Package org.jf.dexlib2.dexbacked

Examples of org.jf.dexlib2.dexbacked.DexBackedDexFile$NotADexFile

            DexPool.writeTo(dataStore, new ImmutableDexFile(ImmutableSet.of(classDef)));
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        DexBackedDexFile dexFile = new DexBackedDexFile(new Opcodes(15), dataStore.getData());
        ClassDef dbClassDef = Iterables.getFirst(dexFile.getClasses(), null);
        Annotation dbAnnotation = Iterables.getFirst(dbClassDef.getAnnotations(), null);
        List<AnnotationElement> dbElements = Lists.newArrayList(dbAnnotation.getElements());
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            System.err.println("Can't find the file " + inputDexFileName);

        try {
            DexBackedDexFile dexFile = DexFileFactory.loadDexFile(dexFileFile, apiLevel);
            Iterable<String> bootClassPaths = Splitter.on(":").split("core.jar:ext.jar:framework.jar:android.policy.jar:services.jar");
            ClassPath classPath = ClassPath.fromClassPath(bootClassPathDirs, bootClassPaths, dexFile, apiLevel);
            FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(outFile);

            for (ClassDef classDef: dexFile.getClasses()) {
                ClassProto classProto = (ClassProto) classPath.getClass(classDef);
                List<Method> methods = classProto.getVtable();
                String className = "Class "  + classDef.getType() + " extends " + classDef.getSuperclass() + " : " + methods.size() + " methods\n";
                for (int i=0;i<methods.size();i++) {
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        MemoryDataStore dataStore = new MemoryDataStore();


        DexBackedDexFile dexFile = new DexBackedDexFile(new Opcodes(15), dataStore.getData());

        return Iterables.getFirst(dexFile.getClasses(), null);
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            System.err.println("Can't find the file " + inputDexFileName);

        try {
            DexBackedDexFile dexFile = DexFileFactory.loadDexFile(dexFileFile, apiLevel);
            Iterable<String> bootClassPaths = Splitter.on(":").split("core.jar:ext.jar:framework.jar:android.policy.jar:services.jar");
            ClassPath classPath = ClassPath.fromClassPath(bootClassPathDirs, bootClassPaths, dexFile, apiLevel);
            FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(outFile);

            for (ClassDef classDef: dexFile.getClasses()) {
                ClassProto classProto = (ClassProto) classPath.getClass(classDef);
                SparseArray<FieldReference> fields = classProto.getInstanceFields();
                String className = "Class "  + classDef.getType() + " : " + fields.size() + " instance fields\n";
                for (int i=0;i<fields.size();i++) {
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            System.err.println("Can't find the file " + inputDexFileName);

        //Read in and parse the dex file
        DexBackedDexFile dexFile = DexFileFactory.loadDexFile(dexFileFile, options.apiLevel);

        if (dexFile.isOdexFile()) {
            if (!options.deodex) {
                System.err.println("Warning: You are disassembling an odex file without deodexing it. You");
                System.err.println("won't be able to re-assemble the results unless you deodex it with the -x");
                options.allowOdex = true;
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            //TODO: does dalvik allow references to invalid registers?
            final LocalInfo[] locals = new LocalInfo[registerCount];
            Arrays.fill(locals, EMPTY_LOCAL_INFO);

            DexBackedMethod method = methodImpl.method;

            // Create a MethodParameter iterator that uses our DexReader instance to read the parameter names.
            // After we have finished iterating over the parameters, reader will "point to" the beginning of the
            // debug instructions
            final Iterator<? extends MethodParameter> parameterIterator =
                    new ParameterIterator(method.getParameterTypes(),

            // first, we grab all the parameters and temporarily store them at the beginning of locals,
            // disregarding any wide types
            int parameterIndex = 0;
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        public Iterator<DebugItem> iterator() {
            DexReader reader = dexFile.readerAt(debugInfoOffset);
            final int lineNumberStart = reader.readBigUleb128();
            int registerCount = methodImpl.getRegisterCount();

            //TODO: does dalvik allow references to invalid registers?
            final LocalInfo[] locals = new LocalInfo[registerCount];
            Arrays.fill(locals, EMPTY_LOCAL_INFO);

            DexBackedMethod method = methodImpl.method;

            // Create a MethodParameter iterator that uses our DexReader instance to read the parameter names.
            // After we have finished iterating over the parameters, reader will "point to" the beginning of the
            // debug instructions
            final Iterator<? extends MethodParameter> parameterIterator =
                    new ParameterIterator(method.getParameterTypes(),

            // first, we grab all the parameters and temporarily store them at the beginning of locals,
            // disregarding any wide types
            int parameterIndex = 0;
            if (!AccessFlags.STATIC.isSet(methodImpl.method.getAccessFlags())) {
                // add the local info for the "this" parameter
                locals[parameterIndex++] = new LocalInfo() {
                    @Override public String getName() { return "this"; }
                    @Override public String getType() { return methodImpl.method.getDefiningClass(); }
                    @Override public String getSignature() { return null; }
            while (parameterIterator.hasNext()) {
                locals[parameterIndex++] =;

            if (parameterIndex < registerCount) {
                // now, we push the parameter locals back to their appropriate register, starting from the end
                int localIndex = registerCount-1;
                while(--parameterIndex > -1) {
                    LocalInfo currentLocal = locals[parameterIndex];
                    String type = currentLocal.getType();
                    if (type != null && (type.equals("J") || type.equals("D"))) {
                        if (localIndex == parameterIndex) {
                            // there's no more room to push, the remaining registers are already in the correct place
                    locals[localIndex] = currentLocal;
                    locals[parameterIndex] = EMPTY_LOCAL_INFO;

            return new VariableSizeLookaheadIterator<DebugItem>(dexFile, reader.getOffset()) {
                private int codeAddress = 0;
                private int lineNumber = lineNumberStart;

                protected DebugItem readNextItem(@Nonnull DexReader reader) {
                    while (true) {
                        int next = reader.readUbyte();
                        switch (next) {
                            case DebugItemType.END_SEQUENCE: {
                                return null;
                            case DebugItemType.ADVANCE_PC: {
                                int addressDiff = reader.readSmallUleb128();
                                codeAddress += addressDiff;
                            case DebugItemType.ADVANCE_LINE: {
                                int lineDiff = reader.readSleb128();
                                lineNumber += lineDiff;
                            case DebugItemType.START_LOCAL: {
                                int register = reader.readSmallUleb128();
                                String name = dexFile.getOptionalString(reader.readSmallUleb128() - 1);
                                String type = dexFile.getOptionalType(reader.readSmallUleb128() - 1);
                                ImmutableStartLocal startLocal =
                                        new ImmutableStartLocal(codeAddress, register, name, type, null);
                                locals[register] = startLocal;
                                return startLocal;
                            case DebugItemType.START_LOCAL_EXTENDED: {
                                int register = reader.readSmallUleb128();
                                String name = dexFile.getOptionalString(reader.readSmallUleb128() - 1);
                                String type = dexFile.getOptionalType(reader.readSmallUleb128() - 1);
                                String signature = dexFile.getOptionalString(reader.readSmallUleb128() - 1);
                                ImmutableStartLocal startLocal =
                                        new ImmutableStartLocal(codeAddress, register, name, type, signature);
                                locals[register] = startLocal;
                                return startLocal;
                            case DebugItemType.END_LOCAL: {
                                int register = reader.readSmallUleb128();
                                LocalInfo localInfo = locals[register];
                                boolean replaceLocalInTable = true;
                                if (localInfo instanceof EndLocal) {
                                    localInfo = EMPTY_LOCAL_INFO;
                                    // don't replace the local info in locals. The new EndLocal won't have any info at all,
                                    // and we dont want to wipe out what's there, so that it is available for a subsequent
                                    // RestartLocal
                                    replaceLocalInTable = false;
                                ImmutableEndLocal endLocal =
                                        new ImmutableEndLocal(codeAddress, register, localInfo.getName(),
                                                localInfo.getType(), localInfo.getSignature());
                                if (replaceLocalInTable) {
                                    locals[register] = endLocal;
                                return endLocal;
                            case DebugItemType.RESTART_LOCAL: {
                                int register = reader.readSmallUleb128();
                                LocalInfo localInfo = locals[register];
                                ImmutableRestartLocal restartLocal =
                                        new ImmutableRestartLocal(codeAddress, register, localInfo.getName(),
                                                localInfo.getType(), localInfo.getSignature());
                                locals[register] = restartLocal;
                                return restartLocal;
                            case DebugItemType.PROLOGUE_END: {
                                return new ImmutablePrologueEnd(codeAddress);
                            case DebugItemType.EPILOGUE_BEGIN: {
                                return new ImmutableEpilogueBegin(codeAddress);
                            case DebugItemType.SET_SOURCE_FILE: {
                                String sourceFile = dexFile.getOptionalString(reader.readSmallUleb128() - 1);
                                return new ImmutableSetSourceFile(codeAddress, sourceFile);
                            default: {
                                int adjusted = next - 0x0A;
                                codeAddress += adjusted / 15;
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    public Iterable<? extends DexBackedField> getStaticFields(final boolean skipDuplicates) {
        if (staticFieldCount > 0) {
            DexReader reader = dexFile.readerAt(staticFieldsOffset);

            final AnnotationsDirectory annotationsDirectory = getAnnotationsDirectory();
            final int staticInitialValuesOffset =
                    dexFile.readSmallUint(classDefOffset + ClassDefItem.STATIC_VALUES_OFFSET);
            final int fieldsStartOffset = reader.getOffset();

            return new Iterable<DexBackedField>() {
                public Iterator<DexBackedField> iterator() {
                    final AnnotationsDirectory.AnnotationIterator annotationIterator =
                    final StaticInitialValueIterator staticInitialValueIterator =
                            StaticInitialValueIterator.newOrEmpty(dexFile, staticInitialValuesOffset);

                    return new VariableSizeLookaheadIterator<DexBackedField>(dexFile, fieldsStartOffset) {
                        private int count;
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    public Iterable<? extends DexBackedField> getInstanceFields(final boolean skipDuplicates) {
        if (instanceFieldCount > 0) {
            DexReader reader = dexFile.readerAt(getInstanceFieldsOffset());

            final AnnotationsDirectory annotationsDirectory = getAnnotationsDirectory();
            final int fieldsStartOffset = reader.getOffset();

            return new Iterable<DexBackedField>() {
                public Iterator<DexBackedField> iterator() {
                    final AnnotationsDirectory.AnnotationIterator annotationIterator =

                    return new VariableSizeLookaheadIterator<DexBackedField>(dexFile, fieldsStartOffset) {
                        private int count;
                        @Nullable private FieldReference previousField;
                        private int previousIndex;
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    public Iterable<? extends DexBackedMethod> getDirectMethods(final boolean skipDuplicates) {
        if (directMethodCount > 0) {
            DexReader reader = dexFile.readerAt(getDirectMethodsOffset());

            final AnnotationsDirectory annotationsDirectory = getAnnotationsDirectory();
            final int methodsStartOffset = reader.getOffset();

            return new Iterable<DexBackedMethod>() {
                public Iterator<DexBackedMethod> iterator() {
                    final AnnotationsDirectory.AnnotationIterator methodAnnotationIterator =
                    final AnnotationsDirectory.AnnotationIterator parameterAnnotationIterator =

                    return new VariableSizeLookaheadIterator<DexBackedMethod>(dexFile, methodsStartOffset) {
                        private int count;
                        @Nullable private MethodReference previousMethod;
                        private int previousIndex;
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Related Classes of org.jf.dexlib2.dexbacked.DexBackedDexFile$NotADexFile

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