/* Process all the responses (Digest): compute a range of messages (min and max seqno) for each
member that has to be re-broadcast; FlushRsp contains those messages. They will be re-braodcast
by the cordinator (in the GMS protocol). */
for(int i=0; i < rsp_list.size(); i++) {
Rsp rsp=(Rsp)rsp_list.elementAt(i);
if(rsp.wasReceived()) {
if(digest != null) {
for(int j=0; j < digest.highest_seqnos.length && j < min.length; j++) {
min[j]=Math.min(min[j], digest.highest_seqnos[j]);
max[j]=Math.max(max[j], digest.highest_seqnos[j]);