} else {
// scan the item tree structure to find schema components needing special handling
Map comptoclas = new HashMap();
InsertionOrderedSet refcomps = new InsertionOrderedSet();
AnnotatedBase grpcomp = group.getSchemaComponent();
Map uritoprefix = new HashMap();
if (grpcomp instanceof INamed) {
QName qname = ((INamed)grpcomp).getQName();
if (qname == null && grpcomp instanceof IReference) {
qname = ((IReference)grpcomp).getRef();
if (qname != null && qname.getUri() != null) {
uritoprefix.put(qname.getUri(), qname.getPrefix());
scanItemTree(group, comptoclas, refcomps, uritoprefix);
// get full set of namespaces and corresponding prefixes needed for extracts
UniqueNameSet prefset = new UniqueNameSet();
for (Iterator iter = uritoprefix.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
String uri = (String)iter.next();
if (!SCHEMA_DEFINITIONS_NS.equals(uri)) {
String prefix = (String)uritoprefix.get(uri);
if (prefix == null) {
prefix = "ns";
prefix = prefset.add(prefix);
uritoprefix.put(uri, prefix);
// set the writer to be used for output
StringWriter strwriter = new StringWriter();
// define namespaces as extension to those used in binding
int count = uritoprefix.size();
String[] uris = (String[])uritoprefix.keySet().toArray(new String[count]);
IXMLWriter xmlwriter = m_context.getXmlWriter();
int base = xmlwriter.getNamespaceCount();
// build the arrays of namespace indexes and prefixes for use on marshalled root elements
int length = count;
if (!uritoprefix.containsKey(null)) {
String[] prefixes = new String[length];
int[] indexes = new int[length];
int fill = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
String uri = uris[i];
if (uri != null) {
prefixes[fill] = (String)uritoprefix.get(uris[i]);
indexes[fill] = base+fill;
prefixes[fill] = m_schemaPrefix;
indexes[fill] = m_schemaIndex;
// build schema extracts from main component and all referenced components
String clasname = group.getGenerateClass().getFullName();
TreeWalker walker = new TreeWalker(null, new SchemaContextTracker());
boolean ref = false;
List list = refcomps.asList();
for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
// add a blank line separating components
if (ref) {
} else {
ref = true;
// add any necessary namespace declarations
AnnotatedBase comp = (AnnotatedBase)iter.next();
for (Iterator jter = uritoprefix.keySet().iterator(); jter.hasNext();) {
String uri = (String)jter.next();
comp.addNamespaceDeclaration((String)uritoprefix.get(uri), uri);
// write the documentation
DocumentationVisitor visitor = new DocumentationVisitor(comptoclas, clasname, comp, dropanno, ref,
indexes, prefixes);