if(isSetPropertyMethod(methods[j])) {
String propertyName=PropertyHelper.getPropertyName(methods[j]);
Object propertyValue=getValueFromProtocol(protocol, propertyName);
if(propertyValue == null) { // if propertyValue is null, check if there is a we can use
Property annotation=methods[j].getAnnotation(Property.class);
// get the default value for the method- check for InetAddress types
String defaultValue=null;
if(InetAddressInfo.isInetAddressRelated(methods[j])) {
defaultValue=ip_version == StackType.IPv4? annotation.defaultValueIPv4() : annotation.defaultValueIPv6();
if(defaultValue != null && defaultValue.length() > 0) {
Object converted=null;
try {
converted=PropertyHelper.getConvertedValue(protocol, methods[j], properties, defaultValue, true);
methods[j].invoke(protocol, converted);
catch(Exception e) {
throw new Exception("default could not be assigned for method " + propertyName + " in "
+ protocolName + " with default " + defaultValue, e);
log.debug("set property " + protocolName + "." + propertyName + " to default value " + converted);
//traverse class hierarchy and find all annotated fields and add them to the list if annotated
Field[] fields=Util.getAllDeclaredFieldsWithAnnotations(protocol.getClass(), Property.class);
for(int j=0; j < fields.length; j++) {
String propertyName=PropertyHelper.getPropertyName(fields[j], properties);
Object propertyValue=getValueFromProtocol(protocol, fields[j]);
if(propertyValue == null) {
// add to collection of @Properties with no user specified value
Property annotation=fields[j].getAnnotation(Property.class);
// get the default value for the field - check for InetAddress types
String defaultValue=null;
if(InetAddressInfo.isInetAddressRelated(protocol, fields[j])) {
defaultValue=ip_version == StackType.IPv4? annotation.defaultValueIPv4() : annotation.defaultValueIPv6();
if(defaultValue != null && defaultValue.length() > 0) {
// condition for invoking converter
if(defaultValue != null || !PropertyHelper.usesDefaultConverter(fields[j])) {
Object converted=null;
try {