Set<? extends NodeMetadata> nodes =
context.getComputeService().createNodesInGroup(group, 1);
assertEquals(nodes.size(), 1, "One node should have been created");
// Get public IPs (We should get 1)
NodeMetadata node = Iterables.get(nodes, 0);
String region = node.getLocation().getParent().getId();
Set<String> publicIps = node.getPublicAddresses();
assertFalse(Iterables.isEmpty(publicIps), String.format("no public addresses attached to node %s", node));
assertEquals(Iterables.size(publicIps), 1);
// Check that the address is public and port 22 is accessible
String ip = Iterables.getOnlyElement(publicIps);
HostAndPort socket = HostAndPort.fromParts(ip, 22);
assertTrue(socketTester.apply(socket), String.format("failed to open socket %s on node %s", socket, node));
// check that there is an elastic ip correlating to it
EC2Client ec2 = EC2Client.class.cast(context.unwrap(EC2ApiMetadata.CONTEXT_TOKEN).getApi());
Set<PublicIpInstanceIdPair> ipidpairs =
ec2.getElasticIPAddressServices().describeAddressesInRegion(region, publicIps.toArray(new String[0]));
assertEquals(ipidpairs.size(), 1, String.format("there should only be one address pair (%s)",
// check that the elastic ip is in node.publicAddresses
PublicIpInstanceIdPair ipidpair = Iterables.get(ipidpairs, 0);
assertEquals(region + "/" + ipidpair.getInstanceId(), node.getId());
// delete the node
// check that the ip is deallocated