Keeps track of ACKs from receivers for each message. When a new message is sent, it is tagged with a sequence number and the receiver set (set of members to which the message is sent) and added to a hashtable (key = sequence number, val = message + receiver set). Each incoming ACK is noted and when all ACKs for a specific sequence number haven been received, the corresponding entry is removed from the hashtable. A retransmission thread periodically re-sends the message point-to-point to all receivers from which no ACKs have been received yet. A view change or suspect message causes the corresponding non-existing receivers to be removed from the hashtable.
This class may need flow control in order to avoid needless retransmissions because of timeouts.
@author Bela Ban June 9 1999
@author John Georgiadis May 8 2001
@version $Revision: 1.10 $
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