Package org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job

Examples of org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowJob

        assertEquals("hello world\n", r.createWebClient().getPage(p, "javadoc/").getWebResponse().getContentAsString());

    @Test public void mailer() throws Exception {
        WorkflowJob p = r.jenkins.createProject(WorkflowJob.class, "p");
        String recipient = "";
        p.setDefinition(new CpsFlowDefinition(
                  "node {\n"
                + "    sh '''echo '<testsuite name=\"s\"><testcase name=\"c\"><error>failed</error></testcase></testsuite>' > r.xml'''\n"
                + "    step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: 'r.xml'])\n"
                + "    step([$class: 'Mailer', recipients: '" + recipient + "'])\n"
                + "}"));
        Mailbox inbox = Mailbox.get(new InternetAddress(recipient));
        WorkflowRun b = r.assertBuildStatus(Result.UNSTABLE, p.scheduleBuild2(0).get());
        assertEquals(JenkinsRule.getLog(b), 1, inbox.size());
        assertEquals(/* MailSender.createUnstableMail/getSubject */Messages.MailSender_UnstableMail_Subject() + " " + b.getFullDisplayName(), inbox.get(0).getSubject());
        p.setDefinition(new CpsFlowDefinition(
                  "node {\n"
                + "    catchError {sh 'false'}\n"
                + "    step([$class: 'Mailer', recipients: '" + recipient + "'])\n"
                + "}"));
        b = r.assertBuildStatus(Result.FAILURE, p.scheduleBuild2(0).get());
        assertEquals(JenkinsRule.getLog(b), 1, inbox.size());
        assertEquals(Messages.MailSender_FailureMail_Subject() + " " + b.getFullDisplayName(), inbox.get(0).getSubject());
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public class PwdStepTest {

    @Rule public JenkinsRule r = new JenkinsRule();

    @Test public void basics() throws Exception {
        WorkflowJob p = r.jenkins.createProject(WorkflowJob.class, "p");
        p.setDefinition(new CpsFlowDefinition("node {def cwd = pwd(); sh \"echo cwd='$cwd'\"}"));
        r.assertLogContains("cwd=" + r.jenkins.getWorkspaceFor(p), r.assertBuildStatusSuccess(p.scheduleBuild2(0)));
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        File otherRepo = tmp.newFolder();
        hg(otherRepo, "init");
        FileUtils.touch(new File(otherRepo, "otherfile"));
        hg(otherRepo, "add", "otherfile");
        hg(otherRepo, "commit", "--message=init");
        WorkflowJob p = r.jenkins.createProject(WorkflowJob.class, "demo");
        p.addTrigger(new SCMTrigger(""));
        p.setQuietPeriod(3); // so it only does one build
        p.setDefinition(new CpsFlowDefinition(
            "node {\n" +
            "    ws {\n" +
            "        dir('main') {\n" +
            "            checkout([$class: 'MercurialSCM', source: '" + sampleRepo + "'])\n" +
            "        }\n" +
            "        dir('other') {\n" +
            "            checkout([$class: 'MercurialSCM', source: '" + otherRepo + "', clean: true])\n" +
            "            sh 'echo stuff >> unversioned; wc -l unversioned'\n" +
            "        }\n" +
            "        sh 'for f in */*; do echo PRESENT: $f; done'\n" +
            "    }\n" +
        WorkflowRun b = r.assertBuildStatusSuccess(p.scheduleBuild2(0));
        r.assertLogContains("PRESENT: main/file", b);
        r.assertLogContains("PRESENT: other/otherfile", b);
        r.assertLogContains("1 unversioned", b);
        FileUtils.touch(new File(sampleRepo, "file2"));
        hg(sampleRepo, "add", "file2");
        hg(sampleRepo, "commit", "--message=file2");
        FileUtils.touch(new File(otherRepo, "otherfile2"));
        hg(otherRepo, "add", "otherfile2");
        hg(otherRepo, "commit", "--message=otherfile2");
        System.out.println(r.createWebClient().goTo("mercurial/notifyCommit?url=" + URLEncoder.encode(sampleRepo.getAbsolutePath(), "UTF-8"), "text/plain").getWebResponse().getContentAsString());
        System.out.println(r.createWebClient().goTo("mercurial/notifyCommit?url=" + URLEncoder.encode(otherRepo.getAbsolutePath(), "UTF-8"), "text/plain").getWebResponse().getContentAsString());
        FileUtils.copyFile(p.getSCMTrigger().getLogFile(), System.out);
        b = p.getLastBuild();
        assertEquals(2, b.number);
        r.assertLogContains("PRESENT: main/file2", b);
        r.assertLogContains("PRESENT: other/otherfile2", b);
        r.assertLogContains("1 unversioned", b);
        Iterator<? extends SCM> scms = p.getSCMs().iterator();
        assertEquals(sampleRepo.getAbsolutePath(), ((MercurialSCM);
        assertEquals(otherRepo.getAbsolutePath(), ((MercurialSCM);
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     * Archive and unarchive file
    public void archive() throws Exception {
        // job setup
        WorkflowJob foo = j.jenkins.createProject(WorkflowJob.class, "foo");
        foo.setDefinition(new CpsFlowDefinition(StringUtils.join(Arrays.asList(
                "node {",
                "  sh 'echo hello world > msg'",
                "  archive 'm*'",
                "  unarchive(mapping:['msg':'msg.out'])",
                "  archive 'msg.out'",
                "}"), "\n")));

        // get the build going, and wait until workflow pauses
        WorkflowRun b = j.assertBuildStatusSuccess(foo.scheduleBuild2(0).get());

        VirtualFile archivedFile = b.getArtifactManager().root().child("msg.out");
        assertEquals("hello world\n",IOUtils.toString(;
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        assertEquals("hello world\n",IOUtils.toString(;

    @Test public void unarchiveDir() throws Exception {
        WorkflowJob p = j.jenkins.createProject(WorkflowJob.class, "p");
        p.setDefinition(new CpsFlowDefinition(StringUtils.join(Arrays.asList(
                "node {",
                "  sh 'mkdir -p a/b && echo one > a/1 && echo two > a/b/2'",
                "  archive 'a/'",
                "  sh 'rm -r a'",
                "  unarchive mapping: ['a/' : '.']",
                "  sh 'cat a/1 a/b/2'",
                "}"), "\n")));
        WorkflowRun b = j.assertBuildStatusSuccess(p.scheduleBuild2(0).get());
        VirtualFile archivedFile = b.getArtifactManager().root().child("a/b/2");
        assertEquals("two\n", IOUtils.toString(;
        j.assertLogContains("one\ntwo", b);
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     * Updates p, b, and e variables from the given JenkinsRule
    public void rebuildContext(JenkinsRule j) throws Exception {
        WorkflowJob p2 = (WorkflowJob) j.jenkins.getItem("demo");
        assertNotNull("could not find a job named demo", p2);
        assert p!=p2;  // make sure Jenkins was restarted
        p = p2;

        WorkflowRun b2 = p.getLastBuild();
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     * The simplest possible timeout step ever.
    public void basic() throws Exception {
        WorkflowJob p = r.jenkins.createProject(WorkflowJob.class, "p");
        p.setDefinition(new CpsFlowDefinition(
                "import java.util.concurrent.*; node { timeout(time:5, unit:TimeUnit.SECONDS) { sh 'sleep 10'; echo 'NotHere' } }"));
        WorkflowRun b = r.assertBuildStatus(Result.FAILURE, p.scheduleBuild2(0).get());
        r.assertLogNotContains("NotHere", b);
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        r.assertLogNotContains("NotHere", b);

    public void killingParallel() throws Exception {
        WorkflowJob p = r.jenkins.createProject(WorkflowJob.class, "p");
        p.setDefinition(new CpsFlowDefinition(join(
                "import java.util.concurrent.*; node { ",
                    "timeout(time:5, unit:TimeUnit.SECONDS) { ",
                            " a: { echo 'ShouldBeHere1'; sh 'sleep 10'; echo 'NotHere' }, ",
                            " b: { echo 'ShouldBeHere2'; sh 'sleep 10'; echo 'NotHere' }, ",
                        "echo 'NotHere'",
                    "echo 'NotHere'",
        WorkflowRun b = r.assertBuildStatus(Result.FAILURE, p.scheduleBuild2(0).get());

        // make sure things that are supposed to run do, and things that are NOT supposed to run do not.
        r.assertLogNotContains("NotHere", b);
        r.assertLogContains("ShouldBeHere2", b);
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                          public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
                              FreeStyleProject p1 = story.j.createFreeStyleProject("test1");
                              p1.getBuildersList().add(new Shell("echo 'Hello World'"));

                              WorkflowJob foo = story.j.jenkins.createProject(WorkflowJob.class, "foo");
                              foo.setDefinition(new CpsFlowDefinition(StringUtils.join(Arrays.asList("build('test1');"), "\n")));

                              QueueTaskFuture<WorkflowRun> q = foo.scheduleBuild2(0);
                              WorkflowRun b = q.getStartCondition().get();
                              CpsFlowExecution e = (CpsFlowExecution) b.getExecutionPromise().get();
                              assertEquals(1, story.j.jenkins.getQueue().getItems().length);
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        git(sampleRepo, "add", "file");
        git(sampleRepo, "commit", "--message=init");
    @Test public void basicCloneAndUpdate() throws Exception {
        WorkflowJob p = r.jenkins.createProject(WorkflowJob.class, "demo");
        p.setDefinition(new CpsFlowDefinition(
            "node('remote') {\n" +
            "    ws {\n" +
            "        git(url: '" + sampleRepo + "', poll: false, changelog: false)\n" +
            "        sh 'for f in *; do echo PRESENT: $f; done'\n" +
            "    }\n" +
        WorkflowRun b = r.assertBuildStatusSuccess(p.scheduleBuild2(0));
        r.assertLogContains("Cloning the remote Git repository", b); // GitSCM.retrieveChanges
        r.assertLogContains("PRESENT: file", b);
        FileUtils.touch(new File(sampleRepo, "nextfile"));
        git(sampleRepo, "add", "nextfile");
        git(sampleRepo, "commit", "--message=next");
        b = r.assertBuildStatusSuccess(p.scheduleBuild2(0));
        r.assertLogContains("Fetching changes from the remote Git repository", b); // GitSCM.retrieveChanges
        r.assertLogContains("PRESENT: nextfile", b);
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Related Classes of org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.job.WorkflowJob

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