assertEquals(byId.getImage(), defaultTemplate.getImage());
@Test(enabled = true, dependsOnMethods = "testCompareSizes")
public void testExtendedOptionsAndLogin() throws Exception {
SecurityGroupClient securityGroupClient = EC2Client.class.cast(view.unwrap(EC2ApiMetadata.CONTEXT_TOKEN).getApi())
KeyPairClient keyPairClient = EC2Client.class.cast(view.unwrap(EC2ApiMetadata.CONTEXT_TOKEN).getApi())
InstanceClient instanceClient = EC2Client.class.cast(view.unwrap(EC2ApiMetadata.CONTEXT_TOKEN).getApi())
String group = + "o";
TemplateOptions options = client.templateOptions();;
String startedId = null;
try {
cleanupExtendedStuffInRegion(null, securityGroupClient, keyPairClient, group);
// create a security group that allows ssh in so that our scripts later
// will work
securityGroupClient.createSecurityGroupInRegion(null, group, group);
securityGroupClient.authorizeSecurityGroupIngressInRegion(null, group, IpProtocol.TCP, 22, 22, "");
// create a keypair to pass in as well
KeyPair result = keyPairClient.createKeyPairInRegion(null, group);;
// pass in the private key, so that we can run a script with it
assert result.getKeyMaterial() != null : result;
// an arbitrary command to run
options.runScript(Statements.exec("find /usr"));
Set<? extends NodeMetadata> nodes = client.createNodesInGroup(group, 1, options);
NodeMetadata first = Iterables.get(nodes, 0);
assert first.getCredentials() != null : first;
assert first.getCredentials().identity != null : first;
startedId = Iterables.getOnlyElement(nodes).getProviderId();
RunningInstance instance = getInstance(instanceClient, startedId);
assertEquals(instance.getKeyName(), group);
// make sure we made our dummy group and also let in the user's group
assertEquals(Sets.newTreeSet(instance.getGroupNames()), ImmutableSortedSet.<String> of("jclouds#" + group + "#"
+ instance.getRegion(), group));
// make sure our dummy group has no rules
SecurityGroup secgroup = Iterables.getOnlyElement(securityGroupClient.describeSecurityGroupsInRegion(null,
"jclouds#" + group + "#" + instance.getRegion()));
assert secgroup.size() == 0 : secgroup;
// try to run a script with the original keyPair
runScriptWithCreds(group, first.getOperatingSystem(),
} finally {
if (startedId != null) {
// ensure we didn't delete these resources!
assertEquals(keyPairClient.describeKeyPairsInRegion(null, group).size(), 1);
assertEquals(securityGroupClient.describeSecurityGroupsInRegion(null, group).size(), 1);
cleanupExtendedStuffInRegion(null, securityGroupClient, keyPairClient, group);