Package org.jfree.util

Examples of org.jfree.util.ObjectList

    public PolarPlot(XYDataset dataset, ValueAxis radiusAxis,
                PolarItemRenderer renderer) {


        this.datasets = new ObjectList();
        this.datasets.set(0, dataset);
        if (dataset != null) {
        this.angleTickUnit = new NumberTickUnit(DEFAULT_ANGLE_TICK_UNIT_SIZE);

        this.axes = new ObjectList();
        this.datasetToAxesMap = new TreeMap();
        this.axes.set(0, radiusAxis);
        if (radiusAxis != null) {

        // define the default locations for up to 8 axes...
        this.axisLocations = new ObjectList();
        this.axisLocations.set(0, PolarAxisLocation.EAST_ABOVE);
        this.axisLocations.set(1, PolarAxisLocation.NORTH_LEFT);
        this.axisLocations.set(2, PolarAxisLocation.WEST_BELOW);
        this.axisLocations.set(3, PolarAxisLocation.SOUTH_RIGHT);
        this.axisLocations.set(4, PolarAxisLocation.EAST_BELOW);
        this.axisLocations.set(5, PolarAxisLocation.NORTH_RIGHT);
        this.axisLocations.set(6, PolarAxisLocation.WEST_ABOVE);
        this.axisLocations.set(7, PolarAxisLocation.SOUTH_LEFT);

        this.renderers = new ObjectList();
        this.renderers.set(0, renderer);
        if (renderer != null) {
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     * both <code>null</code>.
    protected AbstractXYItemRenderer() {
        this.itemLabelGenerator = null;
        this.itemLabelGeneratorList = new ObjectList();
        this.toolTipGenerator = null;
        this.toolTipGeneratorList = new ObjectList();
        this.urlGenerator = null;
        this.backgroundAnnotations = new java.util.ArrayList();
        this.foregroundAnnotations = new java.util.ArrayList();
        this.legendItemLabelGenerator = new StandardXYSeriesLabelGenerator(
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     * require tool tips or URLs, then you can easily add the required
     * generators.
    protected AbstractCategoryItemRenderer() {
        this.itemLabelGenerator = null;
        this.itemLabelGeneratorList = new ObjectList();
        this.toolTipGenerator = null;
        this.toolTipGeneratorList = new ObjectList();
        this.itemURLGenerator = null;
        this.itemURLGeneratorList = new ObjectList();
                = new StandardCategorySeriesLabelGenerator();
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        this.orientation = PlotOrientation.VERTICAL;
        this.weight = 1// only relevant when this is a subplot
        this.axisOffset = RectangleInsets.ZERO_INSETS;

        // allocate storage for datasets, axes and renderers (all optional)
        this.domainAxes = new ObjectList();
        this.domainAxisLocations = new ObjectList();
        this.foregroundDomainMarkers = new HashMap();
        this.backgroundDomainMarkers = new HashMap();

        this.rangeAxes = new ObjectList();
        this.rangeAxisLocations = new ObjectList();
        this.foregroundRangeMarkers = new HashMap();
        this.backgroundRangeMarkers = new HashMap();

        this.datasets = new ObjectList();
        this.renderers = new ObjectList();

        this.datasetToDomainAxesMap = new TreeMap();
        this.datasetToRangeAxesMap = new TreeMap();

        this.annotations = new java.util.ArrayList();
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        this.orientation = PlotOrientation.VERTICAL;

        // allocate storage for dataset, axes and renderers
        this.domainAxes = new ObjectList();
        this.domainAxisLocations = new ObjectList();
        this.rangeAxes = new ObjectList();
        this.rangeAxisLocations = new ObjectList();

        this.datasetToDomainAxesMap = new TreeMap();
        this.datasetToRangeAxesMap = new TreeMap();

        this.renderers = new ObjectList();

        this.datasets = new ObjectList();
        this.datasets.set(0, dataset);
        if (dataset != null) {
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    public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {

        CategoryPlot clone = (CategoryPlot) super.clone();

        clone.domainAxes = new ObjectList();
        for (int i = 0; i < this.domainAxes.size(); i++) {
            CategoryAxis xAxis = (CategoryAxis) this.domainAxes.get(i);
            if (xAxis != null) {
                CategoryAxis clonedAxis = (CategoryAxis) xAxis.clone();
                clone.setDomainAxis(i, clonedAxis);
                = (ObjectList) this.domainAxisLocations.clone();

        clone.rangeAxes = new ObjectList();
        for (int i = 0; i < this.rangeAxes.size(); i++) {
            ValueAxis yAxis = (ValueAxis) this.rangeAxes.get(i);
            if (yAxis != null) {
                ValueAxis clonedAxis = (ValueAxis) yAxis.clone();
                clone.setRangeAxis(i, clonedAxis);
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        this.orientation = PlotOrientation.VERTICAL;
        this.weight = 1// only relevant when this is a subplot
        this.axisOffset = RectangleInsets.ZERO_INSETS;

        // allocate storage for datasets, axes and renderers (all optional)
        this.domainAxes = new ObjectList();
        this.domainAxisLocations = new ObjectList();
        this.foregroundDomainMarkers = new HashMap();
        this.backgroundDomainMarkers = new HashMap();

        this.rangeAxes = new ObjectList();
        this.rangeAxisLocations = new ObjectList();
        this.foregroundRangeMarkers = new HashMap();
        this.backgroundRangeMarkers = new HashMap();

        this.datasets = new ObjectList();
        this.renderers = new ObjectList();

        this.datasetToDomainAxesMap = new TreeMap();
        this.datasetToRangeAxesMap = new TreeMap();

        this.annotations = new java.util.ArrayList();
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        this.useFillPaint = false;     // use item paint for fills by default
        this.legendLine = new Line2D.Double(-7.0, 0.0, 7.0, 0.0);
        this.shapesVisible = true;
        this.connectFirstAndLastPoint = true;
        this.toolTipGeneratorList = new ObjectList();
        this.urlGenerator = null;
        this.legendItemToolTipGenerator = null;
        this.legendItemURLGenerator = null;
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    public DialPlot(ValueDataset dataset) {
        this.background = null;
        this.cap = null;
        this.dialFrame = new ArcDialFrame();
        this.datasets = new ObjectList();
        if (dataset != null) {
        this.scales = new ObjectList();
        this.datasetToScaleMap = new ObjectList();
        this.layers = new java.util.ArrayList();
        this.pointers = new java.util.ArrayList();
        this.viewX = 0.0;
        this.viewY = 0.0;
        this.viewW = 1.0;
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        this.itemLabelsVisible = null;
        this.itemLabelsVisibleList = new BooleanList();
        this.baseItemLabelsVisible = Boolean.FALSE;

        this.itemLabelFont = null;
        this.itemLabelFontList = new ObjectList();
        this.baseItemLabelFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 10);

        this.itemLabelPaint = null;
        this.itemLabelPaintList = new PaintList();
        this.baseItemLabelPaint =;

        this.positiveItemLabelPosition = null;
        this.positiveItemLabelPositionList = new ObjectList();
        this.basePositiveItemLabelPosition = new ItemLabelPosition(
                ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE12, TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER);

        this.negativeItemLabelPosition = null;
        this.negativeItemLabelPositionList = new ObjectList();
        this.baseNegativeItemLabelPosition = new ItemLabelPosition(
                ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE6, TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER);

        this.createEntities = null;
        this.createEntitiesList = new BooleanList();
        this.baseCreateEntities = true;

        this.defaultEntityRadius = 3;

        this.legendShapeList = new ShapeList();
        this.baseLegendShape = null;

        this.treatLegendShapeAsLine = false;

        this.legendTextFont = new ObjectList();
        this.baseLegendTextFont = null;

        this.legendTextPaint = new PaintList();
        this.baseLegendTextPaint = null;
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Related Classes of org.jfree.util.ObjectList

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