// make sure we are pausing at the right state that reflects what we wrote in the program
InputAction a = b.getAction(InputAction.class);
assertEquals(1, a.getExecutions().size());
InputStepExecution is = a.getExecution("Icecream");
assertEquals("Do you want chocolate?", is.getInput().getMessage());
assertEquals(1, is.getInput().getParameters().size());
j.assertEqualDataBoundBeans(is.getInput().getParameters().get(0), new BooleanParameterDefinition("chocolate", false, "Favorite icecream flavor"));
// submit the input, and run workflow to the completion
HtmlPage p = j.createWebClient().getPage(b, a.getUrlName());
assertEquals(0, a.getExecutions().size());
// make sure 'x' gets assigned to false