Package org.jdom2.input

Examples of org.jdom2.input.StAXEventBuilder

From a JDOM perspective XMLStreamReaders are more efficient than XMLEventReaders. Where possible use an XMLStreamReader.

If you happen to be looking at the source code, pay careful attention to the imports so you know what type of instance is being processed, whether it is a StAX class, or a JDOM class, because there are name conflicts. @author Rolf Lear

                m_out.print( s );
        else if( element instanceof Element )
            Element base = (Element)element;
            String n = base.getName().toLowerCase();
            if( "imageplugin".equals( base.getAttributeValue( "class" ) ) )
                printImage( base );
            else if( "wikiform".equals( base.getAttributeValue( "class" ) ) )
                // only print the children if the div's class="wikiform", but not the div itself.
                printChildren( base );
                boolean bold = false;
                boolean italic = false;
                boolean monospace = false;
                String cssSpecial = null;
                String cssClass = base.getAttributeValue( "class" );

                // accomodate a FCKeditor bug with Firefox: when a link is removed, it becomes <span class="wikipage">text</span>.
                boolean ignoredCssClass = cssClass != null && cssClass.matches( "wikipage|createpage|external|interwiki|attachment" );

                Map styleProps = null;
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        for( Iterator i = base.getContent().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            Object c =;
            if( c instanceof Element )
                Element e = (Element)c;
                String n = e.getName().toLowerCase();
                if( n.equals( "h1" ) )
                    m_out.print( "\n!!! " );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "h2" ) )
                    m_out.print( "\n!!! " );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "h3" ) )
                    m_out.print( "\n!! " );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "h4" ) )
                    m_out.print( "\n! " );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "p" ) )
                    if( e.getContentSize() != 0 ) // we don't want to print empty elements: <p></p>
                        print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "br" ) )
                    if( m_preStack.isPreMode() )
                        String parentElementName = base.getName().toLowerCase();

                        // To beautify the generated wiki markup, we print a newline character after a linebreak.
                        // It's only safe to do this when the parent element is a <p> or <div>; when the parent
                        // element is a table cell or list item, a newline character would break the markup.
                        // We also check that this isn't being done inside a plugin body.
                        if( parentElementName.matches( "p|div" )
                            && !base.getText().matches( "(?s).*\\[\\{.*\\}\\].*" ) )
                            m_out.print( " \\\\\n" );
                            m_out.print( " \\\\" );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "hr" ) )
                    print( "----" );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "table" ) )
                    if( !m_outTimmer.isCurrentlyOnLineBegin() )
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "tr" ) )
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "td" ) )
                    m_out.print( "| " );
                    print( e );
                    if( !m_preStack.isPreMode() )
                        print( " " );
                else if( n.equals( "th" ) )
                    m_out.print( "|| " );
                    print( e );
                    if( !m_preStack.isPreMode() )
                        print( " " );
                else if( n.equals( "a" ) )
                    if( !isIgnorableWikiMarkupLink( e ) )
                        if( e.getChild( "IMG" ) != null )
                            printImage( e );
                            String ref = e.getAttributeValue( "href" );
                            if( ref == null )
                                if( isUndefinedPageLink( e ) )
                                    m_out.print( "[" );
                                    print( e );
                                    m_out.print( "]" );
                                    print( e );
                                ref = trimLink( ref );
                                if( ref != null )
                                    if( ref.startsWith( "#" ) ) // This is a link to a footnote.
                                        // convert "#ref-PageName-1" to just "1"
                                        String href = ref.replaceFirst( "#ref-.+-(\\d+)", "$1" );
                                        // remove the brackets around "[1]"
                                        String textValue = e.getValue().substring( 1, (e.getValue().length() - 1) );
                                        if( href.equals( textValue ) ){ // handles the simplest case. Example: [1]
                                            print( e );
                                        else{ // handles the case where the link text is different from the href. Example: [something|1]
                                            m_out.print( "[" + textValue + "|" + href + "]" );
                                        Map augmentedWikiLinkAttributes = getAugmentedWikiLinkAttributes( e );

                                        m_out.print( "[" );
                                        print( e );
                                        if( !e.getTextTrim().equalsIgnoreCase( ref ) )
                                            m_out.print( "|" );
                                            print( ref );

                                            if( !augmentedWikiLinkAttributes.isEmpty() )
                                                m_out.print( "|" );

                                                String augmentedWikiLink = augmentedWikiLinkMapToString( augmentedWikiLinkAttributes );
                                                m_out.print( augmentedWikiLink );
                                        else if( !augmentedWikiLinkAttributes.isEmpty() )
                                            // If the ref has the same value as the text and also if there
                                            // are attributes, then just print: [ref|ref|attributes] .
                                            m_out.print( "|" + ref + "|" );
                                            String augmentedWikiLink = augmentedWikiLinkMapToString( augmentedWikiLinkAttributes );
                                            m_out.print( augmentedWikiLink );

                                        m_out.print( "]" );
                else if( n.equals( "b" ) || n.equals("strong") )
                    m_out.print( "__" );
                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "__" );
                else if( n.equals( "i" ) || n.equals("em") || n.equals( "address" ) )
                    m_out.print( "''" );
                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "''" );
                else if( n.equals( "u" ) )
                    m_out.print( "%%( text-decoration:underline; )" );
                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "%%" );
                else if( n.equals( "strike" ) )
                    m_out.print( "%%strike " );
                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "%%" );
                    // NOTE: don't print a space before or after the double percents because that can break words into two.
                    // For example: %%(color:red)ABC%%%%(color:green)DEF%% is different from %%(color:red)ABC%% %%(color:green)DEF%%
                else if( n.equals( "sup" ) )
                    m_out.print( "%%sup " );
                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "%%" );
                else if( n.equals( "sub" ) )
                    m_out.print( "%%sub " );
                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "%%" );
                else if( n.equals("dl") )
                    m_out.print( "\n" );
                    print( e );

                    // print a newline after the definition list. If we don't,
                    // it may cause problems for the subsequent element.
                    m_out.print( "\n" );
                else if( n.equals("dt") )
                    m_out.print( ";" );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals("dd") )
                    m_out.print( ":" );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "ul" ) )
                    m_liStack.push( "*" );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "ol" ) )
                    m_liStack.push( "#" );
                    print( e );
                else if( n.equals( "li" ) )
                    m_out.print( m_liStack + " " );
                    print( e );

                    // The following line assumes that the XHTML has been "pretty-printed"
                    // (newlines separate child elements from their parents).
                    boolean lastListItem = base.indexOf( e ) == ( base.getContentSize() - 2 );
                    boolean sublistItem = m_liStack.toString().length() > 1;

                    // only print a newline if this <li> element is not the last item within a sublist.
                    if( !sublistItem || !lastListItem )
                else if( n.equals( "pre" ) )
                    m_out.print( "\n{{{" ); // start JSPWiki "code blocks" on its own line
                    print( e );

                    // print a newline after the closing braces
                    // to avoid breaking any subsequent wiki markup that follows.
                    m_out.print( "}}}\n" );
                else if( n.equals( "code" ) || n.equals( "tt" ) )
                    m_out.print( "{{" );
                    print( e );
                    m_out.print( "}}" );
                    // NOTE: don't print a newline after the closing brackets because if the Text is inside
                    // a table or list, it would break it if there was a subsequent row or list item.
                else if( n.equals( "img" ) )
                    if( !isIgnorableWikiMarkupLink( e ) )
                        m_out.print( "[" );
                        print( trimLink( e.getAttributeValue( "src" ) ) );
                        m_out.print( "]" );
                else if( n.equals( "form" ) )
                    // remove the hidden input where name="formname" since a new one will be generated again when the xhtml is rendered.
                    Element formName = (Element)XPath.selectSingleNode( e, "INPUT[@name='formname']" );
                    if( formName != null )

                    String name = e.getAttributeValue( "name" );

                    m_out.print( "\n[{FormOpen" );
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    private void printImage( Element base ) throws JDOMException
        Element child = (Element)XPath.selectSingleNode( base, "TBODY/TR/TD/*" );
        if( child == null )
            child = base;
        Element img;
        String href;
        Map<Object,Object> map = new ForgetNullValuesLinkedHashMap();
        if( child.getName().equals( "A" ) )
            img = child.getChild( "IMG" );
            href = child.getAttributeValue( "href" );
            img = child;
            href = null;
        if( img == null )
        String src = trimLink( img.getAttributeValue( "src" ) );
        if( src == null )
        map.put( "align", base.getAttributeValue( "align" ) );
        map.put( "height", img.getAttributeValue( "height" ) );
        map.put( "width", img.getAttributeValue( "width" ) );
        map.put( "alt", img.getAttributeValue( "alt" ) );
        map.put( "caption", emptyToNull( XPath.newInstance( "CAPTION" ).valueOf( base ) ) );
        map.put( "link", href );
        map.put( "border", img.getAttributeValue( "border" ) );
        map.put( "style", base.getAttributeValue( "style" ) );
        if( map.size() > 0 )
            m_out.print( "[{Image src='" + src + "'" );
            for( Iterator i = map.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
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     * @param xmlStream stream to parse
    private void parseConfigFile( InputStream xmlStream ) {
      List< Element > pageFilters = XmlUtil.parse( xmlStream, "/pagefilters/filter" );
        for( Iterator< Element > i = pageFilters.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            Element f =;
            String filterClass = f.getChildText( "class" );
            Properties props = new Properties();
            List< Element > params = f.getChildren( "param" );
            for( Iterator< Element > par = params.iterator(); par.hasNext(); ) {
                Element p =;
                props.setProperty( p.getChildText( "name" ), p.getChildText( "value" ) );

            initPageFilter( filterClass, props );
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        // Register all filters which have created a resource containing its properties.
        // Get all resources of all plugins.
        for( Iterator< Element > i = filters.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            Element pluginEl =;
            String className = pluginEl.getAttributeValue( "class" );
            PageFilterInfo filterInfo = PageFilterInfo.newInstance( className, pluginEl );
            if( filterInfo != null ) {
                registerFilter( filterInfo );
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    public String getString() throws IOException
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(1000);
        Element ce = m_document.getRootElement();
        //  Traverse through the entire tree of everything.
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                    while ( ch == '-' );

                    pushElement( new Element("hr") );
                    return popElement( "hr" );

                pushBack( ch3 );
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    private Element handleHeading()
        throws IOException
        Element el = null;

        int ch  = nextToken();

        Heading hd = new Heading();
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         if( strBullets.substring(0,Math.min(numBullets,m_genlistlevel)).equals
            (m_genlistBulletBuffer.substring(0,Math.min(numBullets,m_genlistlevel)) ) )
             if( numBullets > m_genlistlevel )
                 pushElement( new Element( getListType(strBullets.charAt(m_genlistlevel++) ) ) );

                 for( ; m_genlistlevel < numBullets; m_genlistlevel++ )
                     // bullets are growing, get from new bullet list
                     pushElement( new Element("li") );
                     pushElement( new Element( getListType(strBullets.charAt(m_genlistlevel)) ));
             else if( numBullets < m_genlistlevel )
                 //  Close the previous list item.
                 // buf.append( m_renderer.closeListItem() );
                 popElement( "li" );

                 for( ; m_genlistlevel > numBullets; m_genlistlevel-- )
                     // bullets are shrinking, get from old bullet list

                     popElement( getListType(m_genlistBulletBuffer.charAt(m_genlistlevel-1)) );
                     if( m_genlistlevel > 0 )
                         popElement( "li" );

                 if( m_genlistlevel > 0 )
                     popElement( "li" );
             //  The pattern has changed, unwind and restart
             int  numEqualBullets;
             int  numCheckBullets;

             // find out how much is the same
             numEqualBullets = 0;
             numCheckBullets = Math.min(numBullets,m_genlistlevel);

             while( numEqualBullets < numCheckBullets )
                 // if the bullets are equal so far, keep going
                 if( strBullets.charAt(numEqualBullets) == m_genlistBulletBuffer.charAt(numEqualBullets))
                 // otherwise giveup, we have found how many are equal

             for( ; m_genlistlevel > numEqualBullets; m_genlistlevel-- )
                 popElement( getListType( m_genlistBulletBuffer.charAt(m_genlistlevel-1) ) );
                 if( m_genlistlevel > numBullets )


             pushElement( new Element(getListType( strBullets.charAt(numEqualBullets++) ) ) );
             for(int i = numEqualBullets; i < numBullets; i++)
                 pushElement( new Element("li") );
                 pushElement( new Element( getListType( strBullets.charAt(i) ) ) );
             m_genlistlevel = numBullets;

         //  Push a new list item, and eat away any extra whitespace
         pushElement( new Element("li") );
         readWhile(" ");

         // work done, remember the new bullet list (in place of old one)
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            m_isdefinition = true;


            pushElement( new Element("dl") );
            return pushElement( new Element("dt") );

        return null;
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Related Classes of org.jdom2.input.StAXEventBuilder

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