Package org.jets3t.service.multithread

Examples of org.jets3t.service.multithread.S3ServiceMulti

            // Upload New/Updated/Forced/Replaced objects to S3.
            if (doAction && objectsToUpload.size() > 0) {
                S3Object[] objects = (S3Object[]) objectsToUpload.toArray(new S3Object[objectsToUpload.size()]);
                (new S3ServiceMulti(s3Service, serviceEventAdaptor)).putObjects(bucket, objects);
                if (serviceEventAdaptor.wasErrorThrown()) {
                    Throwable thrown = serviceEventAdaptor.getErrorThrown();
                    if (thrown instanceof Exception) {
                        throw (Exception) thrown;
                    } else {
                        throw new Exception(thrown);
        } while (priorLastKey != null);
        // Delete objects on S3 that don't correspond with local files.
        List objectsToDelete = new ArrayList();
        Iterator serverOnlyIter = mergedDiscrepancyResults.onlyOnServerKeys.iterator();
        while (serverOnlyIter.hasNext()) {
            // Relative key
            String relativeKeyPath = (String);

            // Build absolute key path for object.
            String targetKey = relativeKeyPath;
            if (rootObjectPath.length() > 0) {
                if (rootObjectPath.endsWith(Constants.FILE_PATH_DELIM)) {
                    targetKey = rootObjectPath + targetKey;                        
                } else {
                    targetKey = rootObjectPath + Constants.FILE_PATH_DELIM + targetKey;                        
            S3Object s3Object = new S3Object(targetKey);
            if (isKeepFiles || isNoDelete) {
                printOutputLine("d " + relativeKeyPath, REPORT_LEVEL_DIFFERENCES);               
            } else {
                printOutputLine("D " + relativeKeyPath, REPORT_LEVEL_ACTIONS);
                if (doAction) {
        if (objectsToDelete.size() > 0) {
            S3Object[] objects = (S3Object[]) objectsToDelete.toArray(new S3Object[objectsToDelete.size()]);
            (new S3ServiceMulti(s3Service, serviceEventAdaptor)).deleteObjects(bucket, objects);
            if (serviceEventAdaptor.wasErrorThrown()) {
                Throwable thrown = serviceEventAdaptor.getErrorThrown();
                if (thrown instanceof Exception) {
                    throw (Exception) thrown;
                } else {
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            // Download New/Updated/Forced/Replaced objects from S3.
            if (doAction && downloadPackagesList.size() > 0) {
                DownloadPackage[] downloadPackages = (DownloadPackage[])
                    downloadPackagesList.toArray(new DownloadPackage[downloadPackagesList.size()]);
                (new S3ServiceMulti(s3Service, serviceEventAdaptor)).downloadObjects(bucket, downloadPackages);
                if (serviceEventAdaptor.wasErrorThrown()) {
                    Throwable thrown = serviceEventAdaptor.getErrorThrown();
                    if (thrown instanceof Exception) {
                        throw (Exception) thrown;
                    } else {
                        throw new Exception(thrown);
        } while (priorLastKey != null);                       

        // Delete local files that don't correspond with S3 objects.
        ArrayList dirsToDelete = new ArrayList();
        Iterator clientOnlyIter = mergedDiscrepancyResults.onlyOnClientKeys.iterator();
        while (clientOnlyIter.hasNext()) {
            String keyPath = (String);
            File file = (File) filesMap.get(keyPath);
            if (isKeepFiles || isNoDelete) {
                printOutputLine("d " + keyPath, REPORT_LEVEL_DIFFERENCES);               
            } else {
                printOutputLine("D " + keyPath, REPORT_LEVEL_ACTIONS);
                if (doAction) {
                    if (file.isDirectory()) {
                        // Delete directories later, as they may still have files
                        // inside until this loop completes.
                    } else {
        Iterator dirIter = dirsToDelete.iterator();
        while (dirIter.hasNext()) {
            File dir = (File);
        // Delete objects in S3 that have been moved to the local computer.
        List objectsMoved = new ArrayList();
        if (isMoveEnabled) {
            Iterator objectsMovedIter = objectsMoved.iterator();
            List objectsToDelete = new ArrayList();
            while (objectsMovedIter.hasNext()) {
                String keyPath = (String);
                S3Object s3Object = new S3Object(keyPath);

                printOutputLine("M " + keyPath, REPORT_LEVEL_ACTIONS);
                if (doAction) {
            if (objectsToDelete.size() > 0) {
                S3Object[] objects = (S3Object[]) objectsToDelete.toArray(new S3Object[objectsToDelete.size()]);
                (new S3ServiceMulti(s3Service, serviceEventAdaptor)).deleteObjects(bucket, objects);
                if (serviceEventAdaptor.wasErrorThrown()) {
                    Throwable thrown = serviceEventAdaptor.getErrorThrown();
                    if (thrown instanceof Exception) {
                        throw (Exception) thrown;
                    } else {
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        // Initialise a non-authenticated service.
        try {
            // Revert to anonymous service.
            s3ServiceMulti = new S3ServiceMulti(
                new RestS3Service(null, APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION, this), this);
        } catch (S3ServiceException e) {
            String message = "Unable to start anonymous service";
            log.error(message, e);
            ErrorDialog.showDialog(ownerFrame, this, cockpitLiteProperties.getProperties(), message, e);
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         * Create a S3ServiceMulti object with an event listener that responds to
         * ListObjectsEvent notifications and populates a complete object listing.
        final S3ServiceMulti s3Multi = new S3ServiceMulti(s3Service, new S3ServiceEventAdaptor() {
            public void s3ServiceEventPerformed(ListObjectsEvent event) {
                if (ListObjectsEvent.EVENT_IN_PROGRESS == event.getEventCode()) {
                    Iterator chunkIter = event.getChunkList().iterator();
                    while (chunkIter.hasNext()) {
                        S3ObjectsChunk chunk = (S3ObjectsChunk);
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                          log.debug("Listed " + chunk.getObjects().length
                            + " objects and " + chunk.getCommonPrefixes().length
                            + " common prefixes in bucket '" + bucketName
                            + "' using prefix=" + chunk.getPrefix()
                            + ", delimiter=" + chunk.getDelimiter());

                } else if (ListObjectsEvent.EVENT_ERROR == event.getEventCode()) {
                    s3ServiceExceptions[0] = new S3ServiceException(
                        "Failed to list all objects in S3 bucket",

        // The first listing partition we use as a starting point is the target path.
        String[] prefixesToList = new String[] {targetPath};
        int currentDepth = 0;       
        while (currentDepth <= toDepth && prefixesToList.length > 0) {
          if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Listing objects in '" + bucketName + "' using "
                + prefixesToList.length + " prefixes: "
                + Arrays.asList(prefixesToList));

            // Initialize the variables that will be used, or populated, by the
            // multi-threaded listing.
            final String[] finalPrefixes = prefixesToList;
            final String finalDelimiter = (currentDepth < toDepth ? delimiter : null);

             * Perform a multi-threaded listing, where each prefix string
             * will be used as a unique partition to be listed in a separate thread.
            (new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    s3Multi.listObjects(bucketName, finalPrefixes,
                        finalDelimiter, Constants.DEFAULT_OBJECT_LIST_CHUNK_SIZE);
            // Throw any exceptions that occur inside the threads.
            if (s3ServiceExceptions[0] != null) {
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            s3Objects = s3ObjectsIncomplete;           
        } else {
            // Retrieve the complete information about all objects listed via GetObjectsHeads.
            final ArrayList s3ObjectsCompleteList = new ArrayList(s3ObjectsIncomplete.length);
            final S3ServiceException s3ServiceExceptions[] = new S3ServiceException[1];
            S3ServiceMulti s3ServiceMulti = new S3ServiceMulti(s3Service, new S3ServiceEventAdaptor() {
                public void s3ServiceEventPerformed(GetObjectHeadsEvent event) {
                    if (GetObjectHeadsEvent.EVENT_IN_PROGRESS == event.getEventCode()) {
                        S3Object[] finishedObjects = event.getCompletedObjects();
                        if (finishedObjects.length > 0) {
                    } else if (GetObjectHeadsEvent.EVENT_ERROR == event.getEventCode()) {
                        s3ServiceExceptions[0] = new S3ServiceException(
                            "Failed to retrieve detailed information about all S3 objects",
            if (s3ServiceEventListener != null) {
            s3ServiceMulti.getObjectsHeads(bucket, s3ObjectsIncomplete);
            if (s3ServiceExceptions[0] != null) {
                throw s3ServiceExceptions[0];
            s3Objects = (S3Object[]) s3ObjectsCompleteList
                .toArray(new S3Object[s3ObjectsCompleteList.size()]);
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                    LazyPreparedUploadObject lazyObj =
                        (LazyPreparedUploadObject) objectsToUpload.remove(0);
                    objects[i] = lazyObj.prepareUploadObject();

                (new S3ServiceMulti(s3Service, serviceEventAdaptor)).putObjects(bucket, objects);
                if (serviceEventAdaptor.wasErrorThrown()) {
                    Throwable thrown = serviceEventAdaptor.getErrorThrown();
                    if (thrown instanceof Exception) {
                        throw (Exception) thrown;
                    } else {
                        throw new Exception(thrown);
                partialUploadObjectsProgressCount += objects.length;
        } while (priorLastKey != null);
        // Delete objects on S3 that don't correspond with local files.
        List objectsToDelete = new ArrayList();
        Iterator serverOnlyIter = mergedDiscrepancyResults.onlyOnServerKeys.iterator();
        while (serverOnlyIter.hasNext()) {
            // Relative key
            String relativeKeyPath = (String);

            // Build absolute key path for object.
            String targetKey = relativeKeyPath;
            if (rootObjectPath.length() > 0) {
                if (rootObjectPath.endsWith(Constants.FILE_PATH_DELIM)) {
                    targetKey = rootObjectPath + targetKey;                        
                } else {
                    targetKey = rootObjectPath + Constants.FILE_PATH_DELIM + targetKey;                        
            S3Object s3Object = new S3Object(targetKey);
            if (isKeepFiles || isNoDelete) {
                printOutputLine("d " + relativeKeyPath, REPORT_LEVEL_DIFFERENCES);               
            } else {
                printOutputLine("D " + relativeKeyPath, REPORT_LEVEL_ACTIONS);
                if (doAction) {
        if (objectsToDelete.size() > 0) {
            S3Object[] objects = (S3Object[]) objectsToDelete.toArray(new S3Object[objectsToDelete.size()]);
            (new S3ServiceMulti(s3Service, serviceEventAdaptor)).deleteObjects(bucket, objects);
            if (serviceEventAdaptor.wasErrorThrown()) {
                Throwable thrown = serviceEventAdaptor.getErrorThrown();
                if (thrown instanceof Exception) {
                    throw (Exception) thrown;
                } else {
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            // Download New/Updated/Forced/Replaced objects from S3.
            if (doAction && downloadPackagesList.size() > 0) {
                DownloadPackage[] downloadPackages = (DownloadPackage[])
                    downloadPackagesList.toArray(new DownloadPackage[downloadPackagesList.size()]);
                (new S3ServiceMulti(s3Service, serviceEventAdaptor)).downloadObjects(bucket, downloadPackages);
                if (serviceEventAdaptor.wasErrorThrown()) {
                    Throwable thrown = serviceEventAdaptor.getErrorThrown();
                    if (thrown instanceof Exception) {
                        throw (Exception) thrown;
                    } else {
                        throw new Exception(thrown);
        } while (priorLastKey != null);                       

        // Delete local files that don't correspond with S3 objects.
        ArrayList dirsToDelete = new ArrayList();
        Iterator clientOnlyIter = mergedDiscrepancyResults.onlyOnClientKeys.iterator();
        while (clientOnlyIter.hasNext()) {
            String keyPath = (String);
            File file = (File) filesMap.get(keyPath);
            if (isKeepFiles || isNoDelete) {
                printOutputLine("d " + keyPath, REPORT_LEVEL_DIFFERENCES);               
            } else {
                printOutputLine("D " + keyPath, REPORT_LEVEL_ACTIONS);
                if (doAction) {
                    if (file.isDirectory()) {
                        // Delete directories later, as they may still have files
                        // inside until this loop completes.
                    } else {
        Iterator dirIter = dirsToDelete.iterator();
        while (dirIter.hasNext()) {
            File dir = (File);
        // Delete objects in S3 that have been moved to the local computer.
        List objectsMoved = new ArrayList();
        if (isMoveEnabled) {
            Iterator objectsMovedIter = objectsMoved.iterator();
            List objectsToDelete = new ArrayList();
            while (objectsMovedIter.hasNext()) {
                String keyPath = (String);
                S3Object s3Object = new S3Object(keyPath);

                printOutputLine("M " + keyPath, REPORT_LEVEL_ACTIONS);
                if (doAction) {
            if (objectsToDelete.size() > 0) {
                S3Object[] objects = (S3Object[]) objectsToDelete.toArray(new S3Object[objectsToDelete.size()]);
                (new S3ServiceMulti(s3Service, serviceEventAdaptor)).deleteObjects(bucket, objects);
                if (serviceEventAdaptor.wasErrorThrown()) {
                    Throwable thrown = serviceEventAdaptor.getErrorThrown();
                    if (thrown instanceof Exception) {
                        throw (Exception) thrown;
                    } else {
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            SignedUrlAndObject[] uploadItems = prepareSignedObjects(
                objectsForUpload, gatekeeperMessage.getSignatureRequests(), xmlGenerator);

            if (s3ServiceMulti == null) {
                s3ServiceMulti = new S3ServiceMulti(
                    new RestS3Service(null, APPLICATION_DESCRIPTION, this), this);

             * Prepare XML Summary document for upload, if the summary option is set.
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                    log.debug("Log in cancelled by user");

            s3ServiceMulti = new S3ServiceMulti(
                getRestS3Service(credentials), this);

            cloudFrontMembershipChecked = false;
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                loginSwitchMenu.setEnabled(loginAwsCredentialsMap.size() > 0);

            // Revert to anonymous service.
            s3ServiceMulti = new S3ServiceMulti(
                getRestS3Service(null), this);
            cloudFrontService = null;

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Related Classes of org.jets3t.service.multithread.S3ServiceMulti

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