Package org.jfree.layouting.layouter.context

Examples of org.jfree.layouting.layouter.context.LayoutContext

        final LayoutContext lc = context.getCurrentLayoutContext();
      if (role == TYPE_FLOW)
        context = (FlowContext) flowContexts.peek();
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        final SiblingSelector silbSelect = (SiblingSelector) selector;
        return isSilblingMatch(node, silbSelect);
        final LayoutContext layoutContext = node.getLayoutContext();
        return layoutContext.isPseudoElement();
      case Selector.SAC_ELEMENT_NODE_SELECTOR:
        final ElementSelector es = (ElementSelector) selector;
        final LayoutContext layoutContext = node.getLayoutContext();
        final String localName = es.getLocalName();
        if (localName != null)
          if (localName.equals(layoutContext.getTagName()) == false)
            return false;
        final String namespaceURI = es.getNamespaceURI();
        if (namespaceURI != null)
          if (namespaceURI.equals(layoutContext.getNamespace()) == false)
            return false;
        return true;
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    final CSSValue rawValue = FunctionUtilities.resolveParameter(layoutProcess, element, params[0]);
    final String typeValue = FunctionUtilities.resolveString(layoutProcess, element, params[1]);
    final LocalizationContext localizationContext =
    final LayoutContext layoutContext = element.getLayoutContext();
    if ("date".equals(typeValue))
      if (params.length < 3)
        return getDateValue(rawValue,
        final String format = FunctionUtilities.resolveString(layoutProcess, element, params[2]);
        return getDateValue(rawValue,
                localizationContext.getDateFormat(format, layoutContext.getLanguage()));
    else if ("time".equals(typeValue))
      if (params.length != 2)
        throw new FunctionEvaluationException();
      return getDateValue(rawValue,
    else if ("number".equals(typeValue))
      if (params.length < 3)
        return getNumberValue(rawValue,
        final String format = FunctionUtilities.resolveString(layoutProcess, element, params[2]);
        return getNumberValue(rawValue,
                localizationContext.getNumberFormat(format, layoutContext.getLanguage()));
    else if ("integer".equals(typeValue))
      if (params.length != 2)
        throw new FunctionEvaluationException();
      return getNumberValue(rawValue,
    throw new FunctionEvaluationException("FormatType not recognized");
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            evaluateCondition(node, cc.getSecondCondition()));
      case Condition.SAC_ATTRIBUTE_CONDITION:
        final AttributeCondition ac = (AttributeCondition) condition;
        final LayoutContext layoutContext = node.getLayoutContext();
        String namespaceURI = ac.getNamespaceURI();
        if (namespaceURI == null)
          namespaceURI = layoutContext.getNamespace();

        final AttributeMap attributes = layoutContext.getAttributes();
        final Object attr = attributes.getAttribute
            (namespaceURI, ac.getLocalName());
        if (ac.getValue() == null)
          // dont care what's inside, as long as there is a value ..
          return attr != null;
          return ObjectUtilities.equal(attr, ac.getValue());
      case Condition.SAC_CLASS_CONDITION:
        final AttributeCondition ac = (AttributeCondition) condition;
        final LayoutContext layoutContext = node.getLayoutContext();
        final String namespace = layoutContext.getNamespace();
        if (namespace == null)
          return false;
        final NamespaceDefinition ndef = namespaces.getDefinition(namespace);
        if (ndef == null)
          return false;
        final String[] classAttribute = ndef.getClassAttribute(
        for (int i = 0; i < classAttribute.length; i++)
          final String attr = classAttribute[i];
          final String htmlAttr = (String)
                  namespace, attr);
          if (isOneOfAttributes(htmlAttr, ac.getValue()))
            return true;
        return false;
      case Condition.SAC_ID_CONDITION:
        final AttributeCondition ac = (AttributeCondition) condition;
        final LayoutContext layoutContext = node.getLayoutContext();
        final AttributeMap attributes = layoutContext.getAttributes();
        final Object id = attributes.getAttribute(Namespaces.XML_NAMESPACE,
        return ObjectUtilities.equal(ac.getValue(), id);
      case Condition.SAC_LANG_CONDITION:
        final AttributeCondition ac = (AttributeCondition) condition;
        final LayoutContext layoutContext = node.getLayoutContext();
        final Locale locale = layoutContext.getLanguage();
        final String lang = locale.getLanguage();
        return isBeginHyphenAttribute(lang, ac.getValue());
      case Condition.SAC_NEGATIVE_CONDITION:
        final NegativeCondition nc = (NegativeCondition) condition;
        return evaluateCondition(node, nc.getCondition()) == false;
        final AttributeCondition ac = (AttributeCondition) condition;
        final LayoutContext layoutContext = node.getLayoutContext();
        final String attr = (String)
                (ac.getNamespaceURI(), ac.getLocalName());
        return isOneOfAttributes(attr, ac.getValue());
      case Condition.SAC_PSEUDO_CLASS_CONDITION:
        final AttributeCondition ac = (AttributeCondition) condition;
        final LayoutContext layoutContext = node.getLayoutContext();
        final String pseudoClass = layoutContext.getPseudoElement();
        if (pseudoClass == null)
          return false;
        if (pseudoClass.equals(ac.getValue()))
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   * @param element the elemen that should be resolved.
  public void resolveStyle(final LayoutElement element)
    // this is a three stage process
    final LayoutContext layoutContext = element.getLayoutContext();
    final StyleKey[] keys = getKeys();

//    Log.debug ("Resolving style for " +
//            layoutContext.getTagName() + ":" +
//            layoutContext.getPseudoElement());

    // Stage 0: Initialize with the built-in defaults
    // Stage 1a: Add the parent styles (but only the one marked as inheritable).
    final LayoutElement parent = element.getParent();
    final LayoutStyle initialStyle = getInitialStyle();
    if (layoutContext.copyFrom(initialStyle) == false)
      // ok, manual copy ..
      DebugLog.log("Failed to use fast-copy");
      for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
        final StyleKey key = keys[i];
        layoutContext.setValue(key, initialStyle.getValue(key));

    final LayoutStyle parentStyle;
    if (parent != null)
      parentStyle = parent.getLayoutContext();
      final StyleKey[] inheritedKeys = getInheritedKeys();
      for (int i = 0; i < inheritedKeys.length; i++)
        final StyleKey key = inheritedKeys[i];
        layoutContext.setValue(key, parentStyle.getValue(key));
      parentStyle = initialStyle;

    // Stage 1b: Find all matching stylesheets for the given element
    performSelectionStep(element, layoutContext);

    // Stage 1c: Add the contents of the style attribute, if there is one ..
    // the libLayout style is always added: This is a computed style and the hook
    // for a element neutral user defined tweaking ..

    final AttributeMap attributes = layoutContext.getAttributes();
    final Object libLayoutStyleValue = attributes.getAttribute
            (Namespaces.LIBLAYOUT_NAMESPACE, "style");
    // You cannot override element specific styles with that. So an HTML-style
    // attribute has move value than a LibLayout-style attribute.
    addStyleFromAttribute(element, libLayoutStyleValue);

    if (strictStyleMode)

    // Stage 2: Compute the 'specified' set of values.
    // Find all explicitly inherited styles and add them from the parent.
    final CSSInheritValue inheritInstance = CSSInheritValue.getInstance();
    for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
      final StyleKey key = keys[i];
      final Object value = layoutContext.getValue(key);
      if (inheritInstance.equals(value))
        layoutContext.setValue(key, parentStyle.getValue(key));

    // Stage 3:  Compute the computed value set.
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   * @param node
   * @param style
  private void performStrictStyleAttr (final LayoutElement node)
    final LayoutContext layoutContext = node.getLayoutContext();
    final String namespace = layoutContext.getNamespace();
    if (namespace == null)

    final NamespaceCollection namespaces = getNamespaces();
    final NamespaceDefinition ndef = namespaces.getDefinition(namespace);
    if (ndef == null)

    final AttributeMap attributes = layoutContext.getAttributes();
    final String[] styleAttrs = ndef.getStyleAttribute
    for (int i = 0; i < styleAttrs.length; i++)
      final String attr = styleAttrs[i];
      final Object styleValue = attributes.getAttribute(namespace, attr);
      addStyleFromAttribute(node, styleValue);
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  private void performCompleteStyleAttr (final LayoutElement node)
    final NamespaceCollection namespaces = getNamespaces();
    final String[] namespaceNames = namespaces.getNamespaces();

    final LayoutContext layoutContext = node.getLayoutContext();
    final AttributeMap attributes = layoutContext.getAttributes();

    for (int i = 0; i < namespaceNames.length; i++)
      final String namespace = namespaceNames[i];
      final NamespaceDefinition ndef = namespaces.getDefinition(namespace);
      if (ndef == null)

      final String[] styleAttrs = ndef.getStyleAttribute(layoutContext.getTagName());
      for (int x = 0; x < styleAttrs.length; x++)
        final String attr = styleAttrs[x];
        final Object styleValue = attributes.getAttribute(namespace, attr);
        addStyleFromAttribute(node, styleValue);
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   * @param node
  public void resolveStyle (final LayoutElement node)
    // this is a three stage process
    final LayoutContext layoutContext = node.getLayoutContext();
    final StyleKey[] keys = getKeys();

    // Stage 0: Initialize with the built-in defaults
    // Stage 1a: Add the parent styles (but only the one marked as inheritable).
    final LayoutStyle initialStyle = getInitialStyle();

    // initialize the style ...
    for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
      final StyleKey key = keys[i];
      layoutContext.setValue(key, initialStyle.getValue(key));

    // Stage 2: Search for all class attributes, and lookup the corresponding
    // style. The sty

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    final Glyph[] gs = renderableText.getGlyphs();
    final long posX = renderableText.getX();
    final long posY = renderableText.getY();
    long runningPos = posX;

    final LayoutContext layoutContext = renderableText.getLayoutContext();
    final FontSpecification fontSpecification =

    int style = Font.PLAIN;
    if (fontSpecification.getFontWeight() > 400)
      style |= Font.BOLD;
    if (fontSpecification.isItalic() || fontSpecification.isOblique())
      style |= Font.ITALIC;

    final CSSColorValue cssColor = (CSSColorValue)

    g2.setFont(new Font(fontSpecification.getFontFamily(), style, (int) fontSpecification.getFontSize()));

    final int length = renderableText.getOffset() + renderableText.getLength();
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  public void resolve(final LayoutProcess process,
                      final LayoutElement element,
                      final StyleKey key)
    final LayoutContext layoutContext = element.getLayoutContext();
    final ContentSpecification contentSpecification =

    final CSSValue value = layoutContext.getValue(key);
    if (value instanceof CSSConstant)
      if (ContentValues.NONE.equals(value))
      else if (ContentValues.INHIBIT.equals(value))
      else if (ContentValues.NORMAL.equals(value))
        if (layoutContext.isPseudoElement())
          if (isListMarker(element))
            processListItem(process, element, contentSpecification);
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Related Classes of org.jfree.layouting.layouter.context.LayoutContext

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