Defines a parameter for a build.
In Hudson, a user can configure a job to require parameters for a build. For example, imagine a test job that takes the bits to be tested as a parameter.
The actual meaning and the purpose of parameters are entirely up to users, so what the concrete parameter implmentation is pluggable. Write subclasses in a plugin and put {@link Extension} on the descriptor to register them.
Three classes are used to model build parameters. First is the {@link ParameterDescriptor}, which tells Hudson what kind of implementations are available. From {@link ParameterDescriptor#newInstance(StaplerRequest,JSONObject)}, Hudson creates {@link ParameterDefinition}s based on the job configuration. For example, if the user defines two string parameters "database-type" and "appserver-type", we'll get two {@link StringParameterDefinition} instanceswith their respective names.
When a job is configured with {@link ParameterDefinition} (or more precisely,{@link ParametersDefinitionProperty}, which in turns retains {@link ParameterDefinition}s), user would have to enter the values for the defined build parameters. The {@link #createValue(StaplerRequest,JSONObject)} method is used to convert thisform submission into {@link ParameterValue} objects, which are then accessibleduring a build.
Instances of {@link ParameterDefinition}s are persisted into job config.xml through XStream.
Assocaited Views
{@link ParameterDefinition} class uses config.jelly to provide contribute a formfragment in the job configuration screen. Values entered there is fed back to {@link ParameterDescriptor#newInstance(StaplerRequest,JSONObject)} to create {@link ParameterDefinition}s.
index.jelly view contributes a form fragment in the page where the user enters actual values of parameters for a build. The result of this form submission is then fed to {@link ParameterDefinition#createValue(StaplerRequest,JSONObject)} tocreate {@link ParameterValue}s. TODO: what Jelly pages does this object need for rendering UI? TODO: {@link ParameterValue} needs to have some mechanism to expose values to the build
@see StringParameterDefinition