Package org.jdom.xpath

Examples of org.jdom.xpath.XPath$XPathString


    private List<Element> getMatches(Object doc, String xpath) {
        try {
            XPath path = XPath.newInstance(xpath);
            return path.selectNodes(doc);
        } catch (JDOMException e) {
            throw new DatabindingException("Error evaluating xpath " + xpath, e);
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        throws JDOMException,
        Document doc = new SAXBuilder().build( xmlStream );
        XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("/pagefilters/filter");
        List nodes = xpath.selectNodes( doc );
        for( Iterator i = nodes.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            Element f = (Element);
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        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            XPath xp = XPath.newInstance( ALL_TEXT_NODES );
            List nodes = xp.selectNodes(m_document.getDocument());
            for( Iterator i = nodes.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                Object el =;
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            Document doc = new SAXBuilder().build( req.getInputStream() );
            XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance("/D:propfind/*");
            xpath.addNamespace( "D", "DAV:" );
            Element firstnode = (Element)xpath.selectSingleNode( doc );

            Element davresponse = null;

            System.out.println("Request="+dc.getPath()+" depth="+dc.getDepth());

            if( firstnode == null || firstnode.getName().equals("allprop") )
                davresponse = getAllProps( dc );
            else if( firstnode.getName().equals("propname") )
                davresponse = getPropertyNames( dc );
            else if( firstnode.getName().equals("prop") )
                XPath ndxp = XPath.newInstance("/D:propfind/D:prop/*");
                ndxp.addNamespace( "D", "DAV:" );
                List nodes = ndxp.selectNodes( doc );
                davresponse = getProperties( dc, nodes );
            sendMultiResponse( res, davresponse );
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     * @throws JDOMException if elements cannot be parsed correctly
    public boolean isConstrained( String url, Role role ) throws JDOMException
        Element root = m_webxml.getRootElement();
        XPath xpath;
        String selector;

        // Get all constraints that have our URL pattern
        // (Note the crazy j: prefix to denote the 2.4 j2ee schema)
        selector = "//j:web-app/j:security-constraint[j:web-resource-collection/j:url-pattern=\"" + url + "\"]";
        xpath = XPath.newInstance( selector );
        xpath.addNamespace( "j", J2EE_SCHEMA_24_NAMESPACE );
        List<?> constraints = xpath.selectNodes( root );

        // Get all constraints that match our Role pattern
        selector = "//j:web-app/j:security-constraint[j:auth-constraint/j:role-name=\"" + role.getName() + "\"]";
        xpath = XPath.newInstance( selector );
        xpath.addNamespace( "j", J2EE_SCHEMA_24_NAMESPACE );
        List<?> roles = xpath.selectNodes( root );

        // If we can't find either one, we must not be constrained
        if ( constraints.size() == 0 )
            return false;
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        Set<Role> roles = new HashSet<Role>();
        Element root = webxml.getRootElement();

        // Get roles referred to by constraints
        String selector = "//j:web-app/j:security-constraint/j:auth-constraint/j:role-name";
        XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance( selector );
        xpath.addNamespace( "j", J2EE_SCHEMA_24_NAMESPACE );
        List<?> nodes = xpath.selectNodes( root );
        for( Iterator<?> it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
            String role = ( (Element) ).getTextTrim();
            roles.add( new Role( role ) );

        // Get all defined roles
        selector = "//j:web-app/j:security-role/j:role-name";
        xpath = XPath.newInstance( selector );
        xpath.addNamespace( "j", J2EE_SCHEMA_24_NAMESPACE );
        nodes = xpath.selectNodes( root );
        for( Iterator<?> it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
            String role = ( (Element) ).getTextTrim();
            roles.add( new Role( role ) );
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        // now check extension of archivenames to be jar
        SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder( false );

        Document doc = new File( basedir, ".settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component" ) );

        XPath archiveNames = XPath.newInstance( "//dependent-module/@archiveName" );

        assertEquals( "Must be 2 modules", 2, archiveNames.selectNodes( doc ).size() );
        for ( Iterator it = archiveNames.selectNodes( doc ).iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
            Attribute attribute = (Attribute);

            String archiveName = attribute.getValue();
            String extension = archiveName.substring( archiveName.lastIndexOf( "." ) + 1 ).toLowerCase();
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        SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder( false );

        Document doc = new File( basedir, ".classpath" ) );

        XPath resourcePath = XPath.newInstance( "//classpathentry[@path='src/main/resources']" );

        assertTrue( "resources classpath entry not found.", resourcePath.selectSingleNode( doc ) != null );

        XPath testResourcePath = XPath.newInstance( "//classpathentry[@path='src/test/resources']" );

        assertTrue( "test resources (minus custom output dir) classpath entry not found.",
                    testResourcePath.selectSingleNode( doc ) != null );

        XPath stdOutputPath = XPath.newInstance( "//classpathentry[@kind='output' && @path='target/classes']" );

        assertTrue( "standard output classpath entry not found.", stdOutputPath.selectSingleNode( doc ) != null );

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        SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder( false );

        Document doc = new File( basedir, ".classpath" ) );

        XPath javadocUrls = XPath.newInstance( "//attribute/@value" );
        for ( Iterator it = javadocUrls.selectNodes( doc ).iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
            Attribute attribute = (Attribute);
            URL jarUrl = new URL( attribute.getValue() );
            URL fileUrl = ( (JarURLConnection) jarUrl.openConnection() ).getJarFileURL();
            String host = fileUrl.getHost();
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        try {
            SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder();
            Document document =;
            for (Iterator i = instructions.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                Instruction instruction = (Instruction);
                XPath xPath = instruction.getxPath();
                List nodeList = xPath.selectNodes(document);
                Object propertyValue = filter(nodeList, instruction);
                if (propertyValue != null) {
                    properties.put(instruction.getPropertyName(), propertyValue);
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Related Classes of org.jdom.xpath.XPath$XPathString

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