public void testMultipartSynchronously() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
HashCode oneHundredOneConstitutionsMD5 = oneHundredOneConstitutions.hash(md5());
String containerName = getContainerName();
S3Object object = null;
try {
String key = "constitution.txt";
String uploadId = getApi().initiateMultipartUpload(containerName,
byte[] buffer = oneHundredOneConstitutions.read();
assertEquals(oneHundredOneConstitutions.size(), (long) buffer.length);
Payload part1 = newByteArrayPayload(buffer);
part1.getContentMetadata().setContentLength((long) buffer.length);
String eTagOf1 = null;
try {
eTagOf1 = getApi().uploadPart(containerName, key, 1, uploadId, part1);
} catch (KeyNotFoundException e) {
// note that because of eventual consistency, the upload id may not be present yet
// we may wish to add this condition to the retry handler
// we may also choose to implement ListParts and wait for the uploadId to become
// available there.
eTagOf1 = getApi().uploadPart(containerName, key, 1, uploadId, part1);
String eTag = getApi().completeMultipartUpload(containerName, key, uploadId, ImmutableMap.of(1, eTagOf1));
assert !eTagOf1.equals(eTag);
object = getApi().getObject(containerName, key);
assertEquals(ByteStreams2.toByteArrayAndClose(object.getPayload().openStream()), buffer);
// noticing amazon does not return content-md5 header or a parsable ETag after a multi-part
// upload is complete:
// https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=61344
assertEquals(object.getPayload().getContentMetadata().getContentMD5(), null);
assertEquals(getApi().headObject(containerName, key).getContentMetadata().getContentMD5(), null);
} finally {
if (object != null)