e. one of the participants
                // is on a different server. We can use XOR since we know that both JID's can't
                // be external.
                boolean external = isExternal(server, sender) ^ isExternal(server, receiver);
                // Make sure that the user joined the conversation before a message was received
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    private boolean isConversationJID(JID jid) {
        // Ignore conversations when there is no jid
        if (jid == null) {
            return false;
        XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
        if (jid.getNode() == null) {
            return false;

        // Always accept local JIDs or JIDs related to gateways
        // (this filters our components, MUC, pubsub, etc. except gateways).
        if (server.isLocal(jid) || gateways.contains(jid.getDomain())) {
            return true;

        // If not a local JID, always record it.
        if (!jid.getDomain().endsWith(serverInfo.getXMPPDomain())) {
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            String pluginName = globalVersion.attributeValue("plugin");
            return getAdminText(globalVersion.getText(), pluginName);
        else {
            // Default to the Openfire version if none has been provided via XML.
            XMPPServer xmppServer = XMPPServer.getInstance();
            return xmppServer.getServerInfo().getVersion().getVersionString();
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    public Collection<String> getGroupNames(JID user) {
        // Get DN of specified user
        XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
        String username;
        if (!manager.isPosixMode()) {
            // Check if the user exists (only if user is a local user)
            if (!server.isLocal(user)) {
                return Collections.emptyList();
            username = JID.unescapeNode(user.getNode());
            try {
                username = manager.findUserDN(username) + "," + manager.getUsersBaseDN(username);
            catch (Exception e) {
                Log.error("Could not find user in LDAP " + username);
                return Collections.emptyList();
        else {
            username = server.isLocal(user) ? JID.unescapeNode(user.getNode()) : user.toString();
        // Do nothing if the user is empty or null
        if (username == null || "".equals(username)) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
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    public boolean isSearchSupported() {
        return true;

    private Group processGroup(LdapContext ctx, Attributes a) throws NamingException {
        XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
        String serverName = server.getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain();
        // Build `3 groups.
        // group 1: uid=
        // group 2: rest of the text until first comma
        // group 3: rest of the text
        Pattern pattern =
                Pattern.compile("(?i)(^" + manager.getUsernameField() + "=)([^,]+)(.+)");

        SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls();
        searchControls.setReturningAttributes(new String[] { manager.getUsernameField() });
        // See if recursive searching is enabled. Otherwise, only search one level.
        if (manager.isSubTreeSearch()) {
        else {

        String name;
        String description;
        try {
            name = ((String)((a.get(manager.getGroupNameField())).get()));
        catch (Exception e) {
            name = "";
        try {
            description = ((String)((a.get(manager.getGroupDescriptionField())).get()));
        catch (Exception e) {
            description = "";
        Set<JID> members = new TreeSet<JID>();
        Attribute memberField = a.get(manager.getGroupMemberField());
        if (memberField != null) {
            NamingEnumeration ne = memberField.getAll();
            while (ne.hasMore()) {
                String username = (String);
                // If not posix mode, each group member is stored as a full DN.
                if (!manager.isPosixMode()) {
                    try {
                        // Try to find the username with a regex pattern match.
                        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(username);
                        if (matcher.matches() && matcher.groupCount() == 3) {
                            // The username is in the DN, no additional search needed
                            username =;
                        // The regex pattern match failed. This will happen if the
                        // the member DN's don't use the standard username field. For
                        // example, Active Directory has a username field of
                        // sAMAccountName, but stores group members as "CN=...".
                        else {
                            // Create an LDAP name with the full DN.
                            LdapName ldapName = new LdapName(username);
                            // Turn the LDAP name into something we can use in a
                            // search by stripping off the comma.
                            String userDNPart = ldapName.get(ldapName.size() - 1);
                            NamingEnumeration usrAnswer ="",
                                    userDNPart, searchControls);
                            if (usrAnswer != null && usrAnswer.hasMoreElements()) {
                                Attribute usernameAttr = ((SearchResult);
                                if (usernameAttr != null) {
                                    username = (String)usernameAttr.get();
                            // Close the enumeration.
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        // TODO: A NPE is occuring here
                        Log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
                // A search filter may have been defined in the LdapUserProvider.
                // Therefore, we have to try to load each user we found to see if
                // it passes the filter.
                try {
                    JID userJID;
                    int position = username.indexOf("@" + serverName);
                    // Create JID of local user if JID does not match a component's JID
                    if (position == -1) {
                        // In order to lookup a username from the manager, the username
                        // must be a properly escaped JID node.
                        String escapedUsername = JID.escapeNode(username);
                        if (!escapedUsername.equals(username)) {
                            // Check if escaped username is valid
                        // No exception, so the user must exist. Add the user as a group
                        // member using the escaped username.
                        userJID = server.createJID(escapedUsername, null);
                    else {
                        // This is a JID of a component or node of a server's component
                        String node = username.substring(0, position);
                        String escapedUsername = JID.escapeNode(node);
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    private Map<String, Presence> probedPresence;
    private JID componentJID;

    public void initializePlugin(PluginManager manager, File pluginDirectory) {
        pluginManager = manager;
        XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
        userManager = server.getUserManager();
        presenceManager = server.getPresenceManager();
        hostname = server.getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain();
        probedPresence = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Presence>();
        componentJID = new JID(subdomain + "." + hostname);
        // Register new component
        componentManager = ComponentManagerFactory.getComponentManager();
        try {
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        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        if (presence == null) {
            // Recreate the unavailable presence with the last known status
            JID targetJID = new JID(request.getParameter("jid"));
            presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.unavailable);
            XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
            try {
                User user = server.getUserManager().getUser(targetJID.getNode());
                String status = server.getPresenceManager().getLastPresenceStatus(user);
                if (status != null) {
                else {
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        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
        if (presence == null) {
            // Recreate the unavailable presence with the last known status
            JID targetJID = new JID(request.getParameter("jid"));
            presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.unavailable);
            XMPPServer server = XMPPServer.getInstance();
            try {
                User user = server.getUserManager().getUser(targetJID.getNode());
                String status = server.getPresenceManager().getLastPresenceStatus(user);
                if (status != null) {
                else {
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Related Classes of org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer$ShutdownThread

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