* Parse entry from reader.
public static Entry parseEntry(Reader rd, String baseURI) throws JDOMException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException, FeedException {
// Parse entry into JDOM tree
SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
Document entryDoc = builder.build(rd);
Element fetchedEntryElement = entryDoc.getRootElement();
// Put entry into a JDOM document with 'feed' root so that Rome can handle it
Feed feed = new Feed();
WireFeedOutput wireFeedOutput = new WireFeedOutput();
Document feedDoc = wireFeedOutput.outputJDom(feed);
if (baseURI != null) {
feedDoc.getRootElement().setAttribute("base", baseURI, Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE);
WireFeedInput input = new WireFeedInput();
Feed parsedFeed = (Feed) input.build(feedDoc);
return (Entry) parsedFeed.getEntries().get(0);